01166+1831 HDS 169 (HD 7640)

01h 16m 36.45s +18° 31' 21.6" P.A. 219.00 sep 0.6 mag 8.61,12.20 Sp G5 dist. 63.86 pc (208.31 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01166+1831 Discov num HDS 169 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 16 36.45 +18 31 21.6
Date first 1991 Date last 2021 Obs 15
Pa first 264 Pa last 219.1 P.A. Now (θ) 219.1°
Sep first 0.6 Sep last 0.602 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.602"
Mag pri 8.61 Mag sec 12.20 delta mag (ΔM) 3.59 Spectral class G5 (yellow)
Pri motion ra +282 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +020 Sec motion dec
Notes N O (See Notes, Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 7640 Constellation Pisces SAO 92344 HIP 5952
Tycho2 1200-01141-1 Gaia DR2 2785877317611229056 HD 7640 GC 1530
BD BD+17 176 Distance 63.86 Distance ly 208.31
Period (P)143.73y Periastron (T)2115.16y Semi-major axis (a)0.767a
Eccentricity (e)0.575 Inclination (i)118.3° Longitude of periastron (ω)93.9°
Node (Ω)102.7° Notesn ReferenceHrt2011d
Equinox2000 Last observation2010 Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 253.7 0.647
2001 252.4 0.647
2002 251.0 0.646
2003 249.6 0.645
2004 248.3 0.643
2005 246.9 0.641
2006 245.5 0.639
2007 244.1 0.637
2008 242.7 0.634
2009 241.2 0.631
2010 239.8 0.628
2011 238.3 0.625
2012 236.9 0.622
2013 235.4 0.619
2014 233.9 0.616
2015 232.4 0.613
2016 230.8 0.609
2017 229.3 0.606
2018 227.7 0.603
2019 226.1 0.600
2020 224.5 0.597
2021 222.9 0.594
2022 221.3 0.591
2023 219.7 0.588
2024 218.0 0.585
2025 216.3 0.583
2026 214.6 0.581
2027 212.9 0.579
2028 211.2 0.577
2029 209.5 0.575
2030 207.8 0.574
2031 206.0 0.572
2032 204.3 0.571
2033 202.5 0.571
2034 200.8 0.570
2035 199.0 0.570
2036 197.2 0.570
2037 195.5 0.570
2038 193.7 0.571
2039 192.0 0.571
2040 190.2 0.572
2041 188.5 0.573
2042 186.7 0.575
2043 185.0 0.577
2044 183.3 0.579
2045 181.6 0.581
2046 179.9 0.583
2047 178.3 0.586
2048 176.6 0.589
2049 175.0 0.592
2050 173.3 0.595

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds01166%2B1831a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic
WDS 01166+1831 HDS 169 (HD 7640) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HDS 169 A: Ren & Fu (2013) calculated an astrometric orbit, combining
Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data with spectroscopic elements by
Latham et al. (2002). They derived component masses 1.06 and 0.28 Msun Lat2002
and an estimated semimajor axis of 14.81 mas. Ren2013
refcode metd author reference
Hrt2011d orb - Hartkopf, W.I. & Mason, B.D. 2011IAUDS.175....1H
Hrt2011d Inf. Circ. 175, 1, 2011
Lat2002 orb - Latham, D.N., Stefanik, R.P., Torres, G., Davis, R.J., Mazeh, T., Carney, B.W., 2002AJ....124.1144L
Lat2002 Laird, J.B., & Morse, J.A.
Lat2002 AJ 124, 1144, 2002
Ren2013 orb - Ren, S. & Fu, Y. 2013AJ....145...81R
Ren2013 AJ 145, 81, 2013
idgroup discov author
1 HDS Hipparcos Double Star (from additional DD list)
21 HRT Hartkopf, W.I., McAlister, H.A., Mason, B.D., ten Brummelaar, T.A., Roberts, J.C.,
21 HRT Jr., Turner, N.H., & Wilson, J.W.
22 HRT Hartkopf, W.I., W.I., Mason, B.D., Gies, D.R., ten Brummelaar, T.,
22 HRT McAlister, H.A., Moffat, A.F.J., Shara, M.M., & Wallace, D.J.
27 HRT Mason, B.D., Martin, C., Hartkopf, W.I., Barry, D.J., Germain, M.E.,
27 HRT Douglass, G.G., Worley, C.E., ten Brummelaar, T.A., et al.
28 HRT Hartkopf, W.I., Mason, B.D., McAlister, H.A., Roberts, L.C., Jr., Turner, N.H.,
28 HRT ten Brummelaar, T.A., Prieto, C.M., Ling, J.F., & Franz, O.G.
68 HRT Mason, B.D., Henry, T.J., Soderblom. D.R., Hartkopf, W.I., Holdenreid, E.R.,
68 HRT Rafferty, T.J., & Urban, S.E.
87 LAT Latham, D.N., Mazeh, T., Stefanik, R.P., Davis, R.J., Carney, B.W.,
87 LAT Krymolowski, Y., Laird, J.B., Torres, G., & Morse, J.A.
88 LAT Latham, D.N., Stefanik, R.P., Torres, G., Davis, R.J., Mazeh, T., Carney, B.W.,
88 LAT Laird, J.B., & Morse, J.A.
89 LAT Buchhave, L.A., Latham, D.W., Carter, J.A., Desert, J.-M., Torres, G.,
89 LAT Adams, E.R., Bryson, S.T., Charbonneau, D.B., Ciardi, D.R., Kulesa, C.,
89 LAT Dupree, A.K., Fischer, D.A., et al.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01166+1831 HDS 169 1999 3 254 0.6 8.61 12.20 G5 D 011636.28+183121.4
01166+1831 HDS 169 2004 4 248 0.6 8.61 12.20 G5 D 011636.28+183121.4
01166+1831 HDS 169 2007 6 244 0.6 8.61 12.20 G5 D 011636.28+183121.4
01166+1831 HDS 169 2010 8 239 0.6 8.61 12.20 G5 D 011636.28+183121.4
01166+1831 HDS 169 2012 10 235 0.6 8.61 12.20 G5 OD 011636.28+183121.4
01166+1831 HDS 169 2013 11 234 0.6 8.61 12.20 G5 NO 011636.45+183121.6
01166+1831 HDS 169 2021 15 219 0.6 8.61 12.20 G5 NO 011636.45+183121.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01166+1831 HDS 169 (HD 7640) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 01166+1831 (HD 7640) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

01166+1831 HDS 169A mag 8.61 Sp G5 01166+1831 HDS 169B sep 0.6 P.A. 217.60 mag 12.2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01166+1831 (HD 7640) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 16m 36.45s +18° 31' 21.6"
WDS 01166+1831 HDS 169 (HD 7640) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01166+1831  HDS 169 distance=0' 01186+1853  COU  34 distance=36' 01195+1850  GWP 169 distance=46' 01181+1913  CVR 379 distance=47' 01138+1759  SKF  22 distance=53' 01171+1739  BPM  26 distance=54' 01208+1813  A  2212 distance=63' 01121+1759  GRV  74 distance=71' 01179+1943  NSN  14AB distance=74' 01203+1926  LDS3263 distance=76' 01220+1848  GWP 175 distance=79' 01152+1949  J   224 distance=81' 01107+1827  SLW  54 distance=85' 01141+1657  SLW  57 distance=101' 01126+1704  NAU   1 distance=105' 01144+2012  HJ 2029 distance=106' 01240+1812  KPP  70 distance=108' 01128+2007  CBL 207 distance=110' 01140+2015  TDS1809 distance=110' 01168+2023  SKF2667 distance=112' 01227+1712  STTA 16 distance=119' 01249+1802  LDS3274 distance=121' 01086+1917  GWP 136 distance=123' 01245+1740  BPM  29 distance=124' 01240+1950  HO  309AB distance=132' 01240+1950  HO  309AC distance=132' 01240+1950  LV   15AD distance=132' 01074+1909  BRT2302 distance=136' 01231+1649  JNS   1 distance=137' 01112+1634  GWP 144 distance=141' 01265+1812  HDS 187 distance=143' 01103+2025  J  1443 distance=145' 01071+1740  BPM  22 distance=146' 01103+1636  HU 1209AB distance=147' 01103+1636  STF  94AC distance=147' 01086+1652  GWP 135 distance=152' 01175+2105  STF 107 distance=155' 01078+1652  DAM 767 distance=161' 01077+1651  J   926 distance=162' 01059+1926  CVR 365 distance=162' 01131+1543  GRV  75 distance=176' 01169+1535  CVR 375 distance=177' 01160+1534  GRV 986 distance=178' 01192+1538  J   226 distance=178' 01094+2056  BRT2303 distance=178' 01283+1731  GWP 194 distance=178' 01203+2122  A  1905 distance=179' 01057+2004  GRV  68AB distance=180' 01057+2004  WSI 144AC distance=180' 01080+2044  DRS   2 distance=181' 01211+1540  J   227 distance=182' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01166+1831 HDS 169 219 0.6 0
Show 01186+1853 COU 34 24 10.8 36
Show 01195+1850 GWP 169 94 78.8 46
Show 01181+1913 CVR 379 6 14.3 47
Show 01138+1759 SKF 22 212 4.7 53
Show 01171+1739 BPM 26 353 98.0 54
Show 01208+1813 A 2212 214 1.3 63
Show 01121+1759 GRV 74 239 12.4 71
Show 01179+1943 NSN 14 AB 119 3.9 74
Show 01203+1926 LDS3263 74 196.3 76
Show 01220+1848 GWP 175 36 21.3 79
Show 01152+1949 J 224 263 6.0 81
Show 01107+1827 SLW 54 181 150.1 85
Show 01141+1657 SLW 57 75 10.1 101
Show 01126+1704 NAU 1 30 42.0 105
Show 01144+2012 HJ 2029 215 16.6 106
Show 01240+1812 KPP 70 296 3.8 108
Show 01128+2007 CBL 207 334 20.9 110
Show 01140+2015 TDS1809 94 0.4 110
Show 01168+2023 SKF2667 131 1.2 112
Show 01227+1712 STTA 16 137 72.0 119
Show 01249+1802 LDS3274 262 30.2 121
Show 01086+1917 GWP 136 263 21.8 123
Show 01245+1740 BPM 29 168 89.5 124
Show 01240+1950 HO 309 AB 22 3.2 132
Show 01240+1950 HO 309 AC 93 47.4 132
Show 01240+1950 LV 15 AD 51 38.6 132
Show 01074+1909 BRT2302 134 4.5 136
Show 01231+1649 JNS 1 19 4.3 137
Show 01112+1634 GWP 144 164 52.5 141
Show 01265+1812 HDS 187 290 0.3 143
Show 01103+2025 J 1443 220 2.2 145
Show 01071+1740 BPM 22 61 45.1 146
Show 01103+1636 HU 1209 AB 208 0.6 147
Show 01103+1636 STF 94 AC 281 20.5 147
Show 01086+1652 GWP 135 89 27.5 152
Show 01175+2105 STF 107 69 21.1 155
Show 01078+1652 DAM 767 289 30.1 161
Show 01077+1651 J 926 122 2.9 162
Show 01059+1926 CVR 365 92 13.0 162
Show 01131+1543 GRV 75 153 45.8 176
Show 01169+1535 CVR 375 232 9.1 177
Show 01160+1534 GRV 986 346 8.8 178
Show 01192+1538 J 226 63 5.0 178
Show 01094+2056 BRT2303 159 4.8 178
Show 01283+1731 GWP 194 122 174.4 178
Show 01203+2122 A 1905 332 1.8 179
Show 01057+2004 GRV 68 AB 36 44.7 180
Show 01057+2004 WSI 144 AC 49 11.4 180
Show 01080+2044 DRS 2 214 0.6 181
Show 01211+1540 J 227 179 3.4 182

WDS 01166+1831 : COMPONENTS
B pa=217.6°
01166+1831 A
Name HD 7640 Coord arcsec 2000 011636.45+183121.6 Mag 8.61 Spectral class G5 (yellow)
PmRA 282.00 PmDE 20.0 SAO 92344 HIP 5952
Tycho2 1200-01141-1 HD 7640 GC 1530 BD BD+17 176
Tycho2 1200-01141-1 Pflag RAmdeg 19.15188318 DEmdeg 18.52266639
PmRA 282.9 PmDE 20.7 E RAmdeg 8 E DEmdeg 9
E pmRA 0.9 E pmDE 0.9 EpRAm 1990.40 EpDEm 1989.86
Num 16 Q RAmdeg 1.0 Q DEmdeg 1.1 Q pmRA 1.0
Q pmDE 1.1 BTmag 9.171 E BTmag 0.020 VTmag 8.527
E VTmag 0.014 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 5952
CCDM AB RAdeg 19.15120194 DEdeg 18.52261889 EpRA 1990 1.79
EpDE 1990 1.63 E RAdeg 7.5 E DEdeg 9.2 Posflg P
Corr -0.2
SAO 92344 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0192
DE1950 PmDE1950 0.009 Vmag 8.7 SpType G5
Double code Source 70 CatNum 1530 DM BD+17 176
DMcomp BDsup HD 7640 M HD 0
GC 1530 RA1950rad 0.32248755 DE1950rad 0.31867531 PmRA2000 0.0192
PmDE2000 0.004
Catalog H HIP 5952 Proxy H RAhms 01 16 36.28
DEdms +18 31 21.4 Vmag 8.47 VarFlag R Vmag G
RAdeg 19.1512 DEdeg 18.5226 AstroRef A Plx 16.08
CCDM 01166+1831 N CCDM H Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source Qual B M HIP AB
Theta 264 Rho 0.621 HD 7640 BD BD+17 176
CD CP Dm number +17 176 VIred 0.68
SpType G5 R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 011636.28+183121.4
Hipparcos 2
HIP 5952 Sn 15 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 0.334250898 DErad 0.3232806298 Plx 15.66 PmRA 283.14
PmDE 20.92 E RArad 1 E DErad 0.57 E Plx 1.06
E pmRA 1.06 E pmDE 0.55 Hpmag 8.5696 E Hpmag 0.0013
SHp 0.014 VA 0 BV 0.61 E BV 0.015
VI 0.68
Ccdm 01166+1831 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.45 DDEs 21.6
R dRAs 82 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 8.6 Sp G5 PmNote *
PmRA 282 PmDE 20 Dm number +17 176 Cat1 BD
Name2 +18 99 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD 7640 M HD
HIC 5952
01166+1831 B
Coord arcsec 2000 011636.42+183121.1 Mag 12.2 Calc delta mag 3.59 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 01166+1831 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num HDS DRAs 0.41 DDEs 21.5
R dRAs 82 Year 1991 Theta 264 Rho 0.6
Obs 1 Vmag 12.2 Sp PmNote *
PmRA 282 PmDE 20 Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 5952