14085+1349 GWP 2238

14h 08m 30.63s +13° 48' 45.6" P.A. 325.00 sep 13.0 mag 14.90,17.10
Coord 2000 14085+1349 Discov num GWP2238 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 14 08 30.63 +13 48 45.6
Date first 1954 Date last 2016 Obs 11
Pa first 326 Pa last 324.8 P.A. Now (θ) 324.8°
Sep first 13.3 Sep last 13.011 Sep. Now (ρ) 13.011"
Mag pri 14.90 Mag sec 17.10 delta mag (ΔM) 2.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -022 Sec motion ra -020
Pri motion dec -070 Sec motion dec -080
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.124 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Bootes Gaia DR2 1230126432266024448
WDS 14085+1349 GWP 2238 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
14085+1349 GWP2238 1999 2 325 12.9 14.90 17.10 V R 140830.63+134845.6
14085+1349 GWP2238 2010 3 325 12.7 14.90 17.10 V R 140830.63+134845.6
14085+1349 GWP2238 2015 4 325 13.0 14.90 17.10 V R 140830.63+134845.6
14085+1349 GWP2238 2016 10 325 13.0 14.90 17.10 V R 140830.63+134845.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 14085+1349 GWP 2238 : MEASURES
No records found.


14085+1349 GWP2238A mag 14.9 14085+1349 GWP2238B sep 12.9 P.A. 325.60 mag 17.1 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 14085+1349 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 14h 08m 30.63s +13° 48' 45.6"
WDS 14085+1349 GWP 2238 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

14085+1349  GWP2238 distance=1' 14096+1349  CBL 441 distance=17' 14084+1328  SLW 969 distance=21' 14073+1321  SLW 966 distance=33' 14047+1345  BPM 612 distance=56' 14107+1437  CVR1568 distance=58' 14124+1335  HJ  234 distance=60' 14093+1455  GWP2245AB distance=68' 14130+1321  UC 2702 distance=72' 14040+1318  BPM 611 distance=73' 14074+1236  GWP2229 distance=75' 14133+1430  BPM 614 distance=81' 14028+1417  HEI  65 distance=88' 14112+1506  GRV 882 distance=88' 14037+1441  CBL 438 distance=88' 14109+1513  HDS1989Aa,Ab distance=92' 14109+1513  LDS1406AB distance=92' 14109+1513  SKF 343AC distance=92' 14109+1513  SKF 343AD distance=92' 14141+1258  CHR  41 distance=97' 14109+1525  CVR1569 distance=103' 14135+1234  BU  224 distance=104' 14013+1355  GWP2181 distance=105' 14071+1203  CVR1564 distance=108' 14116+1209  WIS 254 distance=110' 14096+1537  TOK 294 distance=110' 14036+1223  NSN 651 distance=112' 14164+1348  SOZ   3 distance=115' 14013+1436  GWP2180 distance=116' 14057+1537  BPM 613 distance=116' 14024+1232  HEI 525 distance=118' 14099+1152  HDS1985 distance=119' 14126+1532  VKI  20 distance=119' 14069+1547  LAW  21Ba,Bb distance=120' 14069+1547  LAW  21AB distance=120' 14063+1152  KPP4337AB distance=122' 14063+1152  KPP4337AC distance=122' 14063+1152  KPP4337BC distance=122' 14128+1159  CVR 729 distance=126' 14171+1331  SLW 987 distance=127' 14025+1521  LDS1402 distance=128' 14033+1205  KPP1405 distance=129' 14084+1140  CBL 440 distance=129' 14157+1234  LDS4447CE distance=129' 14137+1204  KPP3279 distance=130' 14174+1330  LDS4452 distance=131' 14175+1334  LDS4453 distance=132' 14040+1154  TDS9082 distance=133' 14173+1424  GWP2340 distance=134' 14156+1226  GWP2318AB distance=134' 14138+1200  STT 279 distance=134' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 14085+1349 GWP2238 325 13.0 1
Show 14096+1349 CBL 441 235 19.2 17
Show 14084+1328 SLW 969 200 8.1 21
Show 14073+1321 SLW 966 71 21.4 33
Show 14047+1345 BPM 612 259 22.3 56
Show 14107+1437 CVR1568 50 3.0 58
Show 14124+1335 HJ 234 336 8.1 60
Show 14093+1455 GWP2245 AB 352 7.3 68
Show 14130+1321 UC 2702 183 25.5 72
Show 14040+1318 BPM 611 336 15.7 73
Show 14074+1236 GWP2229 267 515.1 75
Show 14133+1430 BPM 614 156 45.4 81
Show 14028+1417 HEI 65 94 0.3 88
Show 14112+1506 GRV 882 249 60.0 88
Show 14037+1441 CBL 438 359 54.7 88
Show 14109+1513 HDS1989 Aa,Ab 326 0.4 92
Show 14109+1513 LDS1406 AB 160 26.4 92
Show 14109+1513 SKF 343 AC 274 12.7 92
Show 14109+1513 SKF 343 AD 145 23.5 92
Show 14141+1258 CHR 41 132 0.2 97
Show 14109+1525 CVR1569 22 3.5 103
Show 14135+1234 BU 224 101 0.6 104
Show 14013+1355 GWP2181 325 643.2 105
Show 14071+1203 CVR1564 156 4.2 108
Show 14116+1209 WIS 254 14 999.9 110
Show 14096+1537 TOK 294 30 163.7 110
Show 14036+1223 NSN 651 72 2.5 112
Show 14164+1348 SOZ 3 344 8.8 115
Show 14013+1436 GWP2180 243 6.1 116
Show 14057+1537 BPM 613 340 49.0 116
Show 14024+1232 HEI 525 352 0.2 118
Show 14099+1152 HDS1985 290 0.3 119
Show 14126+1532 VKI 20 295 3.5 119
Show 14069+1547 LAW 21 Ba,Bb 79 0.1 120
Show 14069+1547 LAW 21 AB 216 33.2 120
Show 14063+1152 KPP4337 AB 115 2.4 122
Show 14063+1152 KPP4337 AC 203 28.2 122
Show 14063+1152 KPP4337 BC 208 28.2 122
Show 14128+1159 CVR 729 200 10.2 126
Show 14171+1331 SLW 987 85 9.5 127
Show 14025+1521 LDS1402 312 6.8 128
Show 14033+1205 KPP1405 45 10.5 129
Show 14084+1140 CBL 440 249 36.8 129
Show 14157+1234 LDS4447 CE 259 17.2 129
Show 14137+1204 KPP3279 41 3.0 130
Show 14174+1330 LDS4452 55 10.5 131
Show 14175+1334 LDS4453 85 19.9 132
Show 14040+1154 TDS9082 88 2.6 133
Show 14173+1424 GWP2340 99 5.7 134
Show 14156+1226 GWP2318 AB 22 36.0 134
Show 14138+1200 STT 279 257 2.2 134

WDS 14085+1349 : COMPONENTS
B pa=325.6°
14085+1349 A
Coord arcsec 2000 140830.63+134845.6 Mag 14.9 PmRA -22.00 PmDE -70.0
14085+1349 B
Coord arcsec 2000 140830.13+134856.2 Mag 17.1 PmRA -20.00 PmDE -80.0
Calc delta mag 2.2 Calc coord yes