19496-3017 I 1404

19h 49m 36.85s -30° 17' 07.9" P.A. 162.00 sep 1.6 mag 11.26,12.20
Coord 2000 19496-3017 Discov num I  1404 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 49 36.85 -30 17 07.9
Date first 1925 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 170 Pa last 161.6 P.A. Now (θ) 161.6°
Sep first 1.4 Sep last 1.634 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.634"
Mag pri 11.26 Mag sec 12.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.94 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -011 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -001 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Sagittarius Tycho2 7439-01797-1 Gaia DR2 6751626299406126080
WDS 19496-3017 I 1404 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 I Innes, R.T.A.
5 I MNRAS 57, 533, 1897 (data also in I__1897b,
5 I I__1897c)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19496-3017 I 1404 1960 4 155 1.2 11.26 12.20 194936.85-301707.9
19496-3017 I 1404 2016 5 162 1.6 11.26 12.20 194936.85-301707.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19496-3017 I 1404 : MEASURES
No records found.


19496-3017 I  1404A mag 11.26 19496-3017 I  1404B sep 1.6 P.A. 164.00 mag 12.2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19496-3017 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 49m 36.85s -30° 17' 07.9"
WDS 19496-3017 I 1404 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19496-3017  I  1404 distance=0' 19489-3019  LDS5885 distance=8' 19496-2954  BRT3087 distance=23' 19483-3000  HJ 5147 distance=25' 19534-3016  I  1406AB distance=50' 19534-3016  HJ 5152AB,C distance=50' 19517-3100  TSN 191 distance=51' 19487-3113  LDS4819 distance=58' 19540-3051  BRT3088 distance=67' 19497-3128  LDS4820 distance=72' 19498-3132  RST2120 distance=75' 19433-3045  UC 4012 distance=87' 19428-3033  RST2118 distance=90' 19492-2847  I  1039 distance=90' 19508-3150  KPP2511 distance=95' 19562-3100  RST2123 distance=96' 19512-2843  LDS5888 distance=96' 19454-2858  KPP1967 distance=97' 19420-3020  SEE 391 distance=99' 19424-2940  RST2117 distance=101' 19437-2908  LDS 685 distance=104' 19544-3148  TSN 192 distance=110' 19477-2829  B   448 distance=111' 19491-2825  RSS 534 distance=113' 19585-3004  HDS2844 distance=116' 19563-3137  TOK 698 distance=118' 19565-2902  KPP 447 distance=118' 19538-3201  RST2122 distance=118' 19412-3107  UC 4007 distance=120' 19553-3200  LDS5891 distance=124' 19410-2923  HJ 2885 distance=125' 19549-2831  LDS5890 distance=127' 19595-2942  RST2127 distance=133' 19399-2936  LDS4812 distance=134' 19430-3201  LDS5883 distance=135' 19561-3208  BWL  53Ba,Bb distance=138' 19561-3208  UC 4054AB distance=139' 19508-2759  I  1405 distance=139' 19571-2834  LDS4823 distance=142' 20006-3028  B   461 distance=142' 19551-3221  DAW  76AB distance=143' 19551-3221  HJ 5154AC distance=143' 19401-3137  FIN  13 distance=147' 19506-3244  HDS2825 distance=148' 19383-3042  UC 3991 distance=148' 19526-2751  LDS5889 distance=150' 19513-3243  LDS5887 distance=150' 19493-3258  B   981 distance=162' 20013-2919  LDS5894 distance=162' 19467-2740  HJ 2893 distance=162' 19374-3055  HJ 5131BC distance=162' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19496-3017 I 1404 162 1.6 0
