19500+2140 J 3016

19h 50m 05.13s +21° 39' 35.5" P.A. 354.00 sep 5.8 mag 11.82,12.30
Coord 2000 19500+2140 Discov num J  3016 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 50 05.13 +21 39 35.5
Date first 1895 Date last 2015 Obs 13
Pa first 352 Pa last 354.3 P.A. Now (θ) 354.3°
Sep first 6.3 Sep last 5.828 Sep. Now (ρ) 5.828"
Mag pri 11.82 Mag sec 12.30 delta mag (ΔM) 0.48 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +001 Sec motion ra +001
Pri motion dec -010 Sec motion dec -010
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Vulpecula Tycho2 1627-00431-1 Gaia DR2 1827489690932877184
WDS 19500+2140 J 3016 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 J Jonckheere, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19500+2140 J 3016 2000 4 354 6.0 11.82 12.30 D 195005.13+213935.5
19500+2140 J 3016 2009 5 354 5.9 11.82 12.30 D 195005.13+213935.5
19500+2140 J 3016 2015 10 354 5.8 11.82 12.30 195005.13+213935.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19500+2140 J 3016 : MEASURES
No records found.


19500+2140 J  3016A mag 11.82 19500+2140 J  3016B sep 5.8 P.A. 354.70 mag 12.3 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19500+2140 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 50m 05.13s +21° 39' 35.5"
WDS 19500+2140 J 3016 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19500+2140  J  3016 distance=0' 19487+2200  TDS1015 distance=28' 19493+2202  CHE 152 distance=35' 19484+2212  STF2584 distance=41' 19515+2217  NSN 723 distance=43' 19497+2224  BKO 987 distance=45' 19513+2222  BKO1005 distance=46' 19517+2223  CHE 171 distance=47' 19496+2228  BKO 986 distance=49' 19511+2228  CHE 163 distance=49' 19490+2227  CHE 150 distance=51' 19514+2227  BKO1009 distance=51' 19496+2230  BKO 985 distance=51' 19495+2230  CHE 154 distance=51' 19535+2117  HDS2834 distance=54' 19508+2234  CHE 159 distance=55' 19507+2233  BKO 993 distance=55' 19494+2233  BKO 983 distance=55' 19509+2235  CHE 160 distance=55' 19495+2334  BKO 984 distance=55' 19495+2234  CHE 153 distance=55' 19487+2048  KU  124 distance=55' 19508+2235  BKO 994 distance=57' 19532+2223  BKO1035BC distance=58' 19532+2223  BKO1035BD distance=58' 19532+2223  CHE 179AB distance=58' 19525+2227  HO  580 distance=59' 19542+2152  DAM1254 distance=59' 19535+2213  TDT1828 distance=59' 19503+2240  BU  361AB distance=61' 19503+2240  BU  361AC distance=61' 19457+2143  TDT1716 distance=62' 19515+2240  CHE 168 distance=62' 19518+2240  CHE 174 distance=63' 19517+2239  TDT1806AB distance=65' 19517+2239  BKO1015AC distance=65' 19471+2229  BRT2459 distance=65' 19522+2239  BKO1027 distance=67' 19514+2244  BKO1008 distance=67' 19521+2241  BKO1024 distance=68' 19534+2246  CHE 180 distance=70' 19518+2245  BKO1018 distance=70' 19520+2244  BKO1023 distance=70' 19505+2030  J  3018 distance=71' 19524+2242  BKO1029 distance=71' 19484+2031  J  3008 distance=72' 19550+2200  TDT1845 distance=72' 19519+2032  COU 824AB distance=73' 19519+2032  COU 824AC distance=73' 19454+2108  COU 823 distance=73' 19526+2243  BKO1033 distance=73' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19500+2140 J 3016 354 5.8 0
Show 19487+2200 TDS1015 308 1.2 28
Show 19493+2202 CHE 152 253 27.5 35
Show 19484+2212 STF2584 293 1.9 41
Show 19515+2217 NSN 723 219 3.3 43
Show 19497+2224 BKO 987 110 7.1 45
Show 19513+2222 BKO1005 108 22.8 46
Show 19517+2223 CHE 171 24 21.1 47
Show 19496+2228 BKO 986 141 4.1 49
Show 19511+2228 CHE 163 152 7.7 49
Show 19490+2227 CHE 150 88 31.1 51
Show 19514+2227 BKO1009 206 14.5 51
Show 19496+2230 BKO 985 111 5.3 51
Show 19495+2230 CHE 154 114 20.3 51
Show 19535+2117 HDS2834 200 0.7 54
Show 19508+2234 CHE 159 224 22.3 55
Show 19507+2233 BKO 993 317 26.2 55
Show 19494+2233 BKO 983 300 6.3 55
Show 19509+2235 CHE 160 150 28.5 55
Show 19495+2334 BKO 984 228 7.7 55
Show 19495+2234 CHE 153 114 21.5 55
Show 19487+2048 KU 124 284 49.6 55
Show 19508+2235 BKO 994 34 30.3 57
Show 19532+2223 BKO1035 BC 317 25.8 58
Show 19532+2223 BKO1035 BD 281 25.6 58
Show 19532+2223 CHE 179 AB 230 36.3 58
Show 19525+2227 HO 580 272 0.7 59
Show 19542+2152 DAM1254 45 8.4 59
Show 19535+2213 TDT1828 314 0.6 59
Show 19503+2240 BU 361 AB 348 3.6 61
Show 19503+2240 BU 361 AC 79 55.9 61
Show 19457+2143 TDT1716 141 0.5 62
Show 19515+2240 CHE 168 138 14.8 62
Show 19518+2240 CHE 174 58 22.1 63
Show 19517+2239 TDT1806 AB 339 0.9 65
Show 19517+2239 BKO1015 AC 301 23.6 65
Show 19471+2229 BRT2459 4 3.7 65
Show 19522+2239 BKO1027 158 6.1 67
Show 19514+2244 BKO1008 76 8.2 67
Show 19521+2241 BKO1024 150 6.0 68
Show 19534+2246 CHE 180 233 9.7 70
Show 19518+2245 BKO1018 336 6.3 70
Show 19520+2244 BKO1023 42 4.1 70
Show 19505+2030 J 3018 164 6.9 71
Show 19524+2242 BKO1029 65 4.0 71
Show 19484+2031 J 3008 7 5.7 72
Show 19550+2200 TDT1845 312 0.5 72
Show 19519+2032 COU 824 AB 81 4.2 73
Show 19519+2032 COU 824 AC 291 20.6 73
Show 19454+2108 COU 823 97 5.6 73
Show 19526+2243 BKO1033 143 9.5 73

WDS 19500+2140 : COMPONENTS
B pa=354.7°
19500+2140 A
Coord arcsec 2000 195005.13+213935.5 Mag 11.82 PmRA 1.00 PmDE -10.0
Tycho2 1627-00431-1
Tycho2 1627-00431-1 Pflag RAmdeg 297.52141084 DEmdeg 21.65986830
PmRA -1.8 PmDE -7.3 E RAmdeg 64 E DEmdeg 73
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1973.86 EpDEm 1968.39
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.4 Q DEmdeg 0.4 Q pmRA 0.4
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 12.322 E BTmag 0.165 VTmag 11.816
E VTmag 0.160 Prox 755 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 297.52141528 DEdeg 21.65988500 EpRA 1990 1.78
EpDE 1990 1.71 E RAdeg 70.8 E DEdeg 83.6 Posflg
Corr 0.1
19500+2140 B
Coord arcsec 2000 195005.09+213941.3 Mag 12.3 PmRA 1.00 PmDE -10.0
Calc delta mag 0.48 Calc coord yes