00593+0723 KPP 67

00h 59m 17.90s +07° 23' 29.0" P.A. 330.00 sep 3.8 mag 13.40,13.50
Coord 2000 00593+0723 Discov num KPP  67 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 59 17.90 +07 23 29.0
Date first 2000 Date last 2016 Obs 6
Pa first 329 Pa last 329.6 P.A. Now (θ) 329.6°
Sep first 3.7 Sep last 3.778 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.778"
Mag pri 13.40 Mag sec 13.50 delta mag (ΔM) 0.1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +015 Sec motion ra +015
Pri motion dec -008 Sec motion dec -006
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.118 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pisces Gaia DR2 2577579100336930048
WDS 00593+0723 KPP 67 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00593+0723 KPP 67 2015 4 330 3.8 13.40 13.50 V 005917.90+072329.0
00593+0723 KPP 67 2016 6 330 3.8 13.40 13.50 V 005917.90+072329.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00593+0723 KPP 67 : MEASURES
No records found.


00593+0723 KPP  67A mag 13.4 00593+0723 KPP  67B sep 3.8 P.A. 329.80 mag 13.5 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00593+0723 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 59m 17.90s +07° 23' 29.0"
Primaries only

00593+0723  KPP  67 distance=0' 00593+0706  GWP 111 distance=18' 00576+0727  BRT2106 distance=26' 00574+0728  UC  476 distance=29' 00589+0649  SKF2332 distance=36' 01003+0757  GRV  59 distance=37' 00574+0756  UC  475 distance=43' 01018+0645  SKF1822 distance=53' 00598+0629  KUI   4 distance=56' 01029+0753  OCC 480 distance=62' 00551+0714  BRT2831 distance=64' 00547+0709  SKF2666 distance=70' 01038+0646  A  2004 distance=77' 00538+0723  CVR 351 distance=82' 01048+0720  SLW  51 distance=83' 00533+0722  SLW  44 distance=90' 00550+0834  J   638 distance=95' 00547+0834  WZ    2 distance=99' 01023+0552  A  2003 distance=102' 00564+0548  GWP 105 distance=105' 00583+0539  HJ 2005 distance=106' 00540+0836  J   637 distance=107' 01065+0739  KPP2439 distance=109' 01026+0546  OCC 544 distance=110' 00580+0917  WNC   1 distance=115' 00516+0735  GWP  93 distance=115' 00548+0857  GWP 100 distance=116' 01027+0908  RAO  39AB distance=117' 01027+0908  RAO  39AC distance=117' 00591+0523  STF  78 distance=121' 01002+0523  LDS3218 distance=122' 01007+0929  DOO  25CD distance=127' 01007+0929  STF  82AB distance=128' 01007+0929  DOO  25AC distance=128' 01005+0933  FMR  39 distance=131' 01075+0810  GRV  71 distance=132' 00552+0526  CVR1060 distance=133' 01025+0933  GWP 119AB distance=138' 01025+0933  GWP 119AC distance=138' 00548+0926  STF  74 distance=140' 00568+0941  GRV  54 distance=143' 01017+0945  LSC  12 distance=146' 00527+0535  PLQ  10 distance=147' 00586+0457  HDO  41 distance=147' 01024+0504  HDS 135AB distance=148' 01024+0504  WNO  50AC distance=148' 00492+0712  SLW  43 distance=152' 01035+0505  GIC9005 distance=153' 01008+0450  OCC 965 distance=156' 00487+0735  BUP  11 distance=159' 00536+0510  OCC 917 distance=159' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00593+0723 KPP 67 330 3.8 0
Show 00593+0706 GWP 111 214 11.4 18
Show 00576+0727 BRT2106 29 4.7 26
Show 00574+0728 UC 476 61 11.7 29
Show 00589+0649 SKF2332 82 2.2 36
Show 01003+0757 GRV 59 115 50.5 37
Show 00574+0756 UC 475 68 7.6 43
Show 01018+0645 SKF1822 166 7.3 53
Show 00598+0629 KUI 4 313 30.0 56
Show 01029+0753 OCC 480 -1 0.3 62
Show 00551+0714 BRT2831 112 13.2 64
Show 00547+0709 SKF2666 217 1.0 70
Show 01038+0646 A 2004 243 1.7 77
Show 00538+0723 CVR 351 319 12.9 82
Show 01048+0720 SLW 51 55 136.1 83
Show 00533+0722 SLW 44 235 29.2 90
Show 00550+0834 J 638 206 3.3 95
Show 00547+0834 WZ 2 269 8.6 99
Show 01023+0552 A 2003 141 0.2 102
Show 00564+0548 GWP 105 220 10.2 105
Show 00583+0539 HJ 2005 115 11.4 106
Show 00540+0836 J 637 173 3.0 107
Show 01065+0739 KPP2439 1 21.4 109
Show 01026+0546 OCC 544 -1 0.2 110
Show 00580+0917 WNC 1 132 5.3 115
Show 00516+0735 GWP 93 276 14.8 115
Show 00548+0857 GWP 100 12 43.3 116
Show 01027+0908 RAO 39 AB 37 2.8 117
Show 01027+0908 RAO 39 AC 146 31.7 117
Show 00591+0523 STF 78 244 5.0 121
Show 01002+0523 LDS3218 358 6.6 122
Show 01007+0929 DOO 25 CD 197 10.6 127
Show 01007+0929 STF 82 AB 304 1.9 128
Show 01007+0929 DOO 25 AC 214 74.5 128
Show 01005+0933 FMR 39 251 19.4 131
Show 01075+0810 GRV 71 28 72.2 132
Show 00552+0526 CVR1060 69 3.9 133
Show 01025+0933 GWP 119 AB 107 29.4 138
Show 01025+0933 GWP 119 AC 247 1.4 138
Show 00548+0926 STF 74 298 3.1 140
Show 00568+0941 GRV 54 334 17.0 143
Show 01017+0945 LSC 12 228 1.1 146
Show 00527+0535 PLQ 10 238 37.7 147
Show 00586+0457 HDO 41 303 6.8 147
Show 01024+0504 HDS 135 AB 54 0.7 148
Show 01024+0504 WNO 50 AC 88 999.9 148
Show 00492+0712 SLW 43 357 165.0 152
Show 01035+0505 GIC9005 6 1.5 153
Show 01008+0450 OCC 965 -1 0.1 156
Show 00487+0735 BUP 11 12 135.0 159
Show 00536+0510 OCC 917 -1 0.0 159

WDS 00593+0723 : COMPONENTS
B pa=329.8°
00593+0723 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005917.90+072329.0 Mag 13.4 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -8.0
00593+0723 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005917.77+072332.3 Mag 13.5 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -6.0
Calc delta mag 0.1 Calc coord yes