Show 19489-3019 LDS5885 90 254.0 8
Show 19496-2954 BRT3087 98 2.4 23
Show 19483-3000 HJ 5147 84 12.3 25
Show 19534-3016 I 1406 AB 203 0.4 50
Show 19534-3016 HJ 5152 AB,C 150 6.1 50
Show 19517-3100 TSN 191 37 0.1 51
Show 19487-3113 LDS4819 120 292.0 58
Show 19540-3051 BRT3088 104 2.5 67
Show 19497-3128 LDS4820 320 197.0 72
Show 19498-3132 RST2120 192 3.2 75
Show 19433-3045 UC 4012 180 40.8 87
Show 19428-3033 RST2118 258 1.0 90
Show 19492-2847 I 1039 290 2.0 90
Show 19508-3150 KPP2511 236 22.5 95
Show 19562-3100 RST2123 195 1.6 96
Show 19512-2843 LDS5888 90 105.0 96
Show 19454-2858 KPP1967 62 15.5 97
Show 19420-3020 SEE 391 31 6.7 99
Show 19424-2940 RST2117 250 1.9 101
Show 19437-2908 LDS 685 58 25.7 104
Show 19544-3148 TSN 192 167 0.2 110
Show 19477-2829 B 448 126 3.6 111
Show 19491-2825 RSS 534 90 11.4 113
Show 19585-3004 HDS2844 215 0.3 116
Show 19563-3137 TOK 698 239 0.1 118
Show 19565-2902 KPP 447 336 3.7 118
Show 19538-3201 RST2122 315 0.7 118
Show 19412-3107 UC 4007 173 52.5 120
Show 19553-3200 LDS5891 220 178.4 124
Show 19410-2923 HJ 2885 210 37.1 125
Show 19549-2831 LDS5890 355 144.3 127
Show 19595-2942 RST2127 117 2.2 133
Show 19399-2936 LDS4812 352 254.2 134
Show 19430-3201 LDS5883 259 143.0 135
Show 19561-3208 BWL 53 Ba,Bb 316 0.1 138
Show 19561-3208 UC 4054 AB 316 26.3 139
Show 19508-2759 I 1405 59 0.3 139
Show 19571-2834 LDS4823 45 4.0 142
Show 20006-3028 B 461 262 1.5 142
Show 19551-3221 DAW 76 AB 358 2.9 143
Show 19551-3221 HJ 5154 AC 212 17.6 143
Show 19401-3137 FIN 13 80 0.6 147
Show 19506-3244 HDS2825 161 20.0 148
Show 19383-3042 UC 3991 152 10.0 148
Show 19526-2751 LDS5889 87 417.3 150
Show 19513-3243 LDS5887 40 332.0 150
Show 19493-3258 B 981 38 1.7 162
Show 20013-2919 LDS5894 88 224.0 162
Show 19467-2740 HJ 2893 54 9.4 162
Show 19374-3055 HJ 5131 BC 213 11.3 162

WDS 19496-3017 : COMPONENTS
B pa=164.0°
19496-3017 A
Coord arcsec 2000 194936.85-301707.9 Mag 11.26 PmRA -11.00 PmDE -1.0
Tycho2 7439-01797-1
Tycho2 7439-01797-1 Pflag RAmdeg 297.40356998 DEmdeg -30.28553614
PmRA -11.4 PmDE -0.5 E RAmdeg 52 E DEmdeg 65
E pmRA 2.9 E pmDE 2.6 EpRAm 1987.27 EpDEm 1982.53
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 1.3 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 1.3 BTmag 11.753 E BTmag 0.093 VTmag 11.260
E VTmag 0.100 Prox 795 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 297.40360000 DEdeg -30.28553500 EpRA 1990 1.82
EpDE 1990 1.72 E RAdeg 54.3 E DEdeg 69.1 Posflg
Corr -0.1
Ccdm 19496-3017 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.87 DDEs -7.4
R dRAs 66 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.5 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number -3017390 Cat1 CD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
19496-3017 B
Coord arcsec 2000 194936.88-301709.5 Mag 12.2 Calc delta mag 0.94 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 19496-3017 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num I 1404 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1925 Theta 163 Rho 1.4
Obs 3 Vmag 11.4 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD