00552+6012 BKO 150

00h 55m 10.59s +60° 12' 16.0" P.A. 226.00 sep 11.2 mag 12.00,13.80
Coord 2000 00552+6012 Discov num BKO 150 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 55 10.59 +60 12 16.0
Date first 1999 Date last 2014 Obs 7
Pa first 226 Pa last 226 P.A. Now (θ) 226°
Sep first 11.1 Sep last 11.164 Sep. Now (ρ) 11.164"
Mag pri 12.00 Mag sec 13.80 delta mag (ΔM) 1.8 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -001 Sec motion ra -008
Pri motion dec +002 Sec motion dec +005
This double is not physical.
Constellation Cassiopeia
WDS 00552+6012 BKO 150 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BKO Ladanyi, T. & Berko, E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00552+6012 BKO 150 2003 2 226 11.1 12.00 13.80 D 005510.59+601216.0
00552+6012 BKO 150 2010 4 226 10.9 12.00 13.80 005510.59+601216.0
00552+6012 BKO 150 2014 7 226 11.2 12.00 13.80 005510.59+601216.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00552+6012 BKO 150 : MEASURES
No records found.


00552+6012 BKO 150A mag 12 00552+6012 BKO 150B sep 8.7 P.A. 207.20 mag 13.8 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00552+6012 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 55m 10.59s +60° 12' 16.0"
WDS 00552+6012 BKO 150 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00552+6012  BKO 150 distance=0' 00550+6014  STI 142AB distance=3' 00550+6014  BKO 149BC distance=3' 00552+6007  STI 144 distance=6' 00544+6012  BKO 143 distance=7' 00543+6012  BKO 142 distance=7' 00541+6013  BKO 141 distance=8' 00558+6020  STI 145 distance=9' 00549+6001  STI 140 distance=12' 00562+6021  TDS1672 distance=12' 00563+6025  STI 147 distance=15' 00548+5958  STI 139 distance=16' 00568+6022  BAG  10Aa,Ab distance=16' 00568+6022  BU 1099AB distance=16' 00568+6022  BU 1353AB,C distance=16' 00549+5957  STI 141 distance=16' 00550+5956  BKO 148 distance=17' 00530+6018  VAT   1 distance=18' 00573+6020  ARG   3 distance=18' 00530+6020  STI 136 distance=19' 00574+6001  STI 151 distance=21' 00554+5951  TDS1667 distance=22' 00574+6027  UC    7 distance=23' 00586+6019  TDS1695 distance=27' 00527+6034  TDS1652 distance=29' 00543+6041  ES 1708 distance=29' 00586+5957  STI 153 distance=30' 00525+5951  STI 134 distance=30' 00592+6010  TDS1704 distance=30' 00586+5956  STI 154 distance=31' 00512+6019  MLR  27 distance=31' 00567+6043  BU 1028AB (Tsih) distance=33' 00567+6043  BU  499AC (Tsih) distance=33' 00567+6043  MAM  20AD (Tsih) distance=33' 00551+6046  TDS1664 distance=35' 00559+5937  STI 146 distance=37' 00529+5940  MLB  42 distance=37' 00528+5939  TDS1653 distance=38' 00592+5943  ES 1710 distance=43' 01006+6027  BAG  36 distance=43' 00529+6053  TDS1655 distance=45' 00520+5934  A   923 distance=45' 01011+6022  A   926 distance=46' 00565+5928  ES 1709 distance=46' 01013+6030  STI 160 distance=49' 00552+5923  TDS1666 distance=50' 00485+6016  STI 127 distance=51' 00497+6046  HJ 1054CD distance=53' 00497+6046  HJ 1054AB distance=53' 00497+6046  HJ 1054AC distance=53' 00592+5929  ES 1711AB distance=53' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00552+6012 BKO 150 226 11.2 0
Show 00550+6014 STI 142 AB 246 10.7 3
Show 00550+6014 BKO 149 BC 357 7.6 3
Show 00552+6007 STI 144 63 11.6 6
Show 00544+6012 BKO 143 263 6.1 7
Show 00543+6012 BKO 142 101 7.7 7
Show 00541+6013 BKO 141 129 11.3 8
Show 00558+6020 STI 145 51 9.5 9
Show 00549+6001 STI 140 279 11.6 12
Show 00562+6021 TDS1672 282 0.4 12
Show 00563+6025 STI 147 113 11.1 15
Show 00548+5958 STI 139 104 4.8 16
Show 00568+6022 BAG 10 Aa,Ab 292 0.0 16
Show 00568+6022 BU 1099 AB 9 0.2 16
Show 00568+6022 BU 1353 AB,C 157 41.3 16
Show 00549+5957 STI 141 159 2.7 16
Show 00550+5956 BKO 148 106 3.1 17
Show 00530+6018 VAT 1 174 5.1 18
Show 00573+6020 ARG 3 200 20.7 18
Show 00530+6020 STI 136 317 6.5 19
Show 00574+6001 STI 151 260 4.9 21
Show 00554+5951 TDS1667 296 0.6 22
Show 00574+6027 UC 7 261 6.8 23
Show 00586+6019 TDS1695 0 2.4 27
Show 00527+6034 TDS1652 270 0.4 29
Show 00543+6041 ES 1708 287 5.0 29
Show 00586+5957 STI 153 34 6.2 30
Show 00525+5951 STI 134 145 14.2 30
Show 00592+6010 TDS1704 298 0.4 30
Show 00586+5956 STI 154 70 4.5 31
Show 00512+6019 MLR 27 212 0.5 31
Show Tsih 00567+6043 BU 1028 AB 259 2.1 33
Show Tsih 00567+6043 BU 499 AC 345 53.3 33
Show Tsih 00567+6043 MAM 20 AD 179 999.9 33
Show 00551+6046 TDS1664 11 1.1 35
Show 00559+5937 STI 146 303 13.8 37
Show 00529+5940 MLB 42 217 2.5 37
Show 00528+5939 TDS1653 58 0.6 38
Show 00592+5943 ES 1710 332 6.6 43
Show 01006+6027 BAG 36 184 0.1 43
Show 00529+6053 TDS1655 77 0.4 45
Show 00520+5934 A 923 161 1.1 45
Show 01011+6022 A 926 346 0.4 46
Show 00565+5928 ES 1709 284 5.4 46
Show 01013+6030 STI 160 10 4.7 49
Show 00552+5923 TDS1666 315 0.9 50
Show 00485+6016 STI 127 313 11.6 51
Show 00497+6046 HJ 1054 CD 239 26.7 53
Show 00497+6046 HJ 1054 AB 182 8.9 53
Show 00497+6046 HJ 1054 AC 61 92.3 53
Show 00592+5929 ES 1711 AB 54 2.7 53

WDS 00552+6012 : COMPONENTS
B pa=207.2°
00552+6012 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005510.59+601216.0 Mag 12 PmRA -1.00 PmDE 2.0
00552+6012 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005510.05+601208.2 Mag 13.8 PmRA -8.00 PmDE 5.0
Calc delta mag 1.8 Calc coord yes