01222+2209 CRC 44

01h 22m 10.28s +22° 09' 03.2" P.A. 353.00 sep 0.3 mag 10.40,11.30 Sp M4.5V
Coord 2000 01222+2209 Discov num CRC  44 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 22 10.28 +22 09 03.2
Date first 2015 Date last 2021 Obs 8
Pa first 175 Pa last 353.4 P.A. Now (θ) 353.4°
Sep first 0.3 Sep last 0.306 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.306"
Mag pri 10.40 Mag sec 11.30 delta mag (ΔM) 0.9 Spectral class M4.5V (red)
Pri motion ra +226 Sec motion ra +226
Pri motion dec -143 Sec motion dec -143
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pisces
WDS 01222+2209 CRC 44 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CRC Cortes-Contreras, M., Caballero, J.A. & Montes, D.
2 CRC Cortes-Contreras, M., Bejar, V.J.S., Caballero, J.A., Gauza, B., Montes, D.,
2 CRC Alonso-Floriano, F.J., Jeffers, S.V., Morales, J.C., Reiners, A., Ribas, I.,
2 CRC Schofer, P., Quirrenbach, A., Amado, P.J., Mundt, R. & Seifert, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01222+2209 CRC 44 2015 1 175 0.3 8.80 9.70 M4.5V VK 012210.28+220903.2
01222+2209 CRC 44 2019 2 18 0.1 8.80 9.70 M4.5V VK 012210.28+220903.2
01222+2209 CRC 44 2020 6 0 0.2 10.40 11.30 M4.5V V R 012210.28+220903.2
01222+2209 CRC 44 2021 8 353 0.3 10.40 11.30 M4.5V V R 012210.28+220903.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01222+2209 CRC 44 : MEASURES
No records found.


01222+2209 CRC  44A mag 10.4 Sp M4.5V 01222+2209 CRC  44B sep 0.3 P.A. 353.90 mag 11.3 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01222+2209 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 22m 10.28s +22° 09' 03.2"
Primaries only

01222+2209  CRC  44 distance=0' 01224+2205  KPP3454AB distance=6' 01216+2123  A  1906 distance=47' 01203+2122  A  1905 distance=54' 01265+2146  WIS  32 distance=64' 01265+2233  KPP1746 distance=65' 01252+2302  GRV  86 distance=69' 01266+2108  BRT2305 distance=87' 01168+2255  LAS  19 distance=88' 01232+2335  POU 124 distance=88' 01175+2105  STF 107 distance=92' 01256+2331  TOK  11 distance=95' 01153+2234  J  3226 distance=100' 01291+2143  HO    9AB distance=100' 01291+2143  HO    9AD distance=100' 01276+2104  COU 148 distance=100' 01291+2143  HO    9BC distance=101' 01213+2349  POU 120 distance=101' 01296+2156  A  1909 distance=105' 01208+2355  LDS 877 distance=109' 01211+2359  POU 119 distance=112' 01297+2250  A  1910AB distance=112' 01297+2250  A  1910AB,C distance=112' 01210+2405  POU 118 distance=118' 01244+2403  POU 125 distance=119' 01279+2344  POU 131 distance=124' 01221+2414  POU 123 distance=126' 01168+2023  SKF2667 distance=130' 01132+2300  CVR1066 distance=135' 01308+2311  HDS 197 distance=135' 01189+2422  POU 115 distance=140' 01240+1950  HO  309AB distance=142' 01240+1950  HO  309AC distance=142' 01240+1950  LV   15AD distance=142' 01216+2435  POU 121 distance=147' 01326+2240  J  3331 distance=148' 01117+2243  COU 147 distance=150' 01204+2437  POU 117 distance=150' 01218+2439  POU 122 distance=152' 01248+2438  UC  554 distance=154' 01179+1943  NSN  14AB distance=158' 01292+2004  A  2214 distance=160' 01144+2012  HJ 2029 distance=160' 01167+2430  LEP   4 distance=160' 01140+2015  TDS1809 distance=162' 01153+2423  POU 114 distance=164' 01250+2448  KPP2204 distance=164' 01196+2450  CBL 209 distance=165' 01246+2450  J   639 distance=165' 01203+1926  LDS3263 distance=166' 01172+2440  SLN   3 distance=166' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01222+2209 CRC 44 353 0.3 0
Show 01224+2205 KPP3454 AB 159 39.3 6
Show 01216+2123 A 1906 38 4.8 47
Show 01203+2122 A 1905 332 1.8 54
Show 01265+2146 WIS 32 40 999.9 64
Show 01265+2233 KPP1746 241 13.5 65
Show 01252+2302 GRV 86 64 30.6 69
Show 01266+2108 BRT2305 280 3.0 87
Show 01168+2255 LAS 19 264 5.6 88
Show 01232+2335 POU 124 96 4.2 88
Show 01175+2105 STF 107 69 21.1 92
Show 01256+2331 TOK 11 70 1.5 95
Show 01153+2234 J 3226 84 3.7 100
Show 01291+2143 HO 9 AB 41 52.0 100
Show 01291+2143 HO 9 AD 218 82.2 100
Show 01276+2104 COU 148 247 1.2 100
Show 01291+2143 HO 9 BC 93 3.0 101
Show 01213+2349 POU 120 285 7.9 101
Show 01296+2156 A 1909 122 2.0 105
Show 01208+2355 LDS 877 280 67.1 109
Show 01211+2359 POU 119 68 18.2 112
Show 01297+2250 A 1910 AB 176 0.2 112
Show 01297+2250 A 1910 AB,C 352 18.8 112
Show 01210+2405 POU 118 213 12.8 118
Show 01244+2403 POU 125 325 4.7 119
Show 01279+2344 POU 131 18 3.5 124
Show 01221+2414 POU 123 184 14.2 126
Show 01168+2023 SKF2667 131 1.2 130
Show 01132+2300 CVR1066 86 4.0 135
Show 01308+2311 HDS 197 162 0.1 135
Show 01189+2422 POU 115 217 12.1 140
Show 01240+1950 HO 309 AB 22 3.2 142
Show 01240+1950 HO 309 AC 93 47.4 142
Show 01240+1950 LV 15 AD 51 38.6 142
Show 01216+2435 POU 121 334 9.0 147
Show 01326+2240 J 3331 277 3.2 148
Show 01117+2243 COU 147 279 3.8 150
Show 01204+2437 POU 117 25 12.9 150
Show 01218+2439 POU 122 55 4.9 152
Show 01248+2438 UC 554 220 11.6 154
Show 01179+1943 NSN 14 AB 119 3.9 158
Show 01292+2004 A 2214 216 0.7 160
Show 01144+2012 HJ 2029 215 16.6 160
Show 01167+2430 LEP 4 259 15.0 160
Show 01140+2015 TDS1809 94 0.4 162
Show 01153+2423 POU 114 192 10.6 164
Show 01250+2448 KPP2204 85 18.2 164
Show 01196+2450 CBL 209 266 64.5 165
Show 01246+2450 J 639 126 4.8 165
Show 01203+1926 LDS3263 74 196.3 166
Show 01172+2440 SLN 3 257 5.0 166

WDS 01222+2209 : COMPONENTS
B pa=353.9°
01222+2209 A
Coord arcsec 2000 012210.28+220903.2 Mag 10.4 Spectral class M4.5V (red) PmRA 226.00
PmDE -143.0
01222+2209 B
Coord arcsec 2000 012210.28+220903.5 Mag 11.3 PmRA 226.00 PmDE -143.0
Calc delta mag 0.9 Calc coord yes