21328-6403 TDT 3023

21h 32m 48.08s -64° 02' 42.5" P.A. 1.00 sep 0.8 mag 12.01,12.31
Coord 2000 21328-6403 Discov num TDT3023 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 21 32 48.08 -64 02 42.5
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 1 Pa last 1.3 P.A. Now (θ) 1.3°
Sep first 0.8 Sep last 0.8 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.8"
Mag pri 12.01 Mag sec 12.31 delta mag (ΔM) 0.3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +004 Sec motion ra +004
Pri motion dec +003 Sec motion dec +003
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Indus Tycho2 9111-00918-1 Gaia DR2 6403058985727165568
WDS 21328-6403 TDT 3023 : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21328-6403 TDT3023 1991 1 1 0.8 12.01 12.31 213248.08-640242.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 21328-6403 TDT 3023 : MEASURES
No records found.


21328-6403 TDT3023A mag 12.01 21328-6403 TDT3023B sep 0.8 P.A. 0.60 mag 12.31 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 21328-6403 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 21h 32m 48.08s -64° 02' 42.5"
WDS 21328-6403 TDT 3023 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

21328-6403  TDT3023 distance=0' 21365-6358  TDT3056 distance=25' 21366-6340  TDT3059 distance=34' 21292-6334  TDT2989 distance=38' 21379-6343  NSN 441 distance=40' 21315-6323  KPP1507 distance=41' 21295-6316  TDT2994 distance=52' 21278-6444  UC 4472 distance=53' 21401-6443  TDT3098 distance=63' 21424-6410  SKF2807 distance=64' 21235-6445  MLO  92 distance=74' 21327-6521  LDS 747 distance=78' 21436-6441  UC 4538 distance=80' 21222-6445  RST1088 distance=81' 21437-6449  UC 4539 distance=85' 21440-6453  TDT3124 distance=88' 21396-6520  TDT3089 distance=89' 21449-6446  RST1103 distance=90' 21271-6239  CTI9698 distance=92' 21186-6406  UC 4438 distance=93' 21246-6526  TDT2948 distance=99' 21215-6511  TDT2922 distance=100' 21262-6233  TDT2965 distance=101' 21450-6259  UC 4549 distance=104' 21476-6446  TDT3157 distance=106' 21491-6413  CVN  30 distance=108' 21469-6257  UC 4561 distance=115' 21153-6341  HJ 5250 distance=118' 21476-6254  RST1107 distance=121' 21146-6429  UC 4419 distance=122' 21493-6311  KPP 499 distance=122' 21512-6347  RST5479 distance=123' 21500-6319  RST9009 distance=123' 21253-6209  B   526 distance=125' 21239-6213  LDS 740 distance=125' 21132-6354  UC 4408 distance=130' 21212-6550  TDT2916 distance=130' 21511-6459  RST1111 distance=131' 21129-6407  RSS 555 distance=131' 21487-6530  I    19AB distance=135' 21487-6530  ARY 105AC distance=135' 21335-6144  B   531AB distance=139' 21335-6144  BAU  67AC distance=139' 21204-6609  TDT2912 distance=149' 21350-6634  TDS1136 distance=153' 21190-6200  TDT2898 distance=155' 21364-6638  TDT3053 distance=157' 21474-6622  TDS1146 distance=167' 21156-6609  TDT2866 distance=167' 21129-6218  TDT2830 distance=171' 21350-6653  KPP1219 distance=172' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 21328-6403 TDT3023 1 0.8 0
Show 21365-6358 TDT3056 55 0.7 25
Show 21366-6340 TDT3059 60 2.3 34
Show 21292-6334 TDT2989 78 1.9 38
Show 21379-6343 NSN 441 198 2.2 40
Show 21315-6323 KPP1507 45 11.4 41
Show 21295-6316 TDT2994 106 0.7 52
Show 21278-6444 UC 4472 226 8.4 53
Show 21401-6443 TDT3098 157 1.0 63
Show 21424-6410 SKF2807 39 2.9 64
Show 21235-6445 MLO 92 335 2.4 74
Show 21327-6521 LDS 747 25 193.2 78
Show 21436-6441 UC 4538 305 21.6 80
Show 21222-6445 RST1088 252 1.4 81
Show 21437-6449 UC 4539 284 21.3 85
Show 21440-6453 TDT3124 116 1.1 88
Show 21396-6520 TDT3089 316 1.1 89
Show 21449-6446 RST1103 52 1.2 90
Show 21271-6239 CTI9698 336 3.5 92
Show 21186-6406 UC 4438 227 9.1 93
Show 21246-6526 TDT2948 119 0.7 99
Show 21215-6511 TDT2922 263 0.5 100
Show 21262-6233 TDT2965 355 2.0 101
Show 21450-6259 UC 4549 203 53.4 104
Show 21476-6446 TDT3157 117 0.6 106
Show 21491-6413 CVN 30 122 0.1 108
Show 21469-6257 UC 4561 34 29.3 115
Show 21153-6341 HJ 5250 304 9.6 118
Show 21476-6254 RST1107 122 5.1 121
Show 21146-6429 UC 4419 176 55.6 122
Show 21493-6311 KPP 499 234 3.8 122
Show 21512-6347 RST5479 12 0.7 123
Show 21500-6319 RST9009 343 6.1 123
Show 21253-6209 B 526 122 0.6 125
Show 21239-6213 LDS 740 31 14.1 125
Show 21132-6354 UC 4408 165 21.4 130
Show 21212-6550 TDT2916 138 0.5 130
Show 21511-6459 RST1111 118 0.4 131
Show 21129-6407 RSS 555 95 8.2 131
Show 21487-6530 I 19 AB 290 1.5 135
Show 21487-6530 ARY 105 AC 264 28.9 135
Show 21335-6144 B 531 AB 325 3.4 139
Show 21335-6144 BAU 67 AC 60 50.7 139
Show 21204-6609 TDT2912 351 0.5 149
Show 21350-6634 TDS1136 317 0.9 153
Show 21190-6200 TDT2898 347 0.6 155
Show 21364-6638 TDT3053 33 0.5 157
Show 21474-6622 TDS1146 25 1.7 167
Show 21156-6609 TDT2866 157 0.5 167
Show 21129-6218 TDT2830 152 2.3 171
Show 21350-6653 KPP1219 60 9.4 172

WDS 21328-6403 : COMPONENTS
B pa=0.6°
21328-6403 A
Coord arcsec 2000 213248.08-640242.5 Mag 12.01 PmRA 4.00 PmDE 3.0
Tycho2 9111-00918-1
Tycho2 9111-00918-1 Pflag RAmdeg 323.20033292 DEmdeg -64.04506726
PmRA 4.0 PmDE 2.5 E RAmdeg 52 E DEmdeg 50
E pmRA 3.2 E pmDE 3.0 EpRAm 1988.36 EpDEm 1988.23
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 0.3 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 0.3 BTmag 12.141 E BTmag 0.108 VTmag 11.477
E VTmag 0.083 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 323.20031222 DEdeg -64.04507278 EpRA 1990 1.56
EpDE 1990 1.60 E RAdeg 52.9 E DEdeg 51.3 Posflg
Corr 0.1
21328-6403 B
Coord arcsec 2000 213248.08-640241.7 Mag 12.31 PmRA 4.00 PmDE 3.0
Calc delta mag 0.3 Calc coord yes