15476+7722 MFL 186

15h 47m 38.28s +77° 22' 16.3" P.A. 248.00 sep 6.1 mag 14.90,18.90
Coord 2000 15476+7722 Discov num MFL 186 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 15 47 38.28 +77 22 16.3
Date first 1999 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 248 Pa last 248 P.A. Now (θ) 248°
Sep first 6.1 Sep last 6.056 Sep. Now (ρ) 6.056"
Mag pri 14.90 Mag sec 18.90 delta mag (ΔM) 4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -072 Sec motion ra -072
Pri motion dec +073 Sec motion dec +074
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.01 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Ursa Minor
WDS 15476+7722 MFL 186 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 MFL Martinez, Fernando Limon
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15476+7722 MFL 186 2015 6 248 6.1 14.90 18.90 V 154738.28+772216.3
15476+7722 MFL 186 2016 7 248 6.1 14.90 18.90 V 154738.28+772216.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 15476+7722 MFL 186 : MEASURES
No records found.


15476+7722 MFL 186A mag 14.9 15476+7722 MFL 186B sep 2.6 P.A. 208.40 mag 18.9 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 15476+7722 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 15h 47m 38.28s +77° 22' 16.3"
WDS 15476+7722 MFL 186 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

15476+7722  MFL 186 distance=0' 15479+7746  STF1997 distance=24' 15586+7726  UC 3095 distance=37' 15356+7726  LDS1825AB distance=40' 15356+7726  WIS 288AC distance=40' 15434+7643  MFL 172 distance=42' 15479+7636  MFL 183 distance=47' 15325+7646  HU  911 distance=63' 15572+7629  STF2013 distance=63' 15587+7628  LDS1833 distance=65' 15282+7710  MFL 147 distance=66' 15340+7632  LDS1824 distance=69' 15586+7822  MFL 170 distance=70' 16000+7615  STF2020AB distance=80' 15399+7606  MFL 171 distance=81' 15403+7601  HEI 787 distance=85' 15553+7912  MFL 182 distance=112' 15326+7907  KPP3292 distance=115' 16065+7547  HU  916AB distance=116' 16065+7547  LDS1838AB,C distance=116' 15454+7515  RAO 595 distance=128' 16006+7523  TDS9724 distance=128' 15352+7520  STF1971 distance=130' 15449+7502  LDS1829 distance=142' 15365+7943  TDS9560 distance=145' 15479+7454  TDS9628 distance=149' 15386+7958  LDS1827 distance=159' 15396+7959  STF1989 distance=159' 15588+7425  LDS1832 distance=182' 16009+8022  MFL 226 distance=185' 15309+8020  MFL 195 distance=185' 15383+7420  TDS9572 distance=186' 16002+7417  LDS1835 distance=190' 15292+8027  LAF  54BD distance=192' 15292+8027  LAF  54BE distance=192' 15292+8027  STF1972AB distance=193' 15292+8027  STF1972AC distance=193' 15288+8037  HAU  23 distance=202' 15475+7357  MLR 194 distance=206' 16003+7356  MLR 349 distance=212' 15325+8103  STF1980 distance=225' 15355+8106  TDS9554 distance=227' 15473+7327  MLR 193 distance=236' 16004+7331  MLR 195 distance=237' 15434+8119  A   856AB distance=238' 15434+8119  A   856AC distance=238' 15518+7319  UC 3072 distance=244' 15568+7314  PKO  30AB distance=251' 15568+7314  PKO  30AC distance=251' 15446+8142  MFL 167 distance=260' 15422+7256  MLR 192 distance=269' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 15476+7722 MFL 186 248 6.1 0
Show 15479+7746 STF1997 339 18.3 24
Show 15586+7726 UC 3095 207 29.5 37
Show 15356+7726 LDS1825 AB 280 182.4 40
Show 15356+7726 WIS 288 AC 318 999.9 40
Show 15434+7643 MFL 172 317 5.7 42
Show 15479+7636 MFL 183 259 31.9 47
Show 15325+7646 HU 911 268 1.6 63
Show 15572+7629 STF2013 274 20.5 63
Show 15587+7628 LDS1833 117 3.6 65
Show 15282+7710 MFL 147 147 59.7 66
Show 15340+7632 LDS1824 180 1.9 69
Show 15586+7822 MFL 170 357 7.5 70
Show 16000+7615 STF2020 AB 244 26.6 80
Show 15399+7606 MFL 171 132 4.1 81
Show 15403+7601 HEI 787 255 2.9 85
Show 15553+7912 MFL 182 84 14.6 112
Show 15326+7907 KPP3292 183 3.0 115
Show 16065+7547 HU 916 AB 168 0.5 116
Show 16065+7547 LDS1838 AB,C 167 62.0 116
Show 15454+7515 RAO 595 143 0.9 128
Show 16006+7523 TDS9724 329 1.3 128
Show 15352+7520 STF1971 315 14.9 130
Show 15449+7502 LDS1829 118 3.2 142
Show 15365+7943 TDS9560 17 0.6 145
Show 15479+7454 TDS9628 41 0.6 149
Show 15386+7958 LDS1827 45 6.0 159
Show 15396+7959 STF1989 23 0.7 159
Show 15588+7425 LDS1832 61 183.7 182
Show 16009+8022 MFL 226 96 4.0 185
Show 15309+8020 MFL 195 348 9.6 185
Show 15383+7420 TDS9572 288 1.2 186
Show 16002+7417 LDS1835 243 17.9 190
Show 15292+8027 LAF 54 BD 271 6.9 192
Show 15292+8027 LAF 54 BE 272 7.4 192
Show 15292+8027 STF1972 AB 79 31.6 193
Show 15292+8027 STF1972 AC 101 188.1 193
Show 15288+8037 HAU 23 65 34.9 202
Show 15475+7357 MLR 194 263 1.1 206
Show 16003+7356 MLR 349 312 8.3 212
Show 15325+8103 STF1980 47 10.2 225
Show 15355+8106 TDS9554 23 1.1 227
Show 15473+7327 MLR 193 4 0.6 236
Show 16004+7331 MLR 195 297 1.1 237
Show 15434+8119 A 856 AB 345 5.2 238
Show 15434+8119 A 856 AC 343 62.7 238
Show 15518+7319 UC 3072 39 42.1 244
Show 15568+7314 PKO 30 AB 140 11.2 251
Show 15568+7314 PKO 30 AC 157 57.2 251
Show 15446+8142 MFL 167 237 9.7 260
Show 15422+7256 MLR 192 67 1.0 269

WDS 15476+7722 : COMPONENTS
B pa=208.4°
15476+7722 A
Coord arcsec 2000 154738.28+772216.3 Mag 14.9 PmRA -72.00 PmDE 73.0
15476+7722 B
Coord arcsec 2000 154737.91+772214.0 Mag 18.9 PmRA -72.00 PmDE 74.0
Calc delta mag 4 Calc coord yes