23356+0823 VIG 22

23h 35m 36.15s +08° 22' 57.4" P.A. 29.00 sep 8.8 mag 7.35,23.00 Sp F0 dist. 68.45 pc (223.28 l.y.)
Coord 2000 23356+0823 Discov num VIG  22 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 35 36.15 +08 22 57.4
Date first 2007 Date last 2008 Obs 2
Pa first 29 Pa last 28.5 P.A. Now (θ) 28.5°
Sep first 8.7 Sep last 8.761 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.761"
Mag pri 7.35 Mag sec 23.00 delta mag (ΔM) 15.65 Spectral class F0 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +065 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -041 Sec motion dec
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pegasus SAO 128272 HIP 116431 Tycho2 1169-01374-1
Gaia DR2 2758229582334976512 HD 221853 GC 32805 BD BD+07 5060
Distance 68.45 Distance ly 223.28
WDS 23356+0823 VIG 22 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
VIG 22 The B component appears to be a faint background star. Vig2012
refcode metd author reference
Vig2012 A - Vigan, A., Patience, J., Marois, C., Bonavita, M., DeRosa, R.J., Macintosh, B., 2012A&A...544A...9V
Vig2012 Song, I., Royon, R., Zuckerman, B., Lafreniere, D., & Barman, T.
Vig2012 A&A 544, A9, 2012
Vig2012 (measures include 5-sigma detection limits for separations 0.5" - 10")
idgroup discov author
1 VIG Vigan, A., Patience, J., Marois, C., Bonavita, M., DeRosa, R.J., Macintosh, B.,
1 VIG Song, I., Royon, R., Zuckerman, B., Lafreniere, D., & Barman, T.
3 VIG Vigan, A., Bonnefoy, M., Ginski, C., Beust, H., Galicher, R., Janson, M.,
3 VIG Baudino, J.-L., Buenzli, E., Hagelberg, J., D’Orazi, V., Desidera, S.,
3 VIG Maire, A.-L., et al.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23356+0823 VIG 22 2008 2 29 8.8 7.35 23.00 F0 N 233536.15+082257.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23356+0823 VIG 22 : MEASURES
No records found.


23356+0823 VIG  22A mag 7.35 Sp F0 23356+0823 VIG  22B sep 8.7 P.A. 28.20 mag 23 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23356+0823 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 35m 36.15s +08° 22' 57.4"
Primaries only

