13127-3152 MUG 3

13h 12m 44.26s -31° 52' 24.0" P.A. 333.00 sep 8.2 mag 5.60,10.10 Sp G0V
Coord 2000 13127-3152 Discov num MUG   3 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 13 12 44.26 -31 52 24.0
Date first 1999 Date last 2016 Obs 10
Pa first 333 Pa last 332.9 P.A. Now (θ) 332.9°
Sep first 8.0 Sep last 8.199 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.199"
Mag pri 5.60 Mag sec 10.10 delta mag (ΔM) 4.5 Spectral class G0V (yellow)
Pri motion ra -200 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -307 Sec motion dec
Notes N V (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Centaurus
WDS 13127-3152 MUG 3 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
MUG 3 AB are CPM. Followup spectroscopy confirmed the B component is a
dwarf; estimated mass is 0.253 +- 0.011 Msun. Mug2005
HIP 64459. B at 8" is MUG 3, physical. Confirmed by ANDICAM images. Tok2011a
Exoplanet host, P=1135d Tok2014d
refcode metd author reference
Mug2005 Ci - Mugrauer, M., Neuhauser, R., Seifahrt, A., Mazeh, T., & Geunther, E. 2005A&A...440.1051M
Mug2005 +E2 A&A 440, 1051, 2005
Mug2005 (Search for stellar companions to exoplanet host stars, using UKIRT + UFTI IR
Mug2005 camera and NTT + SofI IR camera, plus 2MASS data. Theta estimated from Figure 10.)
Tok2011a E2 - Tokovinin, A. 2011AJ....141...52T
Tok2011a +C+ AJ 141, 52, 2011
Tok2011a +Hh
Tok2014d E2 - Tokovinin, A. 2014AJ....147...86T
Tok2014d AJ 147, 86, 2014
idgroup discov author
1 MUG Mugrauer, M., Neuhauser, R., Guenther, E., Hatzes, A.P., Huelamo, N.,
1 MUG Fernandez, M., Ammler, M., Retzlaff, J., et al.
36 MUG Bischoff, R., Mugrauer, M., Zehe, T., Wockel, D., Pannicke, A., Lux, O.,
36 MUG Wagner, D., Heyne, T., Adam, C. & Neuhauser, R.
114 TOK Tokovinin, A., Cantarutti, R., Tighe, R., Schurter, P., van der Bliek, N.,
114 TOK Martinez, M., & Mondaca, E.
179 TOK Tokovinin, A., Corbett, H., Fors, O., Howard, W., Law, N.M., Moe, M.,
179 TOK Ratzloff, J. & Walter, F.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13127-3152 MUG 3 2003 4 333 8.1 6.76   NKDV 131244.26-315224.0
13127-3152 MUG 3 2010 6 332 8.1 6.76   NKDV 131244.26-315224.0
13127-3152 MUG 3 2015 6 333 8.2 5.60 10.10 G0V NV 131244.26-315224.0
13127-3152 MUG 3 2016 8 333 8.2 5.60 10.10 G0V NV 131244.26-315224.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 13127-3152 MUG 3 : MEASURES
No records found.


13127-3152 MUG   3A mag 5.6 Sp G0V 13127-3152 MUG   3B sep 8.0 P.A. 336.50 mag 10.1 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 13127-3152 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 13h 12m 44.26s -31° 52' 24.0"
Primaries only

13127-3152  MUG   3 distance=0' 13126-3207  SWR 138 distance=15' 13129-3133  B   245 distance=20' 13117-3216  HJ 4572 distance=28' 13141-3215  HDS1854Aa,Ab distance=29' 13141-3215  HJ 4574AB distance=29' 13106-3128  RST1706 distance=37' 13092-3147  UC 2489 distance=46' 13124-3104  B   244 distance=49' 13122-3104  TSN 106 distance=50' 13166-3131  LDS4335 distance=53' 13103-3248  TOK 850 distance=64' 13185-3206  SEE 175AB distance=75' 13185-3206  SEE 175AC distance=75' 13168-3057  WIS 219 distance=76' 13188-3202  TDS8775 distance=79' 13080-3101  SKF1227 distance=80' 13069-3224  UC 2485 distance=81' 13094-3037  B   241 distance=88' 13117-3025  LDS5772 distance=88' 13124-3024  LDS4325 distance=89' 13160-3030  KPP2345 distance=93' 13141-3323  B  2016 distance=93' 13201-3132  LDS5776 distance=96' 13051-3159  TOI2358 distance=97' 13058-3111  BRT2997 distance=98' 13155-3331  ARU  12 distance=105' 13122-3337  LDS6273 distance=106' 13179-3016  LDS5774 distance=117' 13090-3000  TDS8706 distance=122' 13208-3045  KPP3038 distance=124' 13164-3348  LDS4334 distance=125' 13026-3147  RST2829 distance=130' 13024-3125  DAW 165AB distance=135' 13024-3125  DAW 165AC distance=135' 13183-2956  KPP1821 distance=137' 13037-3035  B   240 distance=140' 13153-3409  COO 153AB distance=141' 13153-3409  SEE 172AC distance=141' 13153-3409  SEE 172AD distance=141' 13193-3347  BRT1673 distance=141' 13158-2930  SKF1954 distance=148' 13108-3423  UC 2494AB distance=153' 13010-3124  B   237 distance=153' 13018-3050  DAW 164 distance=154' 13009-3226  TDS8642 distance=155' 13035-3338  TDS8669 distance=158' 13007-3233  TDS8640 distance=158' 13194-2936  RST1714 distance=162' 13156-3431  RSS 304 distance=163' 13001-3223  UC 2448 distance=164' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 13127-3152 MUG 3 333 8.2 0
Show 13126-3207 SWR 138 296 34.7 15
Show 13129-3133 B 245 278 8.2 20
Show 13117-3216 HJ 4572 303 26.0 28
Show 13141-3215 HDS1854 Aa,Ab 174 0.3 29
Show 13141-3215 HJ 4574 AB 155 20.8 29
Show 13106-3128 RST1706 267 0.4 37
Show 13092-3147 UC 2489 359 9.6 46
Show 13124-3104 B 244 215 1.4 49
Show 13122-3104 TSN 106 109 650.7 50
Show 13166-3131 LDS4335 334 40.9 53
Show 13103-3248 TOK 850 327 1.8 64
Show 13185-3206 SEE 175 AB 106 12.4 75
Show 13185-3206 SEE 175 AC 113 41.1 75
Show 13168-3057 WIS 219 281 920.4 76
Show 13188-3202 TDS8775 351 2.1 79
Show 13080-3101 SKF1227 264 25.0 80
Show 13069-3224 UC 2485 57 14.3 81
Show 13094-3037 B 241 56 3.3 88
Show 13117-3025 LDS5772 275 289.3 88
Show 13124-3024 LDS4325 96 29.9 89
Show 13160-3030 KPP2345 87 20.3 93
Show 13141-3323 B 2016 359 0.3 93
Show 13201-3132 LDS5776 258 237.0 96
Show 13051-3159 TOI2358 139 7.3 97
Show 13058-3111 BRT2997 41 5.8 98
Show 13155-3331 ARU 12 116 0.4 105
Show 13122-3337 LDS6273 239 5.3 106
Show 13179-3016 LDS5774 288 215.8 117
Show 13090-3000 TDS8706 87 0.5 122
Show 13208-3045 KPP3038 43 5.0 124
Show 13164-3348 LDS4334 331 30.8 125
Show 13026-3147 RST2829 331 3.7 130
Show 13024-3125 DAW 165 AB 57 1.7 135
Show 13024-3125 DAW 165 AC 79 23.9 135
Show 13183-2956 KPP1821 176 14.1 137
Show 13037-3035 B 240 353 5.8 140
Show 13153-3409 COO 153 AB 350 4.8 141
Show 13153-3409 SEE 172 AC 220 16.2 141
Show 13153-3409 SEE 172 AD 109 52.5 141
Show 13193-3347 BRT1673 136 2.6 141
Show 13158-2930 SKF1954 230 29.0 148
Show 13108-3423 UC 2494 AB 0 42.5 153
Show 13010-3124 B 237 296 7.4 153
Show 13018-3050 DAW 164 292 6.1 154
Show 13009-3226 TDS8642 309 0.9 155
Show 13035-3338 TDS8669 272 0.5 158
Show 13007-3233 TDS8640 113 1.9 158
Show 13194-2936 RST1714 228 1.1 162
Show 13156-3431 RSS 304 106 14.6 163
Show 13001-3223 UC 2448 74 72.2 164

WDS 13127-3152 : COMPONENTS
B pa=336.5°
13127-3152 A
Coord arcsec 2000 131244.26-315224.0 Mag 5.6 Spectral class G0V (yellow) PmRA -200.00
PmDE -307.0
13127-3152 B
Coord arcsec 2000 131244.01-315216.7 Mag 10.1 Calc delta mag 4.5 Calc coord yes