06425+6612 MLR 318 (HD 47215)

06h 42m 29.30s +66° 11' 52.1" P.A. 309.00 sep 1.7 mag 7.28,9.34 Sp F8 dist. 70.03 pc (228.44 l.y.)
Coord 2000 06425+6612 Discov num MLR 318 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 06 42 29.30 +66 11 52.1
Date first 1972 Date last 2016 Obs 19
Pa first 309 Pa last 309 P.A. Now (θ) 309°
Sep first 1.3 Sep last 1.702 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.702"
Mag pri 7.28 Mag sec 9.34 delta mag (ΔM) 2.06 Spectral class F8 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -011 Sec motion ra -011
Pri motion dec -026 Sec motion dec -026
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 47215 Constellation Camelopardalis SAO 13929 HIP 32117
Tycho2 4109-01426-1 Gaia DR2 1104102058758967424 HD 47215 GC 8705
BD BD+66 460 Distance 70.03 Distance ly 228.44
Period (P)417.209y± 52.787 Periastron (T)2278.12y± 83.805 Semi-major axis (a)1.2955a± 0.02819
Eccentricity (e)0.9434± 0.10249 Inclination (i)96.11°± 5.936 Longitude of periastron (ω)318.77°± 0.011
Node (Ω)122.34°± 5.96 Notesn ReferencePal2005b
Equinox2000 Last observation1995 Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 308.8 1.610
2001 308.8 1.617
2002 308.8 1.623
2003 308.7 1.629
2004 308.7 1.635
2005 308.7 1.641
2006 308.7 1.647
2007 308.7 1.653
2008 308.6 1.659
2009 308.6 1.664
2010 308.6 1.670
2011 308.6 1.676
2012 308.6 1.681
2013 308.6 1.687
2014 308.5 1.692
2015 308.5 1.697
2016 308.5 1.703
2017 308.5 1.708
2018 308.5 1.713
2019 308.4 1.718
2020 308.4 1.723
2021 308.4 1.728
2022 308.4 1.733
2023 308.4 1.738
2024 308.4 1.743
2025 308.3 1.748
2026 308.3 1.753
2027 308.3 1.757
2028 308.3 1.762
2029 308.3 1.766
2030 308.3 1.771
2031 308.2 1.775
2032 308.2 1.780
2033 308.2 1.784
2034 308.2 1.788
2035 308.2 1.792
2036 308.2 1.797
2037 308.2 1.801
2038 308.1 1.805
2039 308.1 1.809
2040 308.1 1.813
2041 308.1 1.816
2042 308.1 1.820
2043 308.1 1.824
2044 308.0 1.828
2045 308.0 1.831
2046 308.0 1.835
2047 308.0 1.838
2048 308.0 1.842
2049 308.0 1.845
2050 308.0 1.848

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds06425%2B6612b.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic