19301-1252 TDT 1505

19h 30m 06.51s -12° 51' 34.3" P.A. 47.00 sep 0.9 mag 11.37,11.40
Coord 2000 19301-1252 Discov num TDT1505 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 30 06.51 -12 51 34.3
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 47 Pa last 46.9 P.A. Now (θ) 46.9°
Sep first 0.9 Sep last 0.93 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.93"
Mag pri 11.37 Mag sec 11.40 delta mag (ΔM) 0.03 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +007 Sec motion ra +007
Pri motion dec -001 Sec motion dec -001
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Sagittarius Tycho2 5730-00207-1 Gaia DR2 4186545386401661824
WDS 19301-1252 TDT 1505 : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19301-1252 TDT1505 1991 1 47 0.9 11.37 11.40 193006.51-125134.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19301-1252 TDT 1505 : MEASURES
No records found.


19301-1252 TDT1505A mag 11.37 19301-1252 TDT1505B sep 0.9 P.A. 46.20 mag 11.4 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19301-1252 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 30m 06.51s -12° 51' 34.3"
WDS 19301-1252 TDT 1505 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19301-1252  TDT1505 distance=0' 19296-1239  HU   75 distance=15' 19312-1245  GWP2859 distance=17' 19306-1335  BWL  50AB distance=45' 19306-1335  BWL  50AC distance=45' 19306-1335  BWL  50AD distance=45' 19306-1335  BWL  50AE distance=45' 19314-1204  GWP2861 distance=52' 19282-1209  SCJ  22 distance=52' 19265-1308  HDS2761 distance=56' 19262-1236  J  2966 distance=60' 19342-1245  J  1762 distance=62' 19297-1354  RST4042 distance=63' 19258-1317  J  1845 distance=67' 19350-1301  KPP4156 distance=72' 19247-1241  HDS2757 distance=81' 19251-1328  TDT1443 distance=82' 19358-1308  GWP2865 distance=85' 19357-1329  LDS 683 distance=91' 19249-1150  HU   74AB distance=99' 19249-1150  HU   74AC distance=99' 19255-1405  RST4040 distance=100' 19321-1116  TOK 333 distance=100' 19285-1109  RST5136 distance=106' 19369-1330  TDT1584 distance=106' 19364-1159  GWP2867 distance=107' 19253-1131  TOK 625AB distance=108' 19244-1400  LEO  44 distance=108' 19349-1414  J  1676 distance=109' 19298-1102  HDS2771 distance=110' 19264-1433  HDS2760 distance=115' 19385-1305  UC 3993 distance=123' 19236-1132  RST5133 distance=125' 19212-1250  J  1672 distance=130' 19248-1438  GLP   8 distance=132' 19226-1137  HLD 150AB distance=133' 19226-1137  HLD 150AC distance=133' 19226-1136  GWP2846 distance=134' 19212-1221  HJ  597 distance=135' 19367-1430  GWP2868 distance=137' 19321-1507  FOX  87 distance=139' 19211-1326  J  2263 distance=139' 19211-1159  HDS2737 distance=143' 19301-1518  J  1847BC distance=146' 19212-1146  TDT1394 distance=147' 19301-1518  J  1847AB distance=147' 19354-1046  FRM   1 distance=148' 19263-1512  BRT9002 distance=152' 19328-1519  HDS2775 distance=154' 19196-1242  TDT1376 distance=155' 19400-1201  BRT2763 distance=156' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19301-1252 TDT1505 47 0.9 0
Show 19296-1239 HU 75 180 0.4 15
Show 19312-1245 GWP2859 83 20.6 17
Show 19306-1335 BWL 50 AB 73 6.9 45
Show 19306-1335 BWL 50 AC 88 4.3 45
Show 19306-1335 BWL 50 AD 182 2.5 45
Show 19306-1335 BWL 50 AE 228 3.9 45
Show 19314-1204 GWP2861 156 94.8 52
Show 19282-1209 SCJ 22 296 1.2 52
Show 19265-1308 HDS2761 123 12.4 56
Show 19262-1236 J 2966 288 6.7 60
Show 19342-1245 J 1762 171 5.4 62
Show 19297-1354 RST4042 54 0.4 63
Show 19258-1317 J 1845 320 6.5 67
Show 19350-1301 KPP4156 82 1.5 72
Show 19247-1241 HDS2757 159 0.4 81
Show 19251-1328 TDT1443 108 0.5 82
Show 19358-1308 GWP2865 212 320.8 85
Show 19357-1329 LDS 683 211 28.7 91
Show 19249-1150 HU 74 AB 89 1.6 99
Show 19249-1150 HU 74 AC 209 20.6 99
Show 19255-1405 RST4040 252 1.8 100
Show 19321-1116 TOK 333 174 208.5 100
Show 19285-1109 RST5136 192 2.9 106
Show 19369-1330 TDT1584 268 0.6 106
Show 19364-1159 GWP2867 358 268.5 107
Show 19253-1131 TOK 625 AB 18 999.9 108
Show 19244-1400 LEO 44 296 7.1 108
Show 19349-1414 J 1676 9 8.6 109
Show 19298-1102 HDS2771 344 0.1 110
Show 19264-1433 HDS2760 283 0.3 115
Show 19385-1305 UC 3993 293 11.1 123
Show 19236-1132 RST5133 337 0.7 125
Show 19212-1250 J 1672 296 6.8 130
Show 19248-1438 GLP 8 68 24.4 132
Show 19226-1137 HLD 150 AB 103 1.2 133
Show 19226-1137 HLD 150 AC 153 7.4 133
Show 19226-1136 GWP2846 80 132.4 134
Show 19212-1221 HJ 597 230 17.7 135
Show 19367-1430 GWP2868 261 69.6 137
Show 19321-1507 FOX 87 12 5.1 139
Show 19211-1326 J 2263 59 7.8 139
Show 19211-1159 HDS2737 195 8.2 143
Show 19301-1518 J 1847 BC 56 5.5 146
Show 19212-1146 TDT1394 55 9.2 147
Show 19301-1518 J 1847 AB 310 98.9 147
Show 19354-1046 FRM 1 351 10.7 148
Show 19263-1512 BRT9002 66 9.7 152
Show 19328-1519 HDS2775 178 0.3 154
Show 19196-1242 TDT1376 241 0.8 155
Show 19400-1201 BRT2763 216 6.4 156

WDS 19301-1252 : COMPONENTS
B pa=46.2°
19301-1252 A
Coord arcsec 2000 193006.51-125134.3 Mag 11.37 PmRA 7.00 PmDE -1.0
Tycho2 5730-00207-1
Tycho2 5730-00207-1 Pflag RAmdeg 292.52717992 DEmdeg -12.85948278
PmRA 6.9 PmDE -0.9 E RAmdeg 45 E DEmdeg 61
E pmRA 2.1 E pmDE 2.1 EpRAm 1986.00 EpDEm 1980.84
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 1.1 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 1.1 BTmag 12.422 E BTmag 0.207 VTmag 10.876
E VTmag 0.069 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 292.52716361 DEdeg -12.85948056 EpRA 1990 1.77
EpDE 1990 1.69 E RAdeg 47.1 E DEdeg 64.5 Posflg
Corr -0.1
19301-1252 B
Coord arcsec 2000 193006.56-125133.7 Mag 11.4 PmRA 7.00 PmDE -1.0
Calc delta mag 0.03 Calc coord yes