14393+2000 HJ 2737

14h 39m 19.58s +20° 00' 12.2" P.A. 34.00 sep 10.5 mag 11.31,12.90
Coord 2000 14393+2000 Discov num HJ 2737 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 14 39 19.58 +20 00 12.2
Date first 1909 Date last 2017 Obs 10
Pa first 26 Pa last 33.8 P.A. Now (θ) 33.8°
Sep first 10.7 Sep last 10.5 Sep. Now (ρ) 10.5"
Mag pri 11.31 Mag sec 12.90 delta mag (ΔM) 1.59 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -014 Sec motion ra +004
Pri motion dec -012 Sec motion dec -007
This double is not physical.
Constellation Bootes Tycho2 1483-00429-1 Gaia DR2 1240781180975548160
WDS 14393+2000 HJ 2737 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
14393+2000 HJ 2737 2006 5 33 9.9 11.31 12.90 D 143919.58+200012.2
14393+2000 HJ 2737 2010 7 33 10.1 11.31 12.90 143919.58+200012.2
14393+2000 HJ 2737 2017 7 34 10.5 11.31 12.90 143919.58+200012.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 14393+2000 HJ 2737 : MEASURES
No records found.


14393+2000 HJ 2737A mag 11.31 14393+2000 HJ 2737B sep 10.3 P.A. 32.20 mag 12.9 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 14393+2000 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 14h 39m 19.58s +20° 00' 12.2"
WDS 14393+2000 HJ 2737 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

