00396-2254 LDS 2143

00h 39m 37.82s -22° 52' 33.5" P.A. 347.00 sep 3.9 mag 13.70,14.40
Coord 2000 00396-2254 Discov num LDS2143 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 39 37.82 -22 52 33.5
Date first 1954 Date last 2016 Obs 6
Pa first 339 Pa last 346.9 P.A. Now (θ) 346.9°
Sep first 4.0 Sep last 3.887 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.887"
Mag pri 13.70 Mag sec 14.40 delta mag (ΔM) 0.7 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +187 Sec motion ra +126
Pri motion dec -117 Sec motion dec +001
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cetus Gaia DR2 2349781972056640384
WDS 00396-2254 LDS 2143 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00396-2254 LDS2143 1998 3 350 3.9 13.70 14.40 D 003937.72-225231.0
00396-2254 LDS2143 1999 3 347 3.9 13.70 14.40 D 003937.72-225231.0
00396-2254 LDS2143 2015 4 347 3.9 13.70 14.40 V 003937.82-225233.5
00396-2254 LDS2143 2016 6 347 3.9 13.70 14.40 V 003937.82-225233.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00396-2254 LDS 2143 : MEASURES
No records found.


00396-2254 LDS2143A mag 13.7 00396-2254 LDS2143B sep 3.9 P.A. 347.90 mag 14.4 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00396-2254 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 39m 37.82s -22° 52' 33.5"
WDS 00396-2254 LDS 2143 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00396-2254  LDS2143 distance=0' 00411-2309  I  1074 distance=26' 00380-2311  UC  403 distance=29' 00380-2232  ARA1957 distance=31' 00422-2300  I  1075 distance=37' 00382-2216  HDS  89 distance=42' 00417-2219  SLW  37 distance=44' 00427-2315  LDS2144 distance=48' 00397-2205  DON   9 distance=48' 00361-2251  DRS   1 distance=49' 00376-2333  LDS2139 distance=50' 00432-2220  LDS2145 distance=60' 00441-2244  LDS2149 distance=61' 00397-2356  SHN  56 distance=64' 00432-2212  CVR  17 distance=64' 00348-2305  HJ 1988 distance=68' 00350-2329  SKF2143 distance=74' 00359-2348  B     9 distance=76' 00431-2154  DON  10 distance=76' 00397-2135  HDS  91 distance=78' 00437-2158  SLW  40 distance=79' 00380-2136  HJ 1990 distance=81' 00436-2354  LDS2147 distance=82' 00338-2241  ARA1956 distance=83' 00432-2146  LDS1078 distance=83' 00368-2136  SLW  33 distance=86' 00448-2201  ALD  98 distance=86' 00462-2231  KPP2671AB distance=94' 00435-2136  LDS2146 distance=95' 00336-2205  CVR 333 distance=97' 00390-2117  UC  413 distance=97' 00386-2118  LDS2140 distance=97' 00466-2242  CBL 204 distance=98' 00462-2214  RST4155 distance=99' 00447-2136  DON  11 distance=104' 00333-2151  LDS1077 distance=108' 00476-2305  BRT1369 distance=112' 00465-2354  SKF1357 distance=113' 00472-2213  LDS2154 distance=113' 00401-2100  SLW  35 distance=113' 00461-2141  UC  436 distance=116' 00417-2446  B    10 distance=117' 00373-2446  BU  395 distance=118' 00437-2110  LDS2148 distance=119' 00323-2151  CBL 114 distance=119' 00472-2158  LDS2153 distance=119' 00371-2100  LDS2138 distance=120' 00374-2054  FAR  23 distance=123' 00420-2457  RST2250BC distance=129' 00420-2457  RST2250AB distance=129' 00388-2506  HJ 1991 distance=135' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00396-2254 LDS2143 347 3.9 0
Show 00411-2309 I 1074 205 1.6 26
Show 00380-2311 UC 403 241 41.9 29
Show 00380-2232 ARA1957 87 6.7 31
Show 00422-2300 I 1075 28 0.9 37
Show 00382-2216 HDS 89 193 0.5 42
Show 00417-2219 SLW 37 57 57.2 44
Show 00427-2315 LDS2144 22 30.5 48
Show 00397-2205 DON 9 173 1.6 48
Show 00361-2251 DRS 1 261 0.9 49
Show 00376-2333 LDS2139 352 17.7 50
Show 00432-2220 LDS2145 21 174.8 60
Show 00441-2244 LDS2149 98 4.9 61
Show 00397-2356 SHN 56 -1 0.1 64
Show 00432-2212 CVR 17 36 29.3 64
Show 00348-2305 HJ 1988 196 27.1 68
Show 00350-2329 SKF2143 250 20.7 74
Show 00359-2348 B 9 96 1.7 76
Show 00431-2154 DON 10 268 1.7 76
Show 00397-2135 HDS 91 224 0.2 78
Show 00437-2158 SLW 40 11 32.6 79
Show 00380-2136 HJ 1990 354 17.4 81
Show 00436-2354 LDS2147 325 19.6 82
Show 00338-2241 ARA1956 298 3.0 83
Show 00432-2146 LDS1078 228 22.6 83
Show 00368-2136 SLW 33 146 66.6 86
Show 00448-2201 ALD 98 222 1.4 86
Show 00462-2231 KPP2671 AB 21 26.7 94
Show 00435-2136 LDS2146 147 10.8 95
Show 00336-2205 CVR 333 134 9.8 97
Show 00390-2117 UC 413 220 17.0 97
Show 00386-2118 LDS2140 207 362.6 97
Show 00466-2242 CBL 204 291 36.1 98
Show 00462-2214 RST4155 236 0.2 99
Show 00447-2136 DON 11 196 3.4 104
Show 00333-2151 LDS1077 335 15.0 108
Show 00476-2305 BRT1369 190 4.6 112
Show 00465-2354 SKF1357 145 5.1 113
Show 00472-2213 LDS2154 106 38.9 113
Show 00401-2100 SLW 35 313 17.0 113
Show 00461-2141 UC 436 200 43.0 116
Show 00417-2446 B 10 135 0.0 117
Show 00373-2446 BU 395 198 0.1 118
Show 00437-2110 LDS2148 112 19.7 119
Show 00323-2151 CBL 114 209 49.7 119
Show 00472-2158 LDS2153 132 37.7 119
Show 00371-2100 LDS2138 260 2.8 120
Show 00374-2054 FAR 23 105 0.3 123
Show 00420-2457 RST2250 BC 313 0.8 129
Show 00420-2457 RST2250 AB 282 27.1 129
Show 00388-2506 HJ 1991 95 47.2 135

WDS 00396-2254 : COMPONENTS
B pa=347.9°
00396-2254 A
Coord arcsec 2000 003937.82-225233.5 Mag 13.7 PmRA 187.00 PmDE -117.0
00396-2254 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003937.76-225229.7 Mag 14.4 PmRA 126.00 PmDE 1.0
Calc delta mag 0.7 Calc coord yes