15038+4739 STF 1909 (44 Boo)

15h 03m 47.30s +47° 39' 14.6" P.A. 138.00 sep 0.2 mag 5.20,6.10 Sp F7V+K4V dist. 12.51 pc (40.81 l.y.)
Coord 2000 15038+4739 Discov num STF1909 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 15 03 47.30 +47 39 14.6
Date first 1819 Date last 2020 Obs 864
Pa first 228 Pa last 138 P.A. Now (θ) 200°
Sep first 1.5 Sep last 0.22 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.391"
Mag pri 5.20 Mag sec 6.10 delta mag (ΔM) 0.9 Spectral class F7V+K4V (yellow-white/yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -444 Sec motion ra -374
Pri motion dec +010 Sec motion dec +039
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
rPM=0.171 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Name 44 Boo Var name i Boo Constellation Bootes SAO 45357
HIP 73695 Tycho2 3484-01580-1 HD 133640 HR 5618
GC 20281 ADS 9494 GL Gl 575A BD BD+48 2259
Flamsteed 44 Bootis Flamsteed name 44 Boo Distance 12.51 Distance ly 40.81
Period (P)214.7628y± 2.2807 Periastron (T)2011.9704y± 0.1892 Semi-major axis (a)3.70131a± 0.02931
Eccentricity (e)0.5145± 0.00455 Inclination (i)83.708°± 0.093 Longitude of periastron (ω)39.146°± 0.813
Node (Ω)56.678°± 0.13 Notesn ReferenceIzm2019
Equinox Last observation2015 Grade2(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 53.9 2.020
2001 54.4 2.025
2002 54.9 2.022
2003 55.5 2.009
2004 56.0 1.986
2005 56.6 1.953
2006 57.1 1.909
2007 57.8 1.853
2008 58.4 1.785
2009 59.1 1.705
2010 59.9 1.613
2011 60.8 1.510
2012 61.8 1.396
2013 63.0 1.272
2014 64.5 1.139
2015 66.4 0.999
2016 68.9 0.854
2017 72.5 0.704
2018 78.0 0.555
2019 87.5 0.411
2020 106.1 0.287
2021 141.7 0.225
2022 179.4 0.273
2023 200.0 0.391
2024 210.4 0.534
2025 216.3 0.685
2026 220.1 0.838
2027 222.7 0.991
2028 224.6 1.142
2029 226.0 1.291
2030 227.2 1.437
2031 228.1 1.579
2032 228.9 1.719
2033 229.6 1.854
2034 230.2 1.987
2035 230.7 2.116
2036 231.2 2.241
2037 231.6 2.363
2038 231.9 2.481
2039 232.3 2.595
2040 232.6 2.707
2041 232.9 2.814
2042 233.1 2.919
2043 233.4 3.020
2044 233.6 3.117
2045 233.8 3.212
2046 234.0 3.303
2047 234.2 3.392
2048 234.4 3.477
2049 234.6 3.559
2050 234.7 3.639

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds15038%2B4739c.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic