19510+3849 RAO 419

19h 50m 58.65s +38° 48' 34.5" P.A. 355.00 sep 1.8 mag 13.50,17.00
Coord 2000 19510+3849 Discov num RAO 419 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 50 58.65 +38 48 34.5
Date first 2016 Date last 2016 Obs 2
Pa first 354 Pa last 355.2 P.A. Now (θ) 355.2°
Sep first 1.9 Sep last 1.79 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.79"
Mag pri 13.50 Mag sec 17.00 delta mag (ΔM) 3.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +017 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -227 Sec motion dec
Notes R (Red magnitudes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus
WDS 19510+3849 RAO 419 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RAO Robo AO (Palomar 60" AO project or KPNO 2.1m)
1 RAO Law, N.M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Ravichandran, G., Ziegler, C.,
1 RAO Johnson, J.A., Tendulkar, S.P., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H., Dekany, R., et al.
3 RAO Riddle, R.L., Tokovinin, A., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Roberts, L.C., Jr.,
3 RAO Baranec, C., Law, N.M., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H.K., Dekany, R.G.,
3 RAO Kulkarni, S., Punnadi, S., Ramaprakash, A.N., & Tendulkar, S.P.
9 RAO Baranec, C., Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Morton, T., Riddle, R.L., Atkinson, D.,
9 RAO Schonhut, J., & Crepp, J.
10 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Nicholas, M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R.L.,
10 RAO Atkinson, D., Baker, A., Roberts, S., & Ciardi, D.R.
11 RAO Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Baranec, C., Huber, D., Ziegler, C., Atkinson, D., Gaidos,
11 RAO E., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Hagelberg, J., van der Marel, N., & Hodapp, K.W.
17 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Duev, D.A., Howard, W.,
17 RAO Jensen-Clem, R., Kulkarni, S.R., Morton, T. & Salama, M.
18 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Morton, T., Riddle, R., De Lee, N., Huber, D.,
18 RAO Mahadevan, S. & Pepper, J.
19 RAO Bowler, B.P., Hinkley, S., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Gizis, J.E., Law, N.M., Liu,
19 RAO M.C., Shah, V.S., Shkolnik, E.L., Riaz, B. & Riddle, R.
20 RAO Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Huber, D., Baranec, C., Lamman, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem,
20 RAO R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R. & Law, N.M.
21 RAO Lamman, C., Baranec, C., Berta-Thompson, Z.K., Law, N.M., Schonhut-Stasik, J.,
21 RAO Ziegler, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem, R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R.,
21 RAO Winters, J.G. & Irwin, J.M.
24 RAO Salama, M., Ou, J., Barance, C., Liu, M.C., Bowler, B.P., Barnes, P., Bonnet, M.,
24 RAO Chun, M., Duev, D.A., Goebel, S., Hall, D., Jacobson, S., Jensen-Clem, R., Law,
24 RAO N.M., Lockhart, C., Riddle, R., Situ, H., Warmbier, E. & Zhang, Z.
25 RAO Salama, M., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Liu, M.C., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Henry,
25 RAO T.J., Winters, J.G., Jao, W.-C., Ou, J. & Ruiz, A.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19510+3849 RAO 419 2016 1 355 1.8 13.50 17.00 R 195058.65+384834.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19510+3849 RAO 419 : MEASURES
No records found.


19510+3849 RAO 419A mag 13.5 19510+3849 RAO 419B sep 1.8 P.A. 356.30 mag 17 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19510+3849 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 50m 58.65s +38° 48' 34.5"
WDS 19510+3849 RAO 419 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19510+3849  RAO 419 distance=0' 19505+3848  GMC  20 distance=6' 19506+3843  HJ  603BC distance=7' 19506+3843  HJ  603BE distance=7' 19506+3843  HJ  603AB distance=8' 19506+3843  HJ  603AD distance=8' 19506+3843  HJ  603AC distance=8' 19508+3906  COU2528 distance=18' 19495+3843  ES   84AB distance=19' 19495+3843  ES   84AC distance=19' 19495+3843  ES   84BC distance=19' 19501+3832  MLB 766 distance=19' 19513+3830  COU2529 distance=20' 19513+3829  ALI 903 distance=20' 19509+3910  A  1406 distance=22' 19493+3857  MLB 876 distance=22' 19529+3840  OPI9001AB distance=24' 19529+3840  DAM 817BC distance=24' 19530+3846  BUP 201AB distance=25' 19530+3846  OPI9002AC distance=25' 19530+3856  MLB 767 distance=25' 19535+3859  SEI 717AB distance=32' 19535+3859  ES 2684AC distance=32' 19526+3822  ALI 905 distance=33' 19530+3825  COU2532 distance=34' 19534+3831  SEI 715 distance=34' 19518+3815  ALI 904 distance=34' 19528+3916  ALI1127 distance=35' 19502+3923  ALI1125 distance=37' 19494+3920  ALI1123 distance=37' 19539+3906  SEI 718 distance=39' 19477+3845  ALI 901 distance=39' 19519+3811  KPP4174 distance=40' 19529+3922  SEI 713 distance=40' 19536+3823  ES 2042 distance=40' 19478+3833  A  1405 distance=41' 19527+3924  ALI1126 distance=41' 19547+3850  SEI 725 distance=44' 19516+3932  HDS2830 distance=45' 19482+3818  SEI 685 distance=46' 19494+3806  ALI 634 distance=47' 19547+3831  ALI 907 distance=48' 19542+3820  TDT1836 distance=48' 19475+3824  HJ  601 distance=48' 19512+3800  SMA 103AB distance=48' 19512+3800  WSI 146BC distance=48' 19520+3802  HJ 1448 distance=49' 19539+3923  SEI 719 distance=49' 19511+3800  ALI 636 distance=49' 19544+3918  SEI 721AB distance=50' 19544+3918  SEI 722AC distance=50' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19510+3849 RAO 419 355 1.8 0
Show 19505+3848 GMC 20 83 12.2 6
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 BC 309 150.5 7
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 BE 10 20.8 7
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 AB 115 56.8 8
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 AD 309 163.8 8
Show 19506+3843 HJ 603 AC 318 96.6 8
Show 19508+3906 COU2528 169 0.6 18
Show 19495+3843 ES 84 AB 158 10.3 19
Show 19495+3843 ES 84 AC 94 22.1 19
Show 19495+3843 ES 84 BC 66 20.0 19
Show 19501+3832 MLB 766 351 6.5 19
Show 19513+3830 COU2529 205 1.3 20
Show 19513+3829 ALI 903 201 10.9 20
Show 19509+3910 A 1406 269 1.2 22
Show 19493+3857 MLB 876 36 4.6 22
Show 19529+3840 OPI9001 AB 28 45.9 24
Show 19529+3840 DAM 817 BC 120 5.9 24
Show 19530+3846 BUP 201 AB 266 28.1 25
Show 19530+3846 OPI9002 AC 217 29.0 25
Show 19530+3856 MLB 767 127 8.2 25
Show 19535+3859 SEI 717 AB 105 4.7 32
Show 19535+3859 ES 2684 AC 318 16.0 32
Show 19526+3822 ALI 905 262 13.5 33
Show 19530+3825 COU2532 155 0.4 34
Show 19534+3831 SEI 715 319 32.2 34
Show 19518+3815 ALI 904 106 10.8 34
Show 19528+3916 ALI1127 175 11.7 35
Show 19502+3923 ALI1125 3 4.8 37
Show 19494+3920 ALI1123 9 7.8 37
Show 19539+3906 SEI 718 354 15.9 39
Show 19477+3845 ALI 901 127 14.3 39
Show 19519+3811 KPP4174 71 2.3 40
Show 19529+3922 SEI 713 136 16.8 40
Show 19536+3823 ES 2042 87 6.9 40
Show 19478+3833 A 1405 187 0.3 41
Show 19527+3924 ALI1126 167 19.0 41
Show 19547+3850 SEI 725 298 31.8 44
Show 19516+3932 HDS2830 204 0.7 45
Show 19482+3818 SEI 685 233 23.6 46
Show 19494+3806 ALI 634 53 4.9 47
Show 19547+3831 ALI 907 23 14.6 48
Show 19542+3820 TDT1836 85 0.5 48
Show 19475+3824 HJ 601 242 25.4 48
Show 19512+3800 SMA 103 AB 122 10.1 48
Show 19512+3800 WSI 146 BC 285 4.5 48
Show 19520+3802 HJ 1448 168 11.5 49
Show 19539+3923 SEI 719 60 16.0 49
Show 19511+3800 ALI 636 79 10.4 49
Show 19544+3918 SEI 721 AB 199 6.2 50
Show 19544+3918 SEI 722 AC 65 21.2 50

WDS 19510+3849 : COMPONENTS
B pa=356.3°
19510+3849 A
Coord arcsec 2000 195058.65+384834.5 Mag 13.5 PmRA 17.00 PmDE -227.0
19510+3849 B
Coord arcsec 2000 195058.64+384836.3 Mag 17 Calc delta mag 3.5 Calc coord yes