23199+2703 KPP 2130

23h 19m 51.88s +27° 02' 50.8" P.A. 245.00 sep 17.3 mag 12.10,14.90
Coord 2000 23199+2703 Discov num KPP2130 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 19 51.88 +27 02 50.8
Date first 1953 Date last 2016 Obs 15
Pa first 245 Pa last 244.7 P.A. Now (θ) 244.7°
Sep first 17.1 Sep last 17.35 Sep. Now (ρ) 17.35"
Mag pri 12.10 Mag sec 14.90 delta mag (ΔM) 2.8 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -029 Sec motion ra -031
Pri motion dec -032 Sec motion dec -031
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.051 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pegasus Gaia DR2 2844717579293884160
WDS 23199+2703 KPP 2130 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23199+2703 KPP2130 2015 11 245 17.4 12.10 14.90 V 231951.88+270250.8
23199+2703 KPP2130 2016 15 245 17.3 12.10 14.90 V 231951.88+270250.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23199+2703 KPP 2130 : MEASURES
No records found.


23199+2703 KPP2130A mag 12.1 23199+2703 KPP2130B sep 15.8 P.A. 242.00 mag 14.9 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23199+2703 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 19m 51.88s +27° 02' 50.8"
WDS 23199+2703 KPP 2130 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23199+2703  KPP2130 distance=0' 23200+2711  MLB 548AB distance=10' 23200+2711  MLB 548AC distance=10' 23176+2726  TDT3969 distance=38' 23205+2623  GRV 661 distance=40' 23177+2744  LDS5066BC distance=49' 23177+2744  LDS5066AB distance=50' 23177+2744  LDS5066AC distance=50' 23228+2734  UC  287 distance=51' 23200+2612  COU 336 distance=51' 23159+2729  HJ 1862 distance=60' 23151+2719  UC 4909 distance=66' 23250+2709  KPP3395 distance=69' 23250+2656  ES  546 distance=70' 23225+2555  ES 2727 distance=77' 23170+2556  TDT3964 distance=77' 23260+2742  HO  489AB distance=91' 23260+2742  STTA245AB,C distance=91' 23128+2701  CLZ  89 distance=95' 23146+2555  COU 335 distance=98' 23263+2752  JNN 139 distance=99' 23199+2844  COU 439AB distance=101' 23199+2844  GII  36AB,C distance=101' 23121+2656  HDS3305AB distance=104' 23121+2656  LEP 113AC distance=104' 23207+2520  POU5803 distance=104' 23223+2521  POU5805 distance=108' 23118+2651  BUP 234AB distance=109' 23118+2651  STT 598AC distance=109' 23279+2638  LDS5094 distance=111' 23188+2513  STF3000 distance=112' 23201+2511  POU5802 distance=113' 23152+2530  POU5796 distance=113' 23138+2536  UC  284 distance=120' 23194+2502  POU5797 distance=122' 23234+2506  CVR 989 distance=127' 23107+2631  HDS3301Aa,Ab distance=127' 23107+2631  BU  852AB distance=127' 23103+2652  GRV 643 distance=128' 23293+2725  MLB 549 distance=128' 23107+2631  BU  852BC distance=128' 23107+2631  BU  852BD distance=128' 23215+2457  STF3005 distance=129' 23112+2759  MLB 503 distance=129' 23283+2556  BUP 237AB distance=132' 23283+2556  BUP 237AC distance=132' 23283+2556  BUP 237AD distance=132' 23204+2915  FOX 101 distance=132' 23141+2516  POU5791 distance=133' 23228+2455  POU5806 distance=135' 23130+2523  TDT3937 distance=136' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23199+2703 KPP2130 245 17.3 0
Show 23200+2711 MLB 548 AB 281 7.1 10
Show 23200+2711 MLB 548 AC 107 54.6 10
Show 23176+2726 TDT3969 147 0.6 38
Show 23205+2623 GRV 661 345 61.7 40
Show 23177+2744 LDS5066 BC 212 9.0 49
Show 23177+2744 LDS5066 AB 139 76.2 50
Show 23177+2744 LDS5066 AC 146 79.1 50
Show 23228+2734 UC 287 146 83.0 51
Show 23200+2612 COU 336 359 1.6 51
Show 23159+2729 HJ 1862 233 17.4 60
Show 23151+2719 UC 4909 153 57.5 66
Show 23250+2709 KPP3395 102 3.0 69
Show 23250+2656 ES 546 165 2.4 70
Show 23225+2555 ES 2727 268 20.2 77
Show 23170+2556 TDT3964 114 0.6 77
Show 23260+2742 HO 489 AB 222 0.5 91
Show 23260+2742 STTA245 AB,C 195 62.5 91
Show 23128+2701 CLZ 89 109 53.5 95
Show 23146+2555 COU 335 347 0.4 98
Show 23263+2752 JNN 139 73 0.1 99
Show 23199+2844 COU 439 AB 4 0.1 101
Show 23199+2844 GII 36 AB,C 140 2.6 101
Show 23121+2656 HDS3305 AB 175 1.3 104
Show 23121+2656 LEP 113 AC 328 14.5 104
Show 23207+2520 POU5803 209 5.4 104
Show 23223+2521 POU5805 125 9.3 108
Show 23118+2651 BUP 234 AB 239 64.3 109
Show 23118+2651 STT 598 AC 299 217.7 109
Show 23279+2638 LDS5094 212 3.7 111
Show 23188+2513 STF3000 50 3.4 112
Show 23201+2511 POU5802 147 11.3 113
Show 23152+2530 POU5796 6 19.1 113
Show 23138+2536 UC 284 139 49.4 120
Show 23194+2502 POU5797 223 14.1 122
Show 23234+2506 CVR 989 220 11.0 127
Show 23107+2631 HDS3301 Aa,Ab 160 0.8 127
Show 23107+2631 BU 852 AB 283 58.3 127
Show 23103+2652 GRV 643 175 11.6 128
Show 23293+2725 MLB 549 249 2.9 128
Show 23107+2631 BU 852 BC 319 1.3 128
Show 23107+2631 BU 852 BD 220 20.5 128
Show 23215+2457 STF3005 23 20.5 129
Show 23112+2759 MLB 503 156 7.9 129
Show 23283+2556 BUP 237 AB 282 54.9 132
Show 23283+2556 BUP 237 AC 261 67.1 132
Show 23283+2556 BUP 237 AD 100 778.3 132
Show 23204+2915 FOX 101 47 2.3 132
Show 23141+2516 POU5791 147 11.0 133
Show 23228+2455 POU5806 143 8.9 135
Show 23130+2523 TDT3937 47 0.8 136

WDS 23199+2703 : COMPONENTS
B pa=242.0°
23199+2703 A
Coord arcsec 2000 231951.88+270250.8 Mag 12.1 PmRA -29.00 PmDE -32.0
23199+2703 B
Coord arcsec 2000 231950.83+270243.4 Mag 14.9 PmRA -31.00 PmDE -31.0
Calc delta mag 2.8 Calc coord yes