19077-5515 RST 1020 (HD 177429)

19h 07m 42.47s -55° 14' 41.1" P.A. 223.00 sep 0.4 mag 10.25,10.47 Sp K0III
Coord 2000 19077-5515 Discov num RST1020 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 07 42.47 -55 14 41.1
Date first 1929 Date last 1991 Obs 2
Pa first 242 Pa last 223.1 P.A. Now (θ) 223.1°
Sep first 0.6 Sep last 0.42 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.42"
Mag pri 10.25 Mag sec 10.47 delta mag (ΔM) 0.22 Spectral class K0III (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra +022 Sec motion ra +022
Pri motion dec -030 Sec motion dec -030
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 177429 Constellation Telescopium SAO 245930 Tycho2 8764-01331-1
Gaia DR2 6643979502544449920 HD 177429
WDS 19077-5515 RST 1020 (HD 177429) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
RST1020 Not in Michigan Vol. XI.
idgroup discov author
1 RST Rossiter, R.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19077-5515 RST1020 1991 2 223 0.4 10.25 10.47 K0III N 190742.47-551441.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19077-5515 RST 1020 (HD 177429) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 19077-5515 (HD 177429) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

19077-5515 RST1020A mag 10.25 Sp K0III 19077-5515 RST1020B sep 0.3 P.A. 208.10 mag 10.47 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19077-5515 (HD 177429) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 07m 42.47s -55° 14' 41.1"
WDS 19077-5515 RST 1020 (HD 177429) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19077-5515  RST1020 distance=1' 19088-5541  UC 3819 distance=28' 19107-5530  UC 3833 distance=30' 19091-5437  UC 3823 distance=40' 19050-5438  TDT1215 distance=44' 19080-5601  KPP1843 distance=47' 19088-5425  UC 3818 distance=51' 19115-5431  RST3214 distance=55' 19122-5434  UC 3843 distance=57' 19099-5422  HJ 5086 distance=57' 19047-5423  HDS2705 distance=58' 19026-5437  TDT1195 distance=58' 19004-5454  HTS  29AB distance=67' 19004-5454  HTS  29AC distance=67' 19004-5454  HTS  29AD distance=67' 19004-5454  HTS  29AE distance=67' 19004-5454  HTS  29AF distance=67' 19004-5454  HTS  29AG distance=67' 19004-5454  HTS  29AH distance=67' 19004-5454  HTS  29AI distance=67' 19102-5408  HJ 5087 distance=70' 18596-5529  SKF 373 distance=71' 19037-5619  RSS 505 distance=73' 19029-5413  I  1390 distance=75' 19169-5556  I   643 distance=89' 19056-5347  HJ 5081 distance=90' 19183-5527  FIN  30 distance=92' 19116-5642  HRG 130 distance=94' 18596-5411  TDT1173 distance=95' 19174-5427  UC 3880 distance=97' 18575-5600  COO 228 distance=98' 18578-5608  HDS2689 distance=100' 18591-5623  NZO  95 distance=100' 19194-5521  TDT1374 distance=100' 19187-5609  HJ 5100 distance=108' 19032-5700  UC 3777 distance=112' 19118-5319  FIN  68 distance=121' 19099-5309  LDS 667 distance=128' 18528-5529  RST1004 distance=128' 18577-5340  RST1012 distance=128' 18541-5421  HJ 5068 distance=130' 19162-5328  TOK 329 distance=130' 19230-5432  CVN  63AB distance=139' 19230-5432  CVN  63AC distance=139' 19032-5302  FIN 269 distance=140' 19229-5425  LWR   3AB distance=140' 19229-5425  TOK 331AC distance=140' 19068-5739  RST5603 distance=144' 18520-5418  TOK 325AB distance=147' 18520-5418  TOK 325Aa,Ab distance=147' 19251-5532  UC 3925 distance=150' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19077-5515 RST1020 223 0.4 1
Show 19088-5541 UC 3819 176 51.7 28
Show 19107-5530 UC 3833 253 32.2 30
Show 19091-5437 UC 3823 345 13.8 40
Show 19050-5438 TDT1215 65 1.4 44
Show 19080-5601 KPP1843 250 14.3 47
Show 19088-5425 UC 3818 125 72.8 51
Show 19115-5431 RST3214 329 1.1 55
Show 19122-5434 UC 3843 196 56.3 57
Show 19099-5422 HJ 5086 291 16.5 57
Show 19047-5423 HDS2705 144 17.5 58
Show 19026-5437 TDT1195 48 0.7 58
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AB 114 12.6 67
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AC 68 13.3 67
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AD 138 14.4 67
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AE 74 17.5 67
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AF 306 18.4 67
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AG 132 18.8 67
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AH 7 19.3 67
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AI 14 19.5 67
Show 19102-5408 HJ 5087 19 14.8 70
Show 18596-5529 SKF 373 105 7.0 71
Show 19037-5619 RSS 505 315 9.4 73
Show 19029-5413 I 1390 257 0.2 75
Show 19169-5556 I 643 50 1.3 89
Show 19056-5347 HJ 5081 166 16.1 90
Show 19183-5527 FIN 30 31 1.5 92
Show 19116-5642 HRG 130 293 6.5 94
Show 18596-5411 TDT1173 44 0.5 95
Show 19174-5427 UC 3880 193 11.5 97
Show 18575-5600 COO 228 357 2.7 98
Show 18578-5608 HDS2689 243 0.5 100
Show 18591-5623 NZO 95 145 1.9 100
Show 19194-5521 TDT1374 251 0.5 100
Show 19187-5609 HJ 5100 141 22.0 108
Show 19032-5700 UC 3777 141 11.3 112
Show 19118-5319 FIN 68 245 0.5 121
Show 19099-5309 LDS 667 172 15.2 128
Show 18528-5529 RST1004 63 1.6 128
Show 18577-5340 RST1012 89 1.1 128
Show 18541-5421 HJ 5068 10 10.5 130
Show 19162-5328 TOK 329 223 158.1 130
Show 19230-5432 CVN 63 AB 251 4.8 139
Show 19230-5432 CVN 63 AC 275 5.8 139
Show 19032-5302 FIN 269 135 0.5 140
Show 19229-5425 LWR 3 AB 167 4.2 140
Show 19229-5425 TOK 331 AC 171 416.3 140
Show 19068-5739 RST5603 46 5.5 144
Show 18520-5418 TOK 325 AB 32 146.0 147
Show 18520-5418 TOK 325 Aa,Ab 242 0.1 147
Show 19251-5532 UC 3925 45 9.8 150

WDS 19077-5515 : COMPONENTS
B pa=208.1°
19077-5515 A
Name HD 177429 Coord arcsec 2000 190742.47-551441.1 Mag 10.25 Spectral class K0III (yellow-orange)
PmRA 22.00 PmDE -30.0 SAO 245930 Tycho2 8764-01331-1
HD 177429 DM CP-55 8993
Tycho2 8764-01331-1 Pflag RAmdeg 286.92688786 DEmdeg -55.24479688
PmRA 21.5 PmDE -29.8 E RAmdeg 15 E DEmdeg 17
E pmRA 1.6 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1987.73 EpDEm 1986.93
Num 8 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 11.000 E BTmag 0.046 VTmag 9.683
E VTmag 0.023 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 286.92680083 DEdeg -55.24472528 EpRA 1990 1.52
EpDE 1990 1.57 E RAdeg 17.4 E DEdeg 18.5 Posflg
Corr -0.3
SAO 245930 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0027
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.027 Vmag 9.4 SpType K0
Double code Source 42 CatNum 7588 DM CP-55 8993
DMcomp BDsup HD 177429 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 4.98989953 DE1950rad -0.96556886 PmRA2000 0.0022
PmDE2000 -0.03
Ccdm 19077-5515 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.47 DDEs 18.9
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.5 Sp K0 PmNote *
PmRA 23 PmDE -27 Dm number -55 8993 Cat1 CPD
Name2 245930 Cat2 SAO HD 177429 M HD
19077-5515 B
Coord arcsec 2000 190742.45-551441.4 Mag 10.47 PmRA 22.00 PmDE -30.0
Calc delta mag 0.22 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 19077-5515 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num RST1020 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1929 Theta 242 Rho 0.6
Obs 1 Vmag 12.0 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD