00028-4404 TDS 1268

00h 02m 46.09s -44° 04' 29.1" P.A. 93.00 sep 0.9 mag 11.50,12.37
Coord 2000 00028-4404 Discov num TDS1268 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 02 46.09 -44 04 29.1
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 93 Pa last 93.2 P.A. Now (θ) 93.2°
Sep first 0.9 Sep last 0.86 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.86"
Mag pri 11.50 Mag sec 12.37 delta mag (ΔM) 0.87 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +006 Sec motion ra +006
Pri motion dec -020 Sec motion dec -020
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Phoenix Tycho2 7529-00707-1 Gaia DR2 4994579539663296512
WDS 00028-4404 TDS 1268 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00028-4404 TDS1268 1991 1 93 0.9 11.50 12.37 000246.09-440429.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00028-4404 TDS 1268 : MEASURES
No records found.


00028-4404 TDS1268A mag 11.5 00028-4404 TDS1268B sep 0.6 P.A. 94.40 mag 12.37 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00028-4404 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 02m 46.09s -44° 04' 29.1"
WDS 00028-4404 TDS 1268 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00028-4404  TDS1268 distance=0' 00003-4417  I  1477 distance=30' 00043-4449  DON1057 distance=48' 00043-4304  UC  311 distance=63' 00040-4515  TVB  19 distance=73' 00035-4238  LDS3115 distance=88' 00084-4257  B  1406 distance=92' 00082-4515  UC  323 distance=92' 00010-4234  I  1088AB distance=93' 00010-4234  I  1088AC distance=93' 00099-4309  KPP2231 distance=96' 00023-4223  CBL 557 distance=102' 00052-4547  B   635 distance=106' 00037-4210  TDS1278 distance=116' 00136-4340  DON   1 distance=120' 00048-4603  KPP1385 distance=121' 00101-4601  KPP2852 distance=140' 00073-4153  CRU9001 distance=141' 00071-4152  TDS1299 distance=141' 00098-4202  TSN 119 distance=145' 00019-4137  I  1060 distance=148' 00166-4347  TDS1376 distance=151' 00026-4645  LIT   1 distance=161' 00170-4506  TDS1380 distance=165' 00148-4224  NSN 228 distance=166' 00153-4230  RST3344 distance=167' 00093-4132  UC  329 distance=169' 00003-4118  SKF1140 distance=169' 00152-4206  B  1407 distance=181' 00004-4711  HDS   1 distance=188' 00131-4128  WIS   4 distance=194' 00068-4055  RST1179 distance=195' 00027-4048  LDS5256 distance=196' 00106-4107  CRU9002 distance=198' 00114-4701  RST   2 distance=199' 00087-4057  TDS1311 distance=199' 00046-4044  GKI   2Ba,Bb distance=202' 00046-4044  ERO   1AB distance=202' 00185-4606  RST   3 distance=207' 00098-4054  WIS   3 distance=207' 00222-4353  HDS  50 distance=211' 00056-4734  UC  317 distance=212' 00212-4246  KO    1 distance=216' 00114-4049  BVD  63AB distance=218' 00154-4113  RST1182 distance=221' 00027-4753  TDS1267 distance=229' 00213-4217  DON   3 distance=229' 00121-4028  LDS   2 distance=239' 00113-4022  RST1180 distance=242' 00067-4803  CPO 105 distance=242' 00040-4808  COO 264 distance=244' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00028-4404 TDS1268 93 0.9 0
Show 00003-4417 I 1477 327 0.3 30
Show 00043-4449 DON1057 76 0.4 48
Show 00043-4304 UC 311 142 8.7 63
Show 00040-4515 TVB 19 235 5.1 73
Show 00035-4238 LDS3115 57 7.5 88
Show 00084-4257 B 1406 303 0.9 92
Show 00082-4515 UC 323 10 22.7 92
Show 00010-4234 I 1088 AB 354 1.7 93
Show 00010-4234 I 1088 AC 141 17.6 93
Show 00099-4309 KPP2231 185 18.5 96
Show 00023-4223 CBL 557 222 11.8 102
Show 00052-4547 B 635 333 1.5 106
Show 00037-4210 TDS1278 252 0.4 116
Show 00136-4340 DON 1 249 2.1 120
Show 00048-4603 KPP1385 61 10.4 121
Show 00101-4601 KPP2852 285 6.6 140
Show 00073-4153 CRU9001 10 79.8 141
Show 00071-4152 TDS1299 269 1.7 141
Show 00098-4202 TSN 119 117 0.1 145
Show 00019-4137 I 1060 37 0.7 148
Show 00166-4347 TDS1376 115 2.9 151
Show 00026-4645 LIT 1 138 8.5 161
Show 00170-4506 TDS1380 158 0.9 165
Show 00148-4224 NSN 228 171 1.4 166
Show 00153-4230 RST3344 3 0.1 167
Show 00093-4132 UC 329 326 31.5 169
Show 00003-4118 SKF1140 290 17.3 169
Show 00152-4206 B 1407 75 1.2 181
Show 00004-4711 HDS 1 333 0.2 188
Show 00131-4128 WIS 4 208 144.7 194
Show 00068-4055 RST1179 106 1.3 195
Show 00027-4048 LDS5256 269 295.9 196
Show 00106-4107 CRU9002 42 92.4 198
Show 00114-4701 RST 2 67 0.6 199
Show 00087-4057 TDS1311 137 2.3 199
Show 00046-4044 GKI 2 Ba,Bb 44 0.1 202
Show 00046-4044 ERO 1 AB 259 18.3 202
Show 00185-4606 RST 3 131 2.2 207
Show 00098-4054 WIS 3 208 616.2 207
Show 00222-4353 HDS 50 357 14.5 211
Show 00056-4734 UC 317 177 10.6 212
Show 00212-4246 KO 1 317 77.8 216
Show 00114-4049 BVD 63 AB 126 68.6 218
Show 00154-4113 RST1182 147 0.9 221
Show 00027-4753 TDS1267 109 0.6 229
Show 00213-4217 DON 3 120 2.6 229
Show 00121-4028 LDS 2 288 12.7 239
Show 00113-4022 RST1180 56 1.3 242
Show 00067-4803 CPO 105 68 3.6 242
Show 00040-4808 COO 264 58 3.2 244

WDS 00028-4404 : COMPONENTS
B pa=94.4°
00028-4404 A
Coord arcsec 2000 000246.09-440429.1 Mag 11.5 PmRA 6.00 PmDE -20.0
Tycho2 7529-00707-1
Tycho2 7529-00707-1 Pflag RAmdeg 0.69210914 DEmdeg -44.07475001
PmRA 6.3 PmDE -19.7 E RAmdeg 35 E DEmdeg 44
E pmRA 2.2 E pmDE 2.1 EpRAm 1988.63 EpDEm 1986.20
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.1 Q DEmdeg 0.7 Q pmRA 0.1
Q pmDE 0.7 BTmag 11.945 E BTmag 0.079 VTmag 11.172
E VTmag 0.061 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 0.69208917 DEdeg -44.07470389 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.59 E RAdeg 35.8 E DEdeg 45.0 Posflg
Corr 0.0
00028-4404 B
Coord arcsec 2000 000246.15-440429.1 Mag 12.37 PmRA 6.00 PmDE -20.0
Calc delta mag 0.87 Calc coord yes