23356+0823  VIG  22 distance=0' 23355+0850  BRT3372 distance=28' 23342+0759  TDT4102 distance=33' 23360+0858  SLW1328 distance=36' 23374+0753  HJ 3207 distance=40' 23346+0743  GWP3323 distance=43' 23374+0737  FOX 102AB distance=53' 23374+0737  FOX 102AB,C distance=53' 23356+0918  SLW1326 distance=56' 23396+0838  GWP3342 distance=62' 23311+0841  GIC 194 distance=70' 23343+0932  TOK 907 distance=72' 23405+0819  GWP3345 distance=74' 23306+0818  GWP3313 distance=75' 23377+0929  HJ 3208 distance=75' 23305+0844  J   298 distance=79' 23310+0744  YSC  76 distance=80' 23409+0759  BU  724 distance=82' 23296+0814  SKF2781 distance=89' 23322+0705  HU  298 distance=93' 23309+0929  STT 497 distance=96' 23298+0737  FMR 237 distance=99' 23309+0710  UC 4974 distance=101' 23380+0645  GWP3335 distance=105' 23418+0914  UC  294 distance=106' 23399+0950  SKF1784 distance=108' 23286+0822  GOM  33 distance=112' 23370+0630  BRT2195 distance=114' 23280+0853  LDS5093 distance=118' 23277+0851  MMA  40 distance=121' 23426+0924  GRV 684 distance=122' 23285+0926  YSC 138 distance=123' 23299+0652  GWP3309 distance=125' 23375+0619  SLW1329 distance=128' 23288+0703  KPP3426 distance=129' 23287+0703  CRB  22BC distance=129' 23287+0703  CBL 549AB distance=130' 23287+0703  CBL 549AC distance=130' 23317+1021  HJ 3198 distance=132' 23445+0830  HDS3374 distance=133' 23273+0926  ROE 103 distance=138' 23343+1040  GWP3322 distance=139' 23439+0715  STF3033 distance=142' 23452+0814  STF3035AB distance=144' 23452+0814  WSI  95Aa,Ab distance=144' 23412+0616  STF3031 distance=152' 23410+0613  WIS 390 distance=153' 23382+1055  GRV 680 distance=158' 23261+0937  GWP3298 distance=159' 23279+1018  ROE 136 distance=162' 23280+1024  ROE 137 distance=166' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23356+0823 VIG 22 29 8.8 0
Show 23355+0850 BRT3372 120 5.5 28
Show 23342+0759 TDT4102 47 1.2 33
Show 23360+0858 SLW1328 225 87.6 36
Show 23374+0753 HJ 3207 243 7.0 40
Show 23346+0743 GWP3323 21 10.9 43
Show 23374+0737 FOX 102 AB 115 0.2 53
Show 23374+0737 FOX 102 AB,C 276 42.1 53
Show 23356+0918 SLW1326 157 131.7 56
Show 23396+0838 GWP3342 348 5.9 62
Show 23311+0841 GIC 194 359 30.7 70
Show 23343+0932 TOK 907 203 0.4 72
Show 23405+0819 GWP3345 199 172.5 74
Show 23306+0818 GWP3313 294 21.4 75
Show 23377+0929 HJ 3208 153 12.0 75
Show 23305+0844 J 298 123 4.9 79
Show 23310+0744 YSC 76 160 0.5 80
Show 23409+0759 BU 724 100 0.6 82
Show 23296+0814 SKF2781 228 8.8 89
Show 23322+0705 HU 298 241 0.1 93
Show 23309+0929 STT 497 217 1.6 96
Show 23298+0737 FMR 237 271 3.1 99
Show 23309+0710 UC 4974 202 17.4 101
Show 23380+0645 GWP3335 299 331.6 105
Show 23418+0914 UC 294 254 29.9 106
Show 23399+0950 SKF1784 344 2.4 108
Show 23286+0822 GOM 33 269 480.6 112
Show 23370+0630 BRT2195 170 4.2 114
Show 23280+0853 LDS5093 245 2.5 118
Show 23277+0851 MMA 40 268 15.2 121
Show 23426+0924 GRV 684 222 15.2 122
Show 23285+0926 YSC 138 343 0.1 123
Show 23299+0652 GWP3309 99 59.1 125
Show 23375+0619 SLW1329 73 16.4 128
Show 23288+0703 KPP3426 326 14.9 129
Show 23287+0703 CRB 22 BC 146 14.9 129
Show 23287+0703 CBL 549 AB 74 97.5 130
Show 23287+0703 CBL 549 AC 82 103.2 130
Show 23317+1021 HJ 3198 76 9.8 132
Show 23445+0830 HDS3374 41 0.7 133
Show 23273+0926 ROE 103 130 2.3 138
Show 23343+1040 GWP3322 41 35.1 139
Show 23439+0715 STF3033 183 3.1 142
Show 23452+0814 STF3035 AB 311 28.1 144
Show 23452+0814 WSI 95 Aa,Ab 14 1.2 144
Show 23412+0616 STF3031 311 13.9 152
Show 23410+0613 WIS 390 355 866.5 153
Show 23382+1055 GRV 680 38 56.1 158
Show 23261+0937 GWP3298 196 8.3 159
Show 23279+1018 ROE 136 270 7.2 162
Show 23280+1024 ROE 137 62 8.5 166

WDS 23356+0823 : COMPONENTS
B pa=28.2°
23356+0823 A
Coord arcsec 2000 233536.15+082257.4 Mag 7.35 Spectral class F0 (yellow-white) PmRA 65.00
PmDE -41.0 SAO 128272 HIP 116431 Tycho2 1169-01374-1
HD 221853 GC 32805 BD BD+07 5060
Tycho2 1169-01374-1 Pflag RAmdeg 353.90063346 DEmdeg 8.38261090
PmRA 64.3 PmDE -42.0 E RAmdeg 6 E DEmdeg 6
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1991.29 EpDEm 1991.14
Num 10 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 0.5 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 0.5 BTmag 7.824 E BTmag 0.017 VTmag 7.388
E VTmag 0.012 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 116431
CCDM RAdeg 353.90048417 DEdeg 8.38270889 EpRA 1990 1.73
EpDE 1990 1.58 E RAdeg 6.0 E DEdeg 6.4 Posflg
Corr -0.1
SAO 128272 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0047
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.032 Vmag 7.3 SpType F0
Double code Source 70 CatNum 32805 DM BD+07 5060
DMcomp BDsup HD 221853 M HD 0
GC 32805 RA1950rad 6.16561279 DE1950rad 0.14148687 PmRA2000 0.0048
PmDE2000 -0.038
Catalog H HIP 116431 Proxy RAhms 23 35 36.11
DEdms +08 22 57.8 Vmag 7.35 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 353.9 DEdeg 8.38272 AstroRef Plx 14.04
CCDM N CCDM Nsys Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 221853 BD BD+07 5060
CD CP Dm number +07 5060 VIred 0.47
SpType F0 R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 233536.11+082257.8
Hipparcos 2
HIP 116431 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 6.1767285502 DErad 0.1463060194 Plx 14.61 PmRA 65.37
PmDE -40.79 E RArad 0.61 E DErad 0.54 E Plx 0.7
E pmRA 0.7 E pmDE 0.52 Hpmag 7.4438 E Hpmag 0.0012
SHp 0.01 VA 0 BV 0.405 E BV 0.015
VI 0.47
23356+0823 B
Coord arcsec 2000 233536.43+082305.1 Mag 23 Calc delta mag 15.65 Calc coord yes