00535+4953 TDS 1659

00h 53m 27.84s +49° 53' 00.8" P.A. 65.00 sep 1.8 mag 12.14,12.34
Coord 2000 00535+4953 Discov num TDS1659 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 53 27.84 +49 53 00.8
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 65 Pa last 64.9 P.A. Now (θ) 64.9°
Sep first 1.8 Sep last 1.76 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.76"
Mag pri 12.14 Mag sec 12.34 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +001 Sec motion ra +001
Pri motion dec -005 Sec motion dec -005
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 3270-00359-1 Gaia DR2 414896898812890496
WDS 00535+4953 TDS 1659 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00535+4953 TDS1659 1991 1 65 1.8 12.14 12.34 005327.84+495300.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00535+4953 TDS 1659 : MEASURES
No records found.


00535+4953 TDS1659A mag 12.14 00535+4953 TDS1659B sep 1.3 P.A. 54.00 mag 12.34 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00535+4953 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 53m 27.84s +49° 53' 00.8"
WDS 00535+4953 TDS 1659 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00535+4953  TDS1659 distance=0' 00530+4935  COU2155 distance=19' 00549+4924  HU  802 distance=32' 00501+5006  TDS  30 distance=35' 00580+4954  ES 1053 distance=45' 00540+5037  KPP1809 distance=45' 00580+5013  HJ 1058 distance=49' 00504+5038  BU  232AB distance=54' 00504+5038  BU  232AB,C distance=54' 00591+5000  BVD 177 distance=55' 00485+5026  TDS1622 distance=59' 00520+4855  HU  516 distance=62' 00539+4851  TDS  32 distance=62' 00518+5053  TDS1640 distance=63' 00599+4935  HJ 1062 distance=65' 00590+4913  ES 1204 distance=67' 00468+5016  ES  447 distance=69' 00458+4951  ES  446 distance=74' 00542+5108  HU 1018 distance=76' 01010+4930  TDS1716 distance=77' 01015+4932  ES   45 distance=81' 00531+4830  GIC9003 distance=84' 00585+4843  COU2254 distance=86' 00449+4925  COU2154 distance=89' 00441+4952  TDS1590 distance=91' 00578+5114  KPP  65 distance=91' 00474+5106  H 5  82AB distance=93' 00474+5106  H 5  82AC distance=93' 00508+5123  OSO  11 distance=94' 01014+4900  TDS1721 distance=94' 01013+4853  ES 1205 distance=97' 00593+5113  TDS1706 distance=98' 00575+5124  TDS1679 distance=99' 00448+5046  HJ 1049 distance=99' 01024+5044  TDS1739 distance=100' 01035+5019  STF  83AB distance=100' 00583+5122  TDS1689 distance=101' 01026+4900  COU1855 distance=103' 00458+5108  GCB   1CD distance=104' 01037+5026  HU  517AB distance=104' 01037+5026  OLE   5AC distance=104' 00458+5108  BU  493A,CD distance=104' 00458+5108  BU  493 distance=104' 00595+5122  TDS1707 distance=106' 00480+5127  ES 2737CD distance=107' 00480+5127  STF  59AB distance=108' 00480+5127  STF  59AC distance=108' 01016+5108  TDS1726 distance=109' 00518+4803  A   812 distance=111' 01010+4830  COU2256 distance=112' 01042+5038  HU  518AB distance=112' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00535+4953 TDS1659 65 1.8 0
Show 00530+4935 COU2155 27 0.8 19
Show 00549+4924 HU 802 220 0.3 32
Show 00501+5006 TDS 30 186 0.9 35
Show 00580+4954 ES 1053 82 5.5 45
Show 00540+5037 KPP1809 287 14.1 45
Show 00580+5013 HJ 1058 280 11.8 49
Show 00504+5038 BU 232 AB 256 0.9 54
Show 00504+5038 BU 232 AB,C 299 24.5 54
Show 00591+5000 BVD 177 273 12.2 55
Show 00485+5026 TDS1622 23 0.6 59
Show 00520+4855 HU 516 111 1.3 62
Show 00539+4851 TDS 32 120 1.9 62
Show 00518+5053 TDS1640 309 0.7 63
Show 00599+4935 HJ 1062 104 10.6 65
Show 00590+4913 ES 1204 346 3.7 67
Show 00468+5016 ES 447 279 5.9 69
Show 00458+4951 ES 446 257 13.8 74
Show 00542+5108 HU 1018 59 0.9 76
Show 01010+4930 TDS1716 242 0.6 77
Show 01015+4932 ES 45 244 7.9 81
Show 00531+4830 GIC9003 20 1.2 84
Show 00585+4843 COU2254 162 0.4 86
Show 00449+4925 COU2154 319 1.1 89
Show 00441+4952 TDS1590 103 1.7 91
Show 00578+5114 KPP 65 216 4.8 91
Show 00474+5106 H 5 82 AB 75 56.8 93
Show 00474+5106 H 5 82 AC 282 101.8 93
Show 00508+5123 OSO 11 220 19.0 94
Show 01014+4900 TDS1721 259 0.5 94
Show 01013+4853 ES 1205 115 2.9 97
Show 00593+5113 TDS1706 151 0.3 98
Show 00575+5124 TDS1679 347 1.5 99
Show 00448+5046 HJ 1049 305 14.2 99
Show 01024+5044 TDS1739 80 0.6 100
Show 01035+5019 STF 83 AB 313 29.2 100
Show 00583+5122 TDS1689 186 0.6 101
Show 01026+4900 COU1855 104 0.9 103
Show 00458+5108 GCB 1 CD 160 3.7 104
Show 01037+5026 HU 517 AB 28 0.6 104
Show 01037+5026 OLE 5 AC 188 35.8 104
Show 00458+5108 BU 493 A,CD 217 90.1 104
Show 00458+5108 BU 493 53 0.9 104
Show 00595+5122 TDS1707 30 1.4 106
Show 00480+5127 ES 2737 CD 152 10.6 107
Show 00480+5127 STF 59 AB 149 2.3 108
Show 00480+5127 STF 59 AC 124 31.5 108
Show 01016+5108 TDS1726 29 0.5 109
Show 00518+4803 A 812 327 1.8 111
Show 01010+4830 COU2256 127 0.6 112
Show 01042+5038 HU 518 AB 359 0.1 112

WDS 00535+4953 : COMPONENTS
B pa=54.0°
00535+4953 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005327.84+495300.8 Mag 12.14 PmRA 1.00 PmDE -5.0
Tycho2 3270-00359-1
Tycho2 3270-00359-1 Pflag RAmdeg 13.36663674 DEmdeg 49.88376780
PmRA 0.7 PmDE -4.7 E RAmdeg 73 E DEmdeg 83
E pmRA 2.5 E pmDE 2.4 EpRAm 1981.18 EpDEm 1974.65
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.1 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 0.7 BTmag 12.372 E BTmag 0.165 VTmag 12.203
E VTmag 0.182 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 13.36663417 DEdeg 49.88377806 EpRA 1990 1.88
EpDE 1990 1.91 E RAdeg 77.6 E DEdeg 92.7 Posflg
Corr 0.0
00535+4953 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005327.95+495301.5 Mag 12.34 PmRA 1.00 PmDE -5.0
Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes