18468-4318 BRT 1077

18h 46m 49.28s -43° 17' 18.8" P.A. 331.00 sep 4.1 mag 12.40,13.00
Coord 2000 18468-4318 Discov num BRT1077 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 18 46 49.28 -43 17 18.8
Date first 1901 Date last 2016 Obs 8
Pa first 336 Pa last 330.9 P.A. Now (θ) 330.9°
Sep first 3.2 Sep last 4.12 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.12"
Mag pri 12.40 Mag sec 13.00 delta mag (ΔM) 0.6 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +015 Sec motion ra +005
Pri motion dec -010 Sec motion dec +010
This double is not physical.
Constellation Corona Austrina Gaia DR2 6715994627946140544
WDS 18468-4318 BRT 1077 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BRT Barton, S.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18468-4318 BRT1077 1999 4 331 4.1 12.40 13.00 D 184649.28-431718.8
18468-4318 BRT1077 2015 6 331 4.1 12.40 13.00 184649.28-431718.8
18468-4318 BRT1077 2016 8 331 4.1 12.40 13.00 184649.28-431718.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 18468-4318 BRT 1077 : MEASURES
No records found.


18468-4318 BRT1077A mag 12.4 18468-4318 BRT1077B sep 3.9 P.A. 337.90 mag 13 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 18468-4318 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 18h 46m 49.28s -43° 17' 18.8"
WDS 18468-4318 BRT 1077 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

18468-4318  BRT1077 distance=0' 18472-4315  BRT1078 distance=5' 18481-4330  KPP4341AB distance=19' 18481-4330  KPP4341AC distance=19' 18481-4330  KPP4341BC distance=19' 18506-4304  BRT1080 distance=44' 18508-4301  UC 3694 distance=47' 18508-4335  DON 926 distance=48' 18457-4226  HDS2660 distance=54' 18516-4337  UC 3698 distance=56' 18482-4216  CPO9001 distance=64' 18421-4237  UC 3645 distance=66' 18408-4330  DON 918 distance=68' 18404-4320  SKF1149 distance=71' 18463-4206  DON 922 distance=72' 18499-4422  DON 925 distance=73' 18476-4430  KPP 425 distance=73' 18428-4416  LDS 649 distance=74' 18541-4310  BRT1081 distance=80' 18459-4158  UC 3665 distance=81' 18411-4227  TDS 932 distance=81' 18455-4155  FAL  64AB distance=84' 18478-4441  UC 3674 distance=85' 18543-4252  DON 931 distance=87' 18390-4336  BRT1073AB distance=87' 18390-4336  DAM 113AC distance=87' 18547-4343  RSS 494 distance=90' 18412-4210  I   250 distance=92' 18449-4146  BRT1076 distance=94' 18414-4433  CBL 172 distance=96' 18385-4247  DON 915 distance=97' 18382-4240  CPO 595 distance=102' 18417-4448  TDT1002 distance=107' 18402-4200  UC 3634 distance=107' 18387-4419  BRT1072 distance=108' 18565-4246  KPP 428 distance=111' 18431-4134  I  1380 distance=111' 18522-4143  HDO 291A,BC distance=112' 18522-4143  I  1385BC distance=113' 18561-4230  LDS 658 distance=113' 18555-4420  UC 3726 distance=114' 18565-4401  DON 935 distance=115' 18530-4143  UC 3710 distance=117' 18503-4509  HDS2671 distance=118' 18368-4233  CRI  20 distance=119' 18489-4120  RST2075 distance=120' 18494-4120  TDT1073 distance=122' 18462-4520  DON 921 distance=124' 18362-4402  BRT1068 distance=124' 18400-4137  I  1377 distance=127' 18470-4110  TDS 944 distance=128' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 18468-4318 BRT1077 331 4.1 0
Show 18472-4315 BRT1078 302 3.2 5
Show 18481-4330 KPP4341 AB 144 2.1 19
Show 18481-4330 KPP4341 AC 297 6.0 19
Show 18481-4330 KPP4341 BC 302 7.1 19
Show 18506-4304 BRT1080 308 5.5 44
Show 18508-4301 UC 3694 319 27.5 47
Show 18508-4335 DON 926 274 0.9 48
Show 18457-4226 HDS2660 354 0.1 54
Show 18516-4337 UC 3698 114 50.9 56
Show 18482-4216 CPO9001 216 2.6 64
Show 18421-4237 UC 3645 333 14.3 66
Show 18408-4330 DON 918 130 2.1 68
Show 18404-4320 SKF1149 22 42.5 71
Show 18463-4206 DON 922 316 8.4 72
Show 18499-4422 DON 925 170 2.7 73
Show 18476-4430 KPP 425 329 4.9 73
Show 18428-4416 LDS 649 240 130.4 74
Show 18541-4310 BRT1081 246 3.8 80
Show 18459-4158 UC 3665 87 37.2 81
Show 18411-4227 TDS 932 0 4.0 81
Show 18455-4155 FAL 64 AB 134 11.9 84
Show 18478-4441 UC 3674 63 13.4 85
Show 18543-4252 DON 931 246 0.5 87
Show 18390-4336 BRT1073 AB 285 4.3 87
Show 18390-4336 DAM 113 AC 153 10.2 87
Show 18547-4343 RSS 494 350 23.0 90
Show 18412-4210 I 250 110 1.2 92
Show 18449-4146 BRT1076 15 4.1 94
Show 18414-4433 CBL 172 53 36.3 96
Show 18385-4247 DON 915 211 2.5 97
Show 18382-4240 CPO 595 17 3.9 102
Show 18417-4448 TDT1002 103 0.9 107
Show 18402-4200 UC 3634 112 43.8 107
Show 18387-4419 BRT1072 80 5.3 108
Show 18565-4246 KPP 428 348 3.5 111
Show 18431-4134 I 1380 170 1.5 111
Show 18522-4143 HDO 291 A,BC 341 36.6 112
Show 18522-4143 I 1385 BC 292 0.6 113
Show 18561-4230 LDS 658 258 76.1 113
Show 18555-4420 UC 3726 79 19.9 114
Show 18565-4401 DON 935 26 1.3 115
Show 18530-4143 UC 3710 97 52.0 117
Show 18503-4509 HDS2671 299 14.5 118
Show 18368-4233 CRI 20 92 8.4 119
Show 18489-4120 RST2075 96 9.5 120
Show 18494-4120 TDT1073 3 0.5 122
Show 18462-4520 DON 921 129 1.1 124
Show 18362-4402 BRT1068 141 1.8 124
Show 18400-4137 I 1377 81 1.7 127
Show 18470-4110 TDS 944 139 2.4 128

WDS 18468-4318 : COMPONENTS
B pa=337.9°
18468-4318 A
Coord arcsec 2000 184649.28-431718.8 Mag 12.4 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -10.0
18468-4318 B
Coord arcsec 2000 184649.15-431715.2 Mag 13 PmRA 5.00 PmDE 10.0
Calc delta mag 0.6 Calc coord yes