01202+5301 TDS 1845

01h 20m 13.76s +53° 01' 28.6" P.A. 73.00 sep 1.8 mag 11.32,12.35
Coord 2000 01202+5301 Discov num TDS1845 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 20 13.76 +53 01 28.6
Date first 1991 Date last 2015 Obs 2
Pa first 72 Pa last 72.9 P.A. Now (θ) 72.9°
Sep first 1.8 Sep last 1.809 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.809"
Mag pri 11.32 Mag sec 12.35 delta mag (ΔM) 1.03 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -009 Sec motion ra -009
Pri motion dec -009 Sec motion dec -009
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 3670-00659-1 Gaia DR2 410070459379206144
WDS 01202+5301 TDS 1845 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01202+5301 TDS1845 1991 1 72 1.8 11.32 12.35 012013.76+530128.6
01202+5301 TDS1845 2015 2 73 1.8 11.32 12.35 012013.76+530128.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01202+5301 TDS 1845 : MEASURES
No records found.


01202+5301 TDS1845A mag 11.32 01202+5301 TDS1845B sep 1.2 P.A. 62.90 mag 12.35 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01202+5301 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 20m 13.76s +53° 01' 28.6"
WDS 01202+5301 TDS 1845 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01202+5301  TDS1845 distance=0' 01201+5240  HU  522 distance=22' 01246+5311  ES 2583 distance=41' 01231+5342  TDS1860 distance=48' 01252+5323  TDS1873 distance=51' 01170+5345  HJ 2030AB distance=54' 01170+5345  HJ 2030AC distance=54' 01156+5335  TDS1820 distance=54' 01180+5355  ES  119AB distance=58' 01180+5355  ES  119AC distance=58' 01127+5311  HJ 2025AB distance=69' 01127+5311  HJ 2025AC distance=69' 01194+5150  ES  758AB distance=73' 01194+5150  ES  758AC distance=73' 01190+5150  ES  757 distance=74' 01283+5329  STF 123CD distance=78' 01283+5329  STF 123BC distance=78' 01283+5329  STF 123AB distance=78' 01283+5329  STF 123AC distance=78' 01159+5153  UC   12 distance=80' 01154+5151  TDS1818 distance=83' 01148+5151  TDS1814 distance=86' 01207+5136  HU  523 distance=86' 01206+5434  STI1575 distance=92' 01112+5218  ES  755AB distance=93' 01112+5218  ES  755AC distance=93' 01112+5218  ES  755AE distance=93' 01112+5218  ABH   6AF distance=93' 01112+5218  ABH   6AG distance=93' 01112+5218  ABH   6AH distance=93' 01112+5218  ES  755CD distance=93' 01096+5255  HJ 2019 distance=97' 01309+5244  GIC  23 distance=99' 01168+5435  MLR 628 distance=100' 01300+5217  COU2551 distance=100' 01129+5136  HDS 160AB distance=109' 01214+5449  STI1580 distance=109' 01105+5408  TDS1792 distance=110' 01081+5253  TDS1780 distance=110' 01100+5202  EGG   1Aa,Ab distance=111' 01100+5202  BU  868AB distance=111' 01100+5202  BU  868AC distance=111' 01330+5302  KPP3141 distance=116' 01122+5132  STF  97 distance=116' 01100+5153  HU  519 distance=117' 01108+5141  DOO   3 distance=119' 01145+5449  ES  943AB distance=119' 01145+5449  ES  943AC distance=119' 01145+5449  ES  943BC distance=119' 01280+5439  TDS1886 distance=120' 01145+5449  ES  943CD distance=120' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01202+5301 TDS1845 73 1.8 0
Show 01201+5240 HU 522 90 3.9 22
Show 01246+5311 ES 2583 345 25.9 41
Show 01231+5342 TDS1860 157 2.0 48
Show 01252+5323 TDS1873 17 1.2 51
Show 01170+5345 HJ 2030 AB 48 25.1 54
Show 01170+5345 HJ 2030 AC 193 38.5 54
Show 01156+5335 TDS1820 106 0.5 54
Show 01180+5355 ES 119 AB 116 5.0 58
Show 01180+5355 ES 119 AC 277 44.4 58
Show 01127+5311 HJ 2025 AB 59 11.5 69
Show 01127+5311 HJ 2025 AC 316 79.3 69
Show 01194+5150 ES 758 AB 248 5.5 73
Show 01194+5150 ES 758 AC 354 34.3 73
Show 01190+5150 ES 757 55 1.8 74
Show 01283+5329 STF 123 CD 75 8.7 78
Show 01283+5329 STF 123 BC 186 37.9 78
Show 01283+5329 STF 123 AB 162 16.5 78
Show 01283+5329 STF 123 AC 179 53.4 78
Show 01159+5153 UC 12 143 43.5 80
Show 01154+5151 TDS1818 146 3.7 83
Show 01148+5151 TDS1814 337 0.6 86
Show 01207+5136 HU 523 88 0.4 86
Show 01206+5434 STI1575 60 8.7 92
Show 01112+5218 ES 755 AB 332 4.0 93
Show 01112+5218 ES 755 AC 197 10.3 93
Show 01112+5218 ES 755 AE 297 50.5 93
Show 01112+5218 ABH 6 AF 112 24.3 93
Show 01112+5218 ABH 6 AG 107 48.7 93
Show 01112+5218 ABH 6 AH 255 169.0 93
Show 01112+5218 ES 755 CD 126 3.4 93
Show 01096+5255 HJ 2019 241 8.4 97
Show 01309+5244 GIC 23 34 22.5 99
Show 01168+5435 MLR 628 131 0.8 100
Show 01300+5217 COU2551 70 0.5 100
Show 01129+5136 HDS 160 AB 107 0.1 109
Show 01214+5449 STI1580 299 11.8 109
Show 01105+5408 TDS1792 18 0.6 110
Show 01081+5253 TDS1780 288 0.9 110
Show 01100+5202 EGG 1 Aa,Ab 147 0.0 111
Show 01100+5202 BU 868 AB 233 9.2 111
Show 01100+5202 BU 868 AC 12 50.0 111
Show 01330+5302 KPP3141 67 16.3 116
Show 01122+5132 STF 97 101 4.5 116
Show 01100+5153 HU 519 130 0.4 117
Show 01108+5141 DOO 3 354 1.0 119
Show 01145+5449 ES 943 AB 261 33.2 119
Show 01145+5449 ES 943 AC 263 56.5 119
Show 01145+5449 ES 943 BC 264 24.1 119
Show 01280+5439 TDS1886 328 0.7 120
Show 01145+5449 ES 943 CD 40 3.2 120

WDS 01202+5301 : COMPONENTS
B pa=62.9°
01202+5301 A
Coord arcsec 2000 012013.76+530128.6 Mag 11.32 PmRA -9.00 PmDE -9.0
Tycho2 3670-00659-1
Tycho2 3670-00659-1 Pflag RAmdeg 20.05743176 DEmdeg 53.02463455
PmRA -9.3 PmDE -8.7 E RAmdeg 50 E DEmdeg 35
E pmRA 3.2 E pmDE 3.0 EpRAm 1986.82 EpDEm 1985.26
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 3.9 Q DEmdeg 2.5 Q pmRA 3.9
Q pmDE 2.5 BTmag 11.697 E BTmag 0.084 VTmag 11.336
E VTmag 0.100 Prox 934 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 20.05741722 DEdeg 53.02462639 EpRA 1990 1.72
EpDE 1990 1.78 E RAdeg 58.9 E DEdeg 57.0 Posflg
Corr 0.1
01202+5301 B
Coord arcsec 2000 012013.88+530129.1 Mag 12.35 PmRA -9.00 PmDE -9.0
Calc delta mag 1.03 Calc coord yes