Please note: this site is experimental, data may be cancelled anytime, nothing is due. Read the
disclaimer for more information.
Stelle Doppie contains:
155585 records from the WDS catalog (Release 2023-08-11)
3579 records from the ORBIT6 catalog with 2988 matches (Release 2023-08-11)
30279 records matched to HIPPARCOS catalog
96191 records matched to Tycho-2
47569 records matched to Henry Draper (HD) catalog
6568 records matched to Harvard Revised (HR) catalog
35950 records matched to SAO catalog
136439 records matched to Gaia DR2
289 common star names
486 double star reports (421 distinct doubles)
615 measured
If you're a newcomer, you could ask yourself: and now what I have to do?
Ok, don't panic. First, click on the
Database tab and look at the left vertical bar: I prepared ready-to-use double star selections for you.
Just click on the names, for example the
most populars doubles list or the
three stars systems list
Next, I suggest to
register yourself choosing a username and password: once you're logged in, use the Setup tab to setup your site's preferences.
Remember to input your telescope's diameter (aperture): by means of the Dawes formula I can calculate the minimum separation between two stars permitted by your instrument, so you can filter out doubles too close to be seen.
Have fun!
This site is maintained during my spare time.
If you find it useful and you want to contribute, you can make a welcomed donation.
StelleDoppie version 3.0
This major release is due to heavy modifications of the internal procedures.
[upd] PHP 8.1 compliant
[fix] total ok and ko in workbench import list where off
[fix] many common names not found (ie. Theta 1 Orionis)
[fix] many doubles where assigned to incorrect constellation
[fix] Xi scorpii is not Grafias (thank you, Vincenzo)
[upd] dawes limit from 120 to 116
[new] in Misc tab, added JD to date calculation
[upd] shared lists cannot be named "default"
[upd] improved search of objects in list import
[new] improved search, ie. DM number
[mod] ALTERNATIVE display list now contains bayer and flamsteed column
[upd] WDS History Data section was moved into Notes tab
[upd] external libraries upgraded to latest version
[fix] left bar ware overimposed to Aladin image when expanted to the max sceen size
[new] used official IAU names for stars
[mod] calc_delta_mag is referred to the primary star A not the sum of two components
[mod] removed the blank left margin when printing
[mod] sep_last and pa_last take their data to wds precise file, if available
[mod] sep_now and pa_now take their data from orbit file, otherwise from precise wds
[upd] orbit6 matching more precise (400+ more doubles)
[new] a greek letter is displayed in bayer name, other than latin transliteration
[new] in the components tab it is displayed if the coordinate is calculated
[new] coord_calc showed if the coordinates from the WDS are different from calculations
[upd] visual detectable stars warns in System Components how many stars you could see
[fix] many, many, many bugs fixed
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Version: 3.0.6
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