07204-3333 DAW 125 (HD 57575)

07h 20m 25.76s -33° 32' 56.5" P.A. 53.00 sep 2.0 mag 8.77,10.73 Sp F5IV/V
Coord 2000 07204-3333 Discov num DAW 125 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 07 20 25.76 -33 32 56.5
Date first 1922 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 50 Pa last 52.9 P.A. Now (θ) 52.9°
Sep first 2.1 Sep last 2.048 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.048"
Mag pri 8.77 Mag sec 10.73 delta mag (ΔM) 1.96 Spectral class F5IV/V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +004 Sec motion ra +006
Pri motion dec +003 Sec motion dec +000
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Name HD 57575 Constellation Puppis SAO 197871 Tycho2 7107-03885-1
Gaia DR2 5591126960659215488 HD 57575
WDS 07204-3333 DAW 125 (HD 57575) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Daw1918a Ma - Dawson, B.H. .
Daw1918a Pub. La Plata Obs. 4, Pt.1, 1918
Daw1918b Ma - Dawson, B.H. (measure by Chaves, A.J.) .
Daw1918b Pub. La Plata Obs. 4, Pt.1, 1918
Daw1919 orb - Dawson, B.H. 1919AJ.....32..109D
Daw1919 AJ 32, 109, 1919
Daw1920 orb - Dawson, B.H. 1920AJ.....32..141D
Daw1920 AJ 32, 141, 1920
Daw1920b orb - Dawson, B.H. 1920AJ.....32..161D
Daw1920b AJ 32, 161, 1920
Daw1922 Ma - Dawson, B.H. .
Daw1922 Pub. La Plata Obs. 4, Pt.2, 1922
Daw1922b orb - Dawson, B.H. 1922AJ.....34...17D
Daw1922b AJ 34, 17, 1922
Daw1924a Ma - Dawson, B.H. 1924AJ.....35..147D
Daw1924a AJ 35, 147, 1924 (DAW 112 - 158; data also in Daw1937)
Daw1924b orb - Dawson, B.H. 1924AJ.....36...23D
Daw1924b AJ 36, 23, 1924
Daw1926 orb - Dawson, B.H. 1926AJ.....36..181D
Daw1926 AJ 36, 181, 1926
Daw1927A Ma - Dawson, B.H. 1927sdsc.book......
Daw1927A cited in SDS (Southern Double Star Cat.), 1927
Daw1933 orb - Dawson, B.H. 1933AJ.....43...15D
Daw1933 AJ 43, 15, 1933
Daw1937 Ma - Dawson, B.H. .
Daw1937 Pub. La Plata Obs. 6, 85, 1937
Daw9999 Ma - Dawson, B.H. ...................
Daw9999 Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
07204-3333 DAW 125 1991 5 51 2.1 8.77 10.73 F5IV/V 072025.76-333256.5
07204-3333 DAW 125 2015 6 53 2.1 8.77 10.73 F5IV/V 072025.76-333256.5
07204-3333 DAW 125 2016 7 53 2.0 8.77 10.73 F5IV/V T 072025.76-333256.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 07204-3333 DAW 125 (HD 57575) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 07204-3333 (HD 57575) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

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WDS 07204-3333 (HD 57575) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @
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Not valid ID.
Error -22130
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