14393+2000  HJ 2737 distance=1' 14368+1946  GWP2419 distance=39' 14367+2014  COU  98 distance=40' 14418+2026  UC  196 distance=44' 14368+1926  ITF 141 distance=50' 14406+1909  GWP2437 distance=55' 14426+1929  HU  575AB distance=56' 14426+1929  LDS 968AB,C distance=56' 14363+1924  STF3087AB distance=57' 14363+1924  ITF 140AC distance=57' 14363+1924  ITF 140BC distance=57' 14353+2004  BRT2418AB distance=57' 14351+2003  LDS4482 distance=59' 14434+2014  COU 186BC distance=59' 14434+2014  COU 186AB distance=59' 14434+2014  COU 186AC distance=59' 14437+1953  WIS 269 distance=62' 14434+1925  ITF 142 distance=68' 14414+1857  BFR  11 distance=70' 14354+1915  HU  574 distance=71' 14419+2107  HDS2071 distance=77' 14419+1847  COU 185 distance=82' 14345+1913  ITF 139AB distance=84' 14345+1913  ITF 139AC distance=84' 14453+2009  HU  576 distance=86' 14424+2118  BNV   9 distance=89' 14329+2009  HO  387 distance=92' 14397+1827  ALP  18 distance=94' 14459+1930  ITF 143 distance=98' 14426+1828  GWP2449 distance=104' 14466+1941  ITF 145 distance=105' 14466+1932  GWP2456 distance=107' 14470+1935  ITF 144 distance=111' 14326+1902  ITF 174 distance=112' 14324+1858  ITF 175 distance=116' 14404+2159  MCA  40 distance=120' 14436+2146  SLW1022 distance=122' 14307+1951  HJ 2724 distance=122' 14340+1822  KPP3927 distance=124' 14338+1819  ITF 204 distance=128' 14320+1846  ITF 135 distance=128' 14431+1803  GIC 121 distance=129' 14483+1938  ITF 173 distance=129' 14484+1937  ITF 162 distance=130' 14484+1940  ITF 147AB distance=130' 14484+1940  ITF 147AC distance=130' 14420+1753  A  2070AB distance=133' 14420+1753  TOK 582AC distance=133' 14380+1748  VVO  13 distance=134' 14487+1943  ITF 146 distance=134' 14482+2049  KPP2606 distance=135' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 14393+2000 HJ 2737 34 10.5 1
Show 14368+1946 GWP2419 317 13.9 39
Show 14367+2014 COU 98 173 0.2 40
Show 14418+2026 UC 196 101 30.4 44
Show 14368+1926 ITF 141 234 5.2 50
Show 14406+1909 GWP2437 202 6.9 55
Show 14426+1929 HU 575 AB 284 0.4 56
Show 14426+1929 LDS 968 AB,C 309 135.2 56
Show 14363+1924 STF3087 AB 222 2.3 57
Show 14363+1924 ITF 140 AC 15 4.0 57
Show 14363+1924 ITF 140 BC 74 7.6 57
Show 14353+2004 BRT2418 AB 195 3.8 57
Show 14351+2003 LDS4482 330 277.7 59
Show 14434+2014 COU 186 BC 303 20.6 59
Show 14434+2014 COU 186 AB 251 2.2 59
Show 14434+2014 COU 186 AC 296 22.9 59
Show 14437+1953 WIS 269 110 33.0 62
Show 14434+1925 ITF 142 160 5.9 68
Show 14414+1857 BFR 11 86 51.1 70
Show 14354+1915 HU 574 112 0.2 71
Show 14419+2107 HDS2071 336 0.1 77
Show 14419+1847 COU 185 306 0.9 82
Show 14345+1913 ITF 139 AB 277 6.0 84
Show 14345+1913 ITF 139 AC 200 2.3 84
Show 14453+2009 HU 576 188 5.6 86
Show 14424+2118 BNV 9 242 1.1 89
Show 14329+2009 HO 387 242 9.4 92
Show 14397+1827 ALP 18 208 27.4 94
Show 14459+1930 ITF 143 72 4.4 98
Show 14426+1828 GWP2449 110 64.0 104
Show 14466+1941 ITF 145 81 4.7 105
Show 14466+1932 GWP2456 276 37.6 107
Show 14470+1935 ITF 144 189 24.3 111
Show 14326+1902 ITF 174 236 13.5 112
Show 14324+1858 ITF 175 1 1.8 116
Show 14404+2159 MCA 40 79 0.1 120
Show 14436+2146 SLW1022 293 41.5 122
Show 14307+1951 HJ 2724 319 21.1 122
Show 14340+1822 KPP3927 311 1.8 124
Show 14338+1819 ITF 204 235 2.5 128
Show 14320+1846 ITF 135 336 18.5 128
Show 14431+1803 GIC 121 312 78.1 129
Show 14483+1938 ITF 173 281 1.4 129
Show 14484+1937 ITF 162 351 4.6 130
Show 14484+1940 ITF 147 AB 291 6.5 130
Show 14484+1940 ITF 147 AC 273 11.0 130
Show 14420+1753 A 2070 AB 213 3.8 133
Show 14420+1753 TOK 582 AC 74 999.9 133
Show 14380+1748 VVO 13 209 17.0 134
Show 14487+1943 ITF 146 10 63.7 134
Show 14482+2049 KPP2606 274 23.7 135

WDS 14393+2000 : COMPONENTS
B pa=32.2°
14393+2000 A
Coord arcsec 2000 143919.58+200012.2 Mag 11.31 PmRA -14.00 PmDE -12.0
Tycho2 1483-00429-1
Tycho2 1483-00429-1 Pflag RAmdeg 219.83159747 DEmdeg 20.00340254
PmRA -15.1 PmDE -12.2 E RAmdeg 55 E DEmdeg 57
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1977.75 EpDEm 1976.87
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.3 Q DEmdeg 1.5 Q pmRA 1.4
Q pmDE 1.5 BTmag 12.812 E BTmag 0.229 VTmag 11.307
E VTmag 0.082 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 219.83163639 DEdeg 20.00343222 EpRA 1990 1.52
EpDE 1990 1.51 E RAdeg 60.0 E DEdeg 63.2 Posflg
Corr 0.3
Ccdm 14393+2000 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 1.63 DDEs 12.1
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 4 Vmag 10.4 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS B 6947 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 14347N2026A
14393+2000 B
Coord arcsec 2000 143919.97+200020.9 Mag 12.9 PmRA 4.00 PmDE -7.0
Calc delta mag 1.59 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 14393+2000 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num HJ 2737 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1909 Theta 025 Rho 10.5
Obs 2 Vmag 12.0 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
ADS BDS B 6947 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 14347N2026B