10287+4558 A 1993 (HD 90619)

10h 28m 43.86s +45° 57' 51.1" P.A. 225.00 sep 0.3 mag 9.25,10.22 Sp G0 dist. 104.6 pc (341.21 l.y.)
Coord 2000 10287+4558 Discov num A  1993 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 28 43.86 +45 57 51.1
Date first 1909 Date last 2019 Obs 28
Pa first 46 Pa last 225.1 P.A. Now (θ) 225.1°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.33 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.33"
Mag pri 9.25 Mag sec 10.22 delta mag (ΔM) 0.97 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra -023 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +010 Sec motion dec
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 90619 Constellation Ursa Major SAO 43357 HIP 51301
Tycho2 3435-00973-1 Gaia DR2 833311758090538880 HD 90619 ADS 7785
BD BD+46 1631 Distance 104.6 Distance ly 341.21
Period (P)142.61y± 8.7 Periastron (T)2009.78y± 1.8 Semi-major axis (a)0.423a± 0.019
Eccentricity (e)0.655± 0.055 Inclination (i)49.6°± 4.2 Longitude of periastron (ω)80.8°± 1
Node (Ω)177.3°± 2.4 Notesn ReferenceLin2004a
Equinox2000 Last observation1997 Grade4(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 165.7 0.260
2001 169.2 0.247
2002 173.0 0.234
2003 177.3 0.219
2004 182.3 0.202
2005 188.3 0.183
2006 195.7 0.163
2007 205.3 0.142
2008 218.2 0.121
2009 235.9 0.104
2010 258.6 0.095
2011 282.6 0.099
2012 302.7 0.113
2013 317.5 0.133
2014 328.1 0.156
2015 336.0 0.179
2016 342.2 0.200
2017 347.2 0.221
2018 351.3 0.240
2019 354.9 0.258
2020 358.1 0.274
2021 0.9 0.289
2022 3.4 0.303
2023 5.7 0.316
2024 7.8 0.328
2025 9.8 0.339
2026 11.7 0.349
2027 13.5 0.358
2028 15.2 0.367
2029 16.8 0.376
2030 18.3 0.383
2031 19.8 0.391
2032 21.2 0.397
2033 22.6 0.404
2034 23.9 0.410
2035 25.2 0.415
2036 26.5 0.420
2037 27.7 0.425
2038 28.9 0.430
2039 30.1 0.434
2040 31.3 0.438
2041 32.4 0.441
2042 33.5 0.445
2043 34.7 0.448
2044 35.8 0.451
2045 36.8 0.453
2046 37.9 0.456
2047 39.0 0.458
2048 40.0 0.460
2049 41.1 0.462
2050 42.1 0.464

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds10287%2B4558a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic
Period (P)2137y Periastron (T)1991y Semi-major axis (a)2.046a
Eccentricity (e)0.822 Inclination (i)52.6° Longitude of periastron (ω)29.1°
Node (Ω)124.3° Notesn ReferenceLin2017b
Equinox2000 Last observation2017 Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 165.7 0.289
2001 168.7 0.285
2002 171.8 0.281
2003 174.9 0.278
2004 178.1 0.275
2005 181.3 0.273
2006 184.6 0.272
2007 187.9 0.271
2008 191.2 0.271
2009 194.6 0.271
2010 197.9 0.272
2011 201.1 0.274
2012 204.4 0.276
2013 207.5 0.279
2014 210.6 0.283
2015 213.6 0.287
2016 216.6 0.292
2017 219.4 0.297
2018 222.1 0.303
2019 224.7 0.309
2020 227.2 0.316
2021 229.6 0.323
2022 231.9 0.330
2023 234.1 0.338
2024 236.1 0.346
2025 238.1 0.355
2026 240.0 0.363
2027 241.8 0.372
2028 243.5 0.381
2029 245.2 0.390
2030 246.7 0.400
2031 248.2 0.409
2032 249.7 0.419
2033 251.0 0.429
2034 252.3 0.439
2035 253.6 0.449
2036 254.7 0.459
2037 255.9 0.469
2038 257.0 0.479
2039 258.0 0.489
2040 259.0 0.500
2041 260.0 0.510
2042 260.9 0.520
2043 261.8 0.530
2044 262.6 0.541
2045 263.4 0.551
2046 264.2 0.561
2047 265.0 0.572
2048 265.7 0.582
2049 266.4 0.592
2050 267.1 0.603

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds10287%2B4558b.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic