10413+4537 LDS 5715

10h 41m 19.39s +45° 35' 51.8" P.A. 115.00 sep 255.6 mag 15.47,16.38
Coord 2000 10413+4537 Discov num LDS5715 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 41 19.39 +45 35 51.8
Date first 1960 Date last 2015 Obs 7
Pa first 115 Pa last 114.7 P.A. Now (θ) 114.7°
Sep first 256.0 Sep last 255.569 Sep. Now (ρ) 255.569"
Mag pri 15.47 Mag sec 16.38 delta mag (ΔM) 0.91 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -089 Sec motion ra -086
Pri motion dec -049 Sec motion dec -007
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Ursa Major Gaia DR2 829723604974507008
WDS 10413+4537 LDS 5715 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10413+4537 LDS5715 2000 2 115 255.8 15.47 16.38 D 104119.39+453551.8
10413+4537 LDS5715 2002 3 115 255.7 15.47 16.38 D 104119.39+453551.8
10413+4537 LDS5715 2010 4 115 255.7 15.47 16.38 104119.39+453551.8
10413+4537 LDS5715 2015 5 115 255.6 15.47 16.38 104119.39+453551.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 10413+4537 LDS 5715 : MEASURES
No records found.


10413+4537 LDS5715A mag 15.47 10413+4537 LDS5715B sep 194.4 P.A. 123.30 mag 16.38 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 10413+4537 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 10h 41m 19.39s +45° 35' 51.8"
WDS 10413+4537 LDS 5715 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

10413+4537  LDS5715 distance=0' 10392+4529  COU2094 distance=24' 10381+4527  ES  919 distance=34' 10411+4502  KPP3230 distance=35' 10382+4558  COU2092 distance=40' 10378+4550  LDS4002 distance=41' 10435+4612  SMA  75AB distance=44' 10435+4612  SMA  75AC distance=44' 10435+4612  SMA  75AD distance=44' 10455+4541  COU2097 distance=45' 10435+4612  MET   7BE distance=47' 10435+4612  SMA  75BD distance=47' 10435+4612  MET   7BF distance=47' 10435+4612  SMA  75BP distance=47' 10381+4453  ES 2633 distance=55' 10369+4504  ES 1152 distance=56' 10453+4458  STF1467 distance=57' 10468+4525  SLW 524 distance=59' 10466+4511  ES  604 distance=61' 10364+4609  FAR  58 distance=61' 10355+4539  BU 1074 distance=61' 10432+4438  STF1465 distance=62' 10442+4441  HDS1533 distance=63' 10420+4639  STF1461 distance=64' 10429+4641  STF1463 distance=68' 10388+4421  COU2093 distance=80' 10352+4624  HDS1517 distance=80' 10345+4618  LDS3999 distance=83' 10365+4430  A  2055CD distance=83' 10365+4430  A  2055AB distance=84' 10365+4430  A  2055AB,C distance=84' 10406+4700  HDS1525 distance=85' 10340+4612  A  2054 distance=85' 10347+4639  ES  918 distance=93' 10379+4407  HJ 2539CD distance=94' 10414+4401  COU2095 distance=96' 10379+4407  HJ 2538AB distance=96' 10379+4407  HJ 2538AC distance=96' 10379+4407  HJ 2538AD distance=96' 10379+4407  SKF2328BE distance=96' 10428+4711  COU2096 distance=96' 10314+4532  SKF 234 distance=105' 10465+4406  TOK 541 distance=106' 10490+4648  SLW 527 distance=107' 10498+4438  KPP2471 distance=107' 10324+4632  A  1994 distance=109' 10434+4348  KPP3231 distance=111' 10302+4532  ES 1150 distance=117' 10355+4357  COU2091 distance=117' 10336+4409  CVR 568 distance=120' 10406+4739  LDS4008 distance=123' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 10413+4537 LDS5715 115 255.6 0
Show 10392+4529 COU2094 35 0.6 24
Show 10381+4527 ES 919 323 6.9 34
Show 10411+4502 KPP3230 92 2.6 35
Show 10382+4558 COU2092 284 0.4 40
Show 10378+4550 LDS4002 82 1.3 41
Show 10435+4612 SMA 75 AB 88 288.0 44
Show 10435+4612 SMA 75 AC 16 152.0 44
Show 10435+4612 SMA 75 AD 45 381.6 44
Show 10455+4541 COU2097 339 1.1 45
Show 10435+4612 MET 7 BE 291 2.7 47
Show 10435+4612 SMA 75 BD 357 259.2 47
Show 10435+4612 MET 7 BF 134 13.9 47
Show 10435+4612 SMA 75 BP 287 80.2 47
Show 10381+4453 ES 2633 269 5.8 55
Show 10369+4504 ES 1152 349 2.6 56
Show 10453+4458 STF1467 288 3.9 57
Show 10468+4525 SLW 524 95 11.6 59
Show 10466+4511 ES 604 52 2.6 61
Show 10364+4609 FAR 58 312 0.7 61
Show 10355+4539 BU 1074 208 2.6 61
Show 10432+4438 STF1465 11 2.2 62
Show 10442+4441 HDS1533 232 0.4 63
Show 10420+4639 STF1461 137 9.1 64
Show 10429+4641 STF1463 258 7.9 68
Show 10388+4421 COU2093 38 1.0 80
Show 10352+4624 HDS1517 0 1.5 80
Show 10345+4618 LDS3999 287 46.7 83
Show 10365+4430 A 2055 CD 77 5.2 83
Show 10365+4430 A 2055 AB 176 0.3 84
Show 10365+4430 A 2055 AB,C 52 17.0 84
Show 10406+4700 HDS1525 222 0.2 85
Show 10340+4612 A 2054 150 0.1 85
Show 10347+4639 ES 918 189 3.4 93
Show 10379+4407 HJ 2539 CD 68 21.6 94
Show 10414+4401 COU2095 74 0.6 96
Show 10379+4407 HJ 2538 AB 154 16.7 96
Show 10379+4407 HJ 2538 AC 42 103.9 96
Show 10379+4407 HJ 2538 AD 47 123.7 96
Show 10379+4407 SKF2328 BE 101 1.7 96
Show 10428+4711 COU2096 280 0.2 96
Show 10314+4532 SKF 234 91 4.6 105
Show 10465+4406 TOK 541 205 999.9 106
Show 10490+4648 SLW 527 278 23.4 107
Show 10498+4438 KPP2471 163 22.0 107
Show 10324+4632 A 1994 83 1.5 109
Show 10434+4348 KPP3231 290 12.6 111
Show 10302+4532 ES 1150 181 0.8 117
Show 10355+4357 COU2091 326 0.9 117
Show 10336+4409 CVR 568 10 16.6 120
Show 10406+4739 LDS4008 5 190.6 123

WDS 10413+4537 : COMPONENTS
B pa=123.3°
10413+4537 A
Coord arcsec 2000 104119.39+453551.8 Mag 15.47 PmRA -89.00 PmDE -49.0
10413+4537 B
Coord arcsec 2000 104134.87+453405.0 Mag 16.38 PmRA -86.00 PmDE -7.0
Calc delta mag 0.91 Calc coord yes