19560+1939 BRT 2460 (HD 350889)

19h 55m 59.68s +19° 39' 21.1" P.A. 320.00 sep 4.3 mag 11.30,11.80
Coord 2000 19560+1939 Discov num BRT2460 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 55 59.68 +19 39 21.1
Date first 1895 Date last 2015 Obs 8
Pa first 321 Pa last 320.2 P.A. Now (θ) 320.2°
Sep first 4.6 Sep last 4.309 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.309"
Mag pri 11.30 Mag sec 11.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +003 Sec motion ra -003
Pri motion dec -006 Sec motion dec -034
This double is not physical.
Name HD 350889 Constellation Sagitta Tycho2 1624-00430-1 Gaia DR2 1823227876449988096
HD 350889
WDS 19560+1939 BRT 2460 (HD 350889) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BRT Barton, S.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19560+1939 BRT2460 2004 6 321 4.3 11.30 11.80 D 195559.68+193921.1
19560+1939 BRT2460 2010 8 319 4.0 11.30 11.80 195559.68+193921.1
19560+1939 BRT2460 2015 8 320 4.3 11.30 11.80 195559.68+193921.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19560+1939 BRT 2460 (HD 350889) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 19560+1939 (HD 350889) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

19560+1939 BRT2460A mag 11.3 19560+1939 BRT2460B sep 4.2 P.A. 321.90 mag 11.8 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19560+1939 (HD 350889) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 55m 59.68s +19° 39' 21.1"
WDS 19560+1939 BRT 2460 (HD 350889) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19560+1939  BRT2460 distance=0' 19555+1944  FOX  90 distance=8' 19568+1935  J  3036AB distance=12' 19568+1935  TOB 304AC distance=12' 19569+1934  J  3037 distance=14' 19569+1935  BRT2523AB distance=14' 19569+1935  TOB 305AC distance=14' 19548+1941  J  3033 distance=18' 19570+2006  SKF1096 distance=31' 19557+1906  TDS1024 distance=35' 19549+1909  J  1145 distance=35' 19539+1958  J   498 distance=36' 19564+2015  TDS1025 distance=36' 19538+1948  J  3027 distance=36' 19581+2003  TDS1027 distance=39' 19546+2013  RAO 614 distance=39' 19575+2018  BU  425AB distance=45' 19575+2018  BU  425AC distance=45' 19575+2018  BU  425AD distance=45' 19595+1940  J  3039BC distance=45' 19595+1940  J  3039AB distance=45' 19556+1855  GWP2909 distance=45' 19597+1947  J  1140AB distance=54' 19597+1947  J  1140AC distance=54' 19534+2020  HDS2833Ba,Bb distance=55' 19532+2017  H 3 105AB distance=55' 19532+2017  H 3 105AC distance=55' 19522+1951  HU  351 distance=55' 19534+2020  STFA 48AB distance=56' 19534+2020  GUI  28AC distance=56' 19567+2034  TDT1866 distance=56' 19560+2038  A  2790AB distance=59' 19575+2035  TDT1876 distance=60' 19528+1856  J  1177 distance=60' 19579+2032  BU  981AB distance=60' 19579+2032  BU  981AC distance=60' 19540+1847  J  3028 distance=62' 20000+1911  RUC  13 distance=64' 19588+2029  TDT1896 distance=64' 19535+1846  MAA   2 distance=65' 19560+2038  A  2790CD distance=66' 19516+2009  HU  350 distance=69' 19527+1848  J   151 distance=70' 20004+2018  BRT2462 distance=74' 19508+1917  BAZ  12 distance=76' 19552+1823  BPM1830 distance=78' 20013+1917  J   784 distance=79' 19519+2032  COU 824AB distance=79' 19519+2032  COU 824AC distance=79' 19507+2018  TVB   5 distance=85' 19538+1820  BPM1798 distance=85' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19560+1939 BRT2460 320 4.3 0
Show 19555+1944 FOX 90 50 0.8 8
Show 19568+1935 J 3036 AB 256 7.2 12
Show 19568+1935 TOB 304 AC 324 19.4 12
Show 19569+1934 J 3037 130 5.1 14
Show 19569+1935 BRT2523 AB 39 5.6 14
Show 19569+1935 TOB 305 AC 146 15.9 14
Show 19548+1941 J 3033 308 4.8 18
Show 19570+2006 SKF1096 225 3.9 31
Show 19557+1906 TDS1024 285 1.3 35
Show 19549+1909 J 1145 312 1.5 35
Show 19539+1958 J 498 89 2.3 36
Show 19564+2015 TDS1025 170 1.2 36
Show 19538+1948 J 3027 358 5.4 36
Show 19581+2003 TDS1027 78 1.0 39
Show 19546+2013 RAO 614 113 4.2 39
Show 19575+2018 BU 425 AB 240 1.4 45
Show 19575+2018 BU 425 AC 40 22.0 45
Show 19575+2018 BU 425 AD 84 29.1 45
Show 19595+1940 J 3039 BC 172 7.4 45
Show 19595+1940 J 3039 AB 187 9.9 45
Show 19556+1855 GWP2909 245 10.9 45
Show 19597+1947 J 1140 AB 282 2.1 54
Show 19597+1947 J 1140 AC 324 17.1 54
Show 19534+2020 HDS2833 Ba,Bb 265 0.2 55
Show 19532+2017 H 3 105 AB 214 16.2 55
Show 19532+2017 H 3 105 AC 26 24.9 55
Show 19522+1951 HU 351 158 2.0 55
Show 19534+2020 STFA 48 AB 147 41.7 56
Show 19534+2020 GUI 28 AC 218 222.3 56
Show 19567+2034 TDT1866 90 0.5 56
Show 19560+2038 A 2790 AB 119 3.9 59
Show 19575+2035 TDT1876 115 0.4 60
Show 19528+1856 J 1177 80 1.9 60
Show 19579+2032 BU 981 AB 107 3.0 60
Show 19579+2032 BU 981 AC 56 30.3 60
Show 19540+1847 J 3028 307 4.8 62
Show 20000+1911 RUC 13 63 1.8 64
Show 19588+2029 TDT1896 38 0.6 64
Show 19535+1846 MAA 2 96 1.3 65
Show 19560+2038 A 2790 CD 103 5.8 66
Show 19516+2009 HU 350 44 3.4 69
Show 19527+1848 J 151 196 4.2 70
Show 20004+2018 BRT2462 288 2.9 74
Show 19508+1917 BAZ 12 288 2.5 76
Show 19552+1823 BPM1830 308 53.5 78
Show 20013+1917 J 784 165 2.2 79
Show 19519+2032 COU 824 AB 81 4.2 79
Show 19519+2032 COU 824 AC 291 20.6 79
Show 19507+2018 TVB 5 239 9.3 85
Show 19538+1820 BPM1798 315 78.5 85

WDS 19560+1939 : COMPONENTS
B pa=321.9°
19560+1939 A
Name HD 350889 Coord arcsec 2000 195559.68+193921.1 Mag 11.3 PmRA 3.00
PmDE -6.0
19560+1939 B
Coord arcsec 2000 195559.50+193924.4 Mag 11.8 PmRA -3.00 PmDE -34.0
Tycho2 1624-00430-1 HD 350889 Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 1624-00430-1 Pflag RAmdeg 298.99869192 DEmdeg 19.65588711
PmRA 1.4 PmDE -4.2 E RAmdeg 44 E DEmdeg 52
E pmRA 1.4 E pmDE 1.4 EpRAm 1978.38 EpDEm 1973.13
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 1.8 Q pmRA 1.2
Q pmDE 1.8 BTmag 11.766 E BTmag 0.068 VTmag 11.660
E VTmag 0.110 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 298.99868917 DEdeg 19.65589667 EpRA 1990 1.76
EpDE 1990 1.74 E RAdeg 48.3 E DEdeg 58.1 Posflg
Corr 0.3