20124+2923 AG 401 (HD 192125)

20h 12m 20.11s +29° 22' 44.4" P.A. 306.00 sep 4.0 mag 9.41,10.20 Sp A0
Coord 2000 20124+2923 Discov num AG  401 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 12 20.11 +29 22 44.4
Date first 1894 Date last 2018 Obs 17
Pa first 306 Pa last 305.6 P.A. Now (θ) 305.6°
Sep first 4.0 Sep last 4.02 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.02"
Mag pri 9.41 Mag sec 10.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.79 Spectral class A0 (white)
Pri motion ra +010 Sec motion ra -032
Pri motion dec -015 Sec motion dec +022
This double is not physical.
Name HD 192125 Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2166-01721-1 Gaia DR2 2029575942362587008
HD 192125
WDS 20124+2923 AG 401 (HD 192125) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 AG Astronomische Gesellschaft (see also ref codes KR and WFD)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20124+2923 AG 401 2000 12 305 4.0 9.41 10.20 A0 D 201220.11+292244.4
20124+2923 AG 401 2009 13 306 4.0 9.41 10.20 A0 D 201220.11+292244.4
20124+2923 AG 401 2016 16 305 4.1 9.41 10.20 A0 201220.11+292244.4
20124+2923 AG 401 2018 17 306 4.0 9.41 10.20 A0 201220.11+292244.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20124+2923 AG 401 (HD 192125) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 20124+2923 (HD 192125) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

20124+2923 AG  401A mag 9.41 Sp A0 20124+2923 AG  401B sep 3.7 P.A. 309.40 mag 10.2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20124+2923 (HD 192125) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 12m 20.11s +29° 22' 44.4"
WDS 20124+2923 AG 401 (HD 192125) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20124+2923  AG  401 distance=0' 20129+2913  HJ 1492A,BC distance=13' 20129+2913  A  1203BC distance=13' 20124+2908  A  1201 distance=16' 20114+2910  A  1200 distance=18' 20110+2928  TDT2056 distance=19' 20134+2910  TDT2100 distance=20' 20134+2941  MLB 661 distance=24' 20105+2920  HDS2874Ca,Cb distance=24' 20105+2920  BRT  46AB distance=25' 20105+2920  MLB 477AC distance=25' 20124+2856  MLB 531 distance=26' 20103+2920  BAC   1 distance=27' 20139+2942  TOB 180 distance=28' 20102+2930  TDT2041 distance=29' 20138+2945  TOB 179 distance=30' 20140+2859  TDS1052 distance=33' 20101+2941  TDT2039 distance=35' 20115+2846  MLB 530 distance=39' 20156+2927  TDS1053 distance=43' 20160+2929  MLB 478AB distance=48' 20160+2929  MLB 478AC distance=48' 20105+2841  TDT2048 distance=49' 20110+2834  COU1323 distance=53' 20149+2840  HO  122AB distance=55' 20149+2840  HO  122AC distance=55' 20122+2829  MLB 660 distance=55' 20107+3015  TDT2051 distance=57' 20167+2932  OSO 121AB distance=58' 20167+2932  OSO 121AC distance=58' 20167+2932  OSO 121AD distance=58' 20167+2932  OSO 121AE distance=58' 20152+3006  TDT2121 distance=58' 20123+2824  TDT2081 distance=59' 20083+2950  A  1198AB distance=59' 20090+2841  DA   12 distance=61' 20088+2842  TDT2019 distance=62' 20085+2842  MLB 529 distance=64' 20173+2926  TDT2142 distance=65' 20175+2909  POP1229Aa,Ab distance=70' 20175+2909  BU  441AB distance=70' 20177+2922  TDT2145 distance=70' 20135+3031  J  3063 distance=70' 20075+2850  TDT1998 distance=72' 20140+3031  COU1475 distance=72' 20180+2913  POP 200 distance=75' 20179+2945  TDT2149 distance=77' 20095+3029  GRV 315 distance=77' 20182+2912  A  1205 distance=78' 20067+2856  MLB 704 distance=79' 20113+3042  TDT2061 distance=81' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20124+2923 AG 401 306 4.0 0
Show 20129+2913 HJ 1492 A,BC 54 18.7 13
Show 20129+2913 A 1203 BC 176 0.4 13
Show 20124+2908 A 1201 158 0.3 16
Show 20114+2910 A 1200 197 5.4 18
Show 20110+2928 TDT2056 358 1.5 19
Show 20134+2910 TDT2100 98 0.7 20
Show 20134+2941 MLB 661 167 3.9 24
Show 20105+2920 HDS2874 Ca,Cb 251 0.4 24
Show 20105+2920 BRT 46 AB 79 5.3 25
Show 20105+2920 MLB 477 AC 24 113.7 25
Show 20124+2856 MLB 531 195 1.7 26
Show 20103+2920 BAC 1 45 16.5 27
Show 20139+2942 TOB 180 299 23.4 28
Show 20102+2930 TDT2041 189 1.2 29
Show 20138+2945 TOB 179 91 23.6 30
Show 20140+2859 TDS1052 164 1.6 33
Show 20101+2941 TDT2039 177 0.4 35
Show 20115+2846 MLB 530 32 7.9 39
Show 20156+2927 TDS1053 302 1.0 43
Show 20160+2929 MLB 478 AB 13 6.3 48
Show 20160+2929 MLB 478 AC 76 153.6 48
Show 20105+2841 TDT2048 136 0.6 49
Show 20110+2834 COU1323 334 0.8 53
Show 20149+2840 HO 122 AB 72 1.4 55
Show 20149+2840 HO 122 AC 152 19.9 55
Show 20122+2829 MLB 660 290 6.2 55
Show 20107+3015 TDT2051 242 2.0 57
Show 20167+2932 OSO 121 AB 165 13.2 58
Show 20167+2932 OSO 121 AC 283 15.2 58
Show 20167+2932 OSO 121 AD 190 18.9 58
Show 20167+2932 OSO 121 AE 259 25.2 58
Show 20152+3006 TDT2121 11 2.0 58
Show 20123+2824 TDT2081 157 0.5 59
Show 20083+2950 A 1198 AB 229 1.5 59
Show 20090+2841 DA 12 88 26.2 61
Show 20088+2842 TDT2019 95 0.9 62
Show 20085+2842 MLB 529 57 4.7 64
Show 20173+2926 TDT2142 316 1.0 65
Show 20175+2909 POP1229 Aa,Ab 217 0.4 70
Show 20175+2909 BU 441 AB 64 6.2 70
Show 20177+2922 TDT2145 186 0.7 70
Show 20135+3031 J 3063 76 4.7 70
Show 20075+2850 TDT1998 4 0.6 72
Show 20140+3031 COU1475 87 0.2 72
Show 20180+2913 POP 200 205 6.4 75
Show 20179+2945 TDT2149 316 0.8 77
Show 20095+3029 GRV 315 244 22.3 77
Show 20182+2912 A 1205 96 1.2 78
Show 20067+2856 MLB 704 116 2.9 79
Show 20113+3042 TDT2061 353 0.4 81

WDS 20124+2923 : COMPONENTS
B pa=309.4°
20124+2923 A
Name HD 192125 Coord arcsec 2000 201220.11+292244.4 Mag 9.41 Spectral class A0 (white)
PmRA 10.00 PmDE -15.0 Tycho2 2166-01721-1 HD 192125
Tycho2 2166-01721-1 Pflag RAmdeg 303.08378116 DEmdeg 29.37899177
PmRA 2.1 PmDE -1.6 E RAmdeg 9 E DEmdeg 7
E pmRA 2.5 E pmDE 2.3 EpRAm 1991.39 EpDEm 1991.53
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 1.4 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 1.5 BTmag 9.427 E BTmag 0.017 VTmag 9.407
E VTmag 0.016 Prox 41 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 303.08377528 DEdeg 29.37899556 EpRA 1990 1.53
EpDE 1990 1.64 E RAdeg 8.8 E DEdeg 7.3 Posflg
Corr 0.1
20124+2923 B
Coord arcsec 2000 201219.89+292246.7 Mag 10.2 PmRA -32.00 PmDE 22.0
Calc delta mag 0.79 Calc coord yes