01218-2408 SEE 13 (HD 8281)

01h 21m 46.64s -24° 07' 41.0" P.A. 177.00 sep 1.3 mag 8.89,9.29 Sp G1V dist. 86.06 pc (280.73 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01218-2408 Discov num SEE  13 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 21 46.64 -24 07 41.0
Date first 1897 Date last 2016 Obs 31
Pa first 126 Pa last 176.6 P.A. Now (θ) 176.6°
Sep first 0.2 Sep last 1.265 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.265"
Mag pri 8.89 Mag sec 9.29 delta mag (ΔM) 0.4 Spectral class G1V (yellow)
Pri motion ra +073 Sec motion ra +073
Pri motion dec +027 Sec motion dec +027
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 8281 Constellation Cetus SAO 166988 HIP 6367
Tycho2 6425-01613-1 Gaia DR2 5040507858341584768 HD 8281 ADS 1102
CD CD-24 588 CP CP-24 155 Distance 86.06 Distance ly 280.73
Period (P)1530.34y Periastron (T)1846.51y Semi-major axis (a)2.021a
Eccentricity (e)0.9 Inclination (i)67.2° Longitude of periastron (ω)148.1°
Node (Ω)207° Notesn ReferenceHrt2001b
Equinox2000 Last observation1991 Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 174.4 1.197
2001 174.5 1.204
2002 174.6 1.211
2003 174.7 1.218
2004 174.8 1.225
2005 174.9 1.232
2006 175.0 1.239
2007 175.2 1.246
2008 175.3 1.253
2009 175.4 1.260
2010 175.5 1.267
2011 175.6 1.273
2012 175.7 1.280
2013 175.8 1.287
2014 175.9 1.294
2015 176.0 1.301
2016 176.0 1.308
2017 176.1 1.314
2018 176.2 1.321
2019 176.3 1.328
2020 176.4 1.335
2021 176.5 1.341
2022 176.6 1.348
2023 176.7 1.355
2024 176.8 1.361
2025 176.9 1.368
2026 177.0 1.375
2027 177.0 1.381
2028 177.1 1.388
2029 177.2 1.394
2030 177.3 1.401
2031 177.4 1.407
2032 177.5 1.414
2033 177.5 1.421
2034 177.6 1.427
2035 177.7 1.434
2036 177.8 1.440
2037 177.9 1.446
2038 177.9 1.453
2039 178.0 1.459
2040 178.1 1.466
2041 178.2 1.472
2042 178.2 1.478
2043 178.3 1.485
2044 178.4 1.491
2045 178.4 1.497
2046 178.5 1.504
2047 178.6 1.510
2048 178.7 1.516
2049 178.7 1.523
2050 178.8 1.529

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds01218-2408a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic