05559+0757 NSN 562
05h 55m 56.43s +07° 56' 35.9" P.A. 198.00 sep 17.5 mag 15.61,21.27
Coord 2000 |
05559+0757 |
Discov num |
NSN 562 |
Comp |
Coord arcsec 2000 |
05 55 56.43 +07 56 35.9 |
Date first |
1977 |
Date last |
2016 |
Obs |
7 |
Pa first |
200 |
Pa last |
197.9 |
P.A. Now (θ) |
197.9° |
Sep first |
17.7 |
Sep last |
17.464 |
Sep. Now (ρ) |
17.464" |
Mag pri |
15.61 |
Mag sec |
21.27 |
delta mag (ΔM) |
5.66 |
Spectral class |
Pri motion ra |
-017 |
Sec motion ra |
-015 |
Pri motion dec |
-158 |
Sec motion dec |
-159 |
Notes |
(Parallax indicates physical) |
rPM=0.014 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
WDS 05559+0757 NSN 562 : NOTES
No records found.
idgroup |
discov |
author |
1 |
Nanson, J., McGaughey, S. & Armstrong, J.D. |
coord_2000 |
discov_num |
comp |
epoch |
obs |
pa |
sep |
mag_pri |
mag_sec |
spectr |
notes |
coord_arcsec_2000 |
05559+0757 |
NSN 562 |
2015 |
6 |
198 |
17.5 |
15.61 |
21.27 |
T |
055556.43+075635.9 |
05559+0757 |
NSN 562 |
2016 |
7 |
198 |
17.5 |
15.61 |
21.27 |
T |
055556.43+075635.9 |
If you need more information about this double, apply for a
data request form to the WDS.
No records found.
WDS 05559+0757 NSN 562 : MEASURES
No records found.

Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
WDS 05559+0757 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 05h 55m 56.43s +07° 56' 35.9"
WDS 05559+0757 NSN 562 : NEIGHBORHOODS

Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
Show |
name |
coord_2000 |
discov# |
comp |
pa |
sep |
dist(') |
Show |
05559+0757 |
NSN 562 |
198 |
17.5 |
1 |
Show |
05558+0759 |
LDS3681 |
141 |
180.1 |
3 |
Show |
05560+0753 |
A 1948 |
109 |
0.6 |
5 |
Show |
05546+0813 |
SLE 830 |
116 |
7.1 |
26 |
Show |
05553+0729 |
DOO 95 |
173 |
8.3 |
30 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
H 6 39 |
Aa,Ab |
273 |
0.1 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
KAR 1 |
Aa,Ac |
278 |
0.5 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
H 6 39 |
AB |
114 |
36.4 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
H 6 39 |
AC |
288 |
64.2 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
H 6 39 |
AD |
346 |
71.5 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
H 6 39 |
AE |
155 |
176.1 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
SLE 831 |
AF |
266 |
168.4 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
SLE 831 |
AG |
47 |
148.7 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
SLE 831 |
AH |
294 |
240.0 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
SMR 29 |
AI |
237 |
217.8 |
35 |
Show |
Betelgeuse |
05552+0724 |
SMR 29 |
AJ |
258 |
190.7 |
35 |
Show |
05596+0745 |
J 253 |
313 |
3.8 |
55 |
Show |
05549+0702 |
STF 817 |
73 |
18.6 |
57 |
Show |
05578+0706 |
HJ 34 |
316 |
5.6 |
58 |
Show |
05557+0859 |
STF 820 |
110 |
5.1 |
63 |
Show |
05505+0812 |
A 2712 |
309 |
0.4 |
82 |
Show |
06016+0737 |
VNI 3 |
21 |
9.4 |
86 |
Show |
06013+0831 |
KPP1534 |
351 |
11.6 |
87 |
Show |
06005+0854 |
BRT2114 |
231 |
4.3 |
87 |
Show |
05538+0633 |
A 2714 |
322 |
0.8 |
90 |
Show |
06011+0706 |
A 1949 |
0 |
0.9 |
93 |
Show |
05538+0623 |
J 1116 |
270 |
2.3 |
98 |
Show |
06027+0801 |
J 50 |
234 |
0.5 |
101 |
Show |
05550+0613 |
A 2658 |
73 |
0.4 |
105 |
Show |
06030+0828 |
TDS3518 |
276 |
0.6 |
111 |
Show |
06034+0811 |
J 51 |
117 |
1.5 |
112 |
Show |
05484+0745 |
JNN 267 |
17 |
1.6 |
113 |
Show |
05479+0758 |
STT 119 |
354 |
0.7 |
120 |
Show |
05535+0559 |
TVB 110 |
337 |
2.6 |
124 |
Show |
06003+0942 |
J 407 |
198 |
2.2 |
124 |
Show |
05476+0741 |
TDS3345 |
323 |
1.0 |
125 |
Show |
06031+0901 |
A 2806 |
238 |
0.5 |
125 |
Show |
05549+0552 |
STF 816 |
287 |
4.0 |
126 |
Show |
05502+0940 |
CLZ 29 |
317 |
16.2 |
134 |
Show |
06035+0640 |
KPP3188 |
312 |
35.6 |
137 |
Show |
06030+0630 |
J 16 |
AB |
181 |
2.7 |
138 |
Show |
06030+0630 |
DOO9003 |
AC |
219 |
25.7 |
138 |
Show |
05510+0953 |
A 2713 |
133 |
1.7 |
138 |
Show |
05571+1014 |
HDS 806 |
Aa,Ab |
155 |
0.5 |
139 |
Show |
05571+1014 |
ARG 63 |
AB |
67 |
32.5 |
139 |
Show |
06051+0724 |
GWP 736 |
347 |
8.7 |
140 |
Show |
06024+0939 |
A 2715 |
AB |
208 |
0.1 |
140 |
Show |
06024+0939 |
BU 1056 |
AB,C |
285 |
18.9 |
140 |
Show |
05542+1015 |
STT 123 |
187 |
2.1 |
141 |
Show |
05469+0844 |
GWP 706 |
353 |
65.6 |
143 |
Show |
05498+0605 |
HJ 712 |
84 |
9.1 |
145 |
WDS 05559+0757 : COMPONENTS
05559+0757 A
Coord arcsec 2000 |
055556.43+075635.9 |
Mag |
15.61 |
PmRA |
-17.00 |
PmDE |
-158.0 |
05559+0757 B
Coord arcsec 2000 |
055556.07+075619.3 |
Mag |
21.27 |
PmRA |
-15.00 |
PmDE |
-159.0 |
Calc delta mag |
5.66 |
Calc coord |
yes |