19572+3203 KPP 1143

19h 57m 11.20s +32° 03' 16.8" P.A. 292.00 sep 8.9 mag 12.10,14.70
Coord 2000 19572+3203 Discov num KPP1143 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 57 11.20 +32 03 16.8
Date first 1995 Date last 2015 Obs 10
Pa first 296 Pa last 292.2 P.A. Now (θ) 292.2°
Sep first 9.0 Sep last 8.923 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.923"
Mag pri 12.10 Mag sec 14.70 delta mag (ΔM) 2.6 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -004 Sec motion ra -005
Pri motion dec -055 Sec motion dec -052
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.057 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2674-00832-1 Gaia DR2 2034021989455172608
WDS 19572+3203 KPP 1143 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19572+3203 KPP1143 2015 6 292 8.9 12.10 14.70 V 195711.20+320316.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19572+3203 KPP 1143 : MEASURES
No records found.


19572+3203 KPP1143A mag 12.1 19572+3203 KPP1143B sep 7.8 P.A. 295.70 mag 14.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19572+3203 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 57m 11.20s +32° 03' 16.8"
WDS 19572+3203 KPP 1143 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19572+3203  KPP1143 distance=0' 19565+3156  J   782 distance=11' 19580+3145  TDT1884 distance=21' 19585+3217  RAO 424AB distance=22' 19585+3217  RAO 424AC distance=22' 19583+3147  KU  126 distance=22' 19589+3158  SEI 757 distance=22' 19594+3206  A   378 distance=28' 19553+3146  COU1469 distance=30' 19593+3219  HJ 1461 distance=32' 19588+3138  SEI 756 distance=33' 19597+3150  BU 1133 distance=35' 19566+3238  SEI 738 distance=36' 19598+3219  TDT1905 distance=37' 19543+3210  HJ 1451 distance=39' 19597+3140  SEI 773 distance=40' 19543+3146  LFR  32AB distance=41' 19543+3146  LFR  32AC distance=41' 19543+3146  LFR  32AD distance=41' 19591+3128  SEI 758 distance=43' 19552+3125  GRV 295 distance=45' 20007+3211  TDT1911AB distance=45' 20007+3211  SCA 181AB,C distance=45' 19542+3137  TDT1837 distance=47' 20007+3232  ES 2430AB distance=53' 20007+3232  ES 2430AC distance=53' 20007+3232  DAM 313CD distance=54' 20014+3206  COU1472 distance=55' 19559+3256  SEI 732 distance=55' 19530+3146  GRV 291 distance=56' 20007+3130  BRT 273 distance=57' 19574+3106  DOB  12 distance=58' 19527+3157  A   377 distance=58' 19571+3105  AG  243 distance=59' 20021+3204  BRT 274 distance=63' 20020+3213  TDS1034 distance=63' 20016+3233  TDT1920 distance=64' 20004+3252  TDT1910 distance=64' 19525+3156  ES 2429 distance=64' 20019+3139  AG  245 distance=65' 19521+3148  ES 2428BC distance=65' 20014+3240  SEI 792 distance=65' 20022+3154  SEI 802 distance=65' 20021+3144  SEI 799 distance=66' 19521+3148  ES 2428AB distance=67' 19586+3059  YR   15 distance=67' 19522+3139  ES  356 distance=68' 19521+3225  COU1623 distance=68' 19539+3257  COU1626 distance=68' 20021+3135  SEI 798 distance=70' 19520+3142  ES  355 distance=70' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19572+3203 KPP1143 292 8.9 0
Show 19565+3156 J 782 67 2.5 11
Show 19580+3145 TDT1884 122 0.5 21
Show 19585+3217 RAO 424 AB 58 2.3 22
Show 19585+3217 RAO 424 AC 343 4.0 22
Show 19583+3147 KU 126 13 53.1 22
Show 19589+3158 SEI 757 192 15.7 22
Show 19594+3206 A 378 294 1.0 28
Show 19553+3146 COU1469 210 0.2 30
Show 19593+3219 HJ 1461 153 11.4 32
Show 19588+3138 SEI 756 335 17.8 33
Show 19597+3150 BU 1133 344 1.1 35
Show 19566+3238 SEI 738 153 20.7 36
Show 19598+3219 TDT1905 212 5.2 37
Show 19543+3210 HJ 1451 232 10.6 39
Show 19597+3140 SEI 773 258 17.4 40
Show 19543+3146 LFR 32 AB 239 17.5 41
Show 19543+3146 LFR 32 AC 289 11.6 41
Show 19543+3146 LFR 32 AD 246 23.9 41
Show 19591+3128 SEI 758 159 23.1 43
Show 19552+3125 GRV 295 167 34.2 45
Show 20007+3211 TDT1911 AB 52 0.6 45
Show 20007+3211 SCA 181 AB,C 92 3.6 45
Show 19542+3137 TDT1837 142 0.5 47
Show 20007+3232 ES 2430 AB 265 6.5 53
Show 20007+3232 ES 2430 AC 39 17.1 53
Show 20007+3232 DAM 313 CD 298 3.8 54
Show 20014+3206 COU1472 190 1.2 55
Show 19559+3256 SEI 732 266 24.8 55
Show 19530+3146 GRV 291 6 8.4 56
Show 20007+3130 BRT 273 76 4.3 57
Show 19574+3106 DOB 12 93 44.8 58
Show 19527+3157 A 377 263 3.9 58
Show 19571+3105 AG 243 259 44.4 59
Show 20021+3204 BRT 274 7 4.7 63
Show 20020+3213 TDS1034 74 1.0 63
Show 20016+3233 TDT1920 154 0.7 64
Show 20004+3252 TDT1910 243 1.8 64
Show 19525+3156 ES 2429 112 5.4 64
Show 20019+3139 AG 245 21 16.7 65
Show 19521+3148 ES 2428 BC 256 5.1 65
Show 20014+3240 SEI 792 5 25.4 65
Show 20022+3154 SEI 802 312 20.0 65
Show 20021+3144 SEI 799 51 12.7 66
Show 19521+3148 ES 2428 AB 90 89.1 67
Show 19586+3059 YR 15 8 0.2 67
Show 19522+3139 ES 356 345 6.0 68
Show 19521+3225 COU1623 215 1.6 68
Show 19539+3257 COU1626 119 0.1 68
Show 20021+3135 SEI 798 214 24.3 70
Show 19520+3142 ES 355 292 13.3 70

WDS 19572+3203 : COMPONENTS
B pa=295.7°
19572+3203 A
Coord arcsec 2000 195711.20+320316.8 Mag 12.1 PmRA -4.00 PmDE -55.0
Tycho2 2674-00832-1
Tycho2 2674-00832-1 Pflag RAmdeg 299.29669818 DEmdeg 32.05466859
PmRA -3.8 PmDE -56.4 E RAmdeg 87 E DEmdeg 80
E pmRA 2.5 E pmDE 2.3 EpRAm 1974.55 EpDEm 1974.99
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 1.5 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 1.6 BTmag 12.879 E BTmag 0.232 VTmag 12.269
E VTmag 0.183 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 299.29670611 DEdeg 32.05480444 EpRA 1990 1.55
EpDE 1990 1.68 E RAdeg 97.5 E DEdeg 88.8 Posflg
Corr 0.1
19572+3203 B
Coord arcsec 2000 195710.65+320320.2 Mag 14.7 PmRA -5.00 PmDE -52.0
Calc delta mag 2.6 Calc coord yes