12547-0200 CVR 1476

12h 54m 40.08s -01° 59' 42.5" P.A. 8.00 sep 3.5 mag 18.40,18.50 Sp K7+K7
Coord 2000 12547-0200 Discov num CVR1476 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 12 54 40.08 -01 59 42.5
Date first 1999 Date last 2015 Obs 4
Pa first 9 Pa last 8.4 P.A. Now (θ) 8.4°
Sep first 3.4 Sep last 3.48 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.48"
Mag pri 18.40 Mag sec 18.50 delta mag (ΔM) 0.1 Spectral class K7+K7 (yellow-orange/yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -010 Sec motion ra -009
Pri motion dec -008 Sec motion dec -009
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.11 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Virgo Gaia DR2 3688520078469437312
WDS 12547-0200 CVR 1476 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CVR Chivers, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
12547-0200 CVR1476 2000 1 9 3.5 18.40 18.50 M0+M0 R 125440.08-015942.5
12547-0200 CVR1476 2015 4 8 3.5 18.40 18.50 M0+M0 R 125440.08-015942.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 12547-0200 CVR 1476 : MEASURES
No records found.


12547-0200 CVR1476A mag 18.4 Sp K7 12547-0200 CVR1476B sep 3.5 P.A. 8.40 mag 18.5 Sp K7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 12547-0200 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 12h 54m 40.08s -01° 59' 42.5"
WDS 12547-0200 CVR 1476 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

12547-0200  CVR1476 distance=0' 12555-0212  SLW 795 distance=18' 12550-0219  SLN  72 distance=20' 12540-0137  GRV1082 distance=23' 12524-0216  SLW 788 distance=39' 12575-0158  BAL 547 distance=43' 12556-0255  GIC9018 distance=57' 12566-0249  BRT 443 distance=58' 12510-0220  CVR1473 distance=59' 12567-0250  LDS4299 distance=60' 12590-0146  TDS8625 distance=67' 12503-0236  UC 2413 distance=75' 12596-0119  CVR 675 distance=84' 12487-0216  ZHN  22 distance=91' 13009-0211  CVR1482 distance=95' 12532-0333  CHR  38 distance=97' 12553-0336  BRT 442 distance=98' 12481-0126  SLW 775 distance=105' 13020-0205  OSO  49 distance=111' 12588-0332  RST4507 distance=112' 13022-0209  SLW 813 distance=114' 13006-0322  AGC   5AB distance=122' 13006-0322  AGC   5AC distance=122' 13009-0318  GMC   2 distance=122' 13027-0159  HJ 1225 distance=122' 13025-0239  SLW 815 distance=124' 12511-0352  GWP1866 distance=125' 12518+0005  TOK 671AB distance=132' 12597-0349  CHR  39Aa,Ab distance=133' 12597-0349  STF1704AB distance=133' 12518-0007  SLW 783 distance=134' 12584+0005  CVR 673 distance=138' 12455-0218  BAL 546 distance=138' 13039-0138  KPP 942 distance=140' 13043-0153  RST4971 distance=145' 13043-0152  UC 2467 distance=145' 13000-0407  UC 2446 distance=151' 13043-0239  CVR 678 distance=151' 12536+0033  KPP2331 distance=154' 12599-0014  RST5373 distance=155' 12445-0119  SKF  38AB distance=159' 12445-0119  ZUC  11BC distance=159' 12509-0428  LDS6270 distance=160' 13001+0018  STF1706 distance=161' 13039-0322  TDS 687Aa,Ab distance=162' 13039-0322  UC 2464AB distance=162' 12440-0230  CVR1462 distance=164' 13058-0155  SLW 822 distance=167' 13017+0012  LDS4308 distance=169' 13041-0336  GWP1899 distance=171' 13039-0340  BU  929 distance=171' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 12547-0200 CVR1476 8 3.5 0
Show 12555-0212 SLW 795 72 13.0 18
Show 12550-0219 SLN 72 13 30.9 20
Show 12540-0137 GRV1082 63 12.6 23
Show 12524-0216 SLW 788 2 9.6 39
Show 12575-0158 BAL 547 310 16.6 43
Show 12556-0255 GIC9018 345 2.2 57
Show 12566-0249 BRT 443 4 3.6 58
Show 12510-0220 CVR1473 1 4.3 59
Show 12567-0250 LDS4299 272 76.0 60
Show 12590-0146 TDS8625 152 0.5 67
Show 12503-0236 UC 2413 313 23.1 75
Show 12596-0119 CVR 675 90 9.5 84
Show 12487-0216 ZHN 22 219 428.8 91
Show 13009-0211 CVR1482 177 3.7 95
Show 12532-0333 CHR 38 155 0.5 97
Show 12553-0336 BRT 442 202 8.1 98
Show 12481-0126 SLW 775 235 12.7 105
Show 13020-0205 OSO 49 63 18.1 111
Show 12588-0332 RST4507 34 1.8 112
Show 13022-0209 SLW 813 284 17.5 114
Show 13006-0322 AGC 5 AB 181 0.6 122
Show 13006-0322 AGC 5 AC 127 41.2 122
Show 13009-0318 GMC 2 152 20.3 122
Show 13027-0159 HJ 1225 111 15.0 122
Show 13025-0239 SLW 815 121 111.3 124
Show 12511-0352 GWP1866 328 22.8 125
Show 12518+0005 TOK 671 AB 7 22.8 132
Show 12597-0349 CHR 39 Aa,Ab 317 0.1 133
Show 12597-0349 STF1704 AB 54 20.6 133
Show 12518-0007 SLW 783 169 37.8 134
Show 12584+0005 CVR 673 239 8.8 138
Show 12455-0218 BAL 546 81 9.1 138
Show 13039-0138 KPP 942 250 7.8 140
Show 13043-0153 RST4971 330 0.7 145
Show 13043-0152 UC 2467 246 53.3 145
Show 13000-0407 UC 2446 204 32.5 151
Show 13043-0239 CVR 678 258 23.5 151
Show 12536+0033 KPP2331 78 19.9 154
Show 12599-0014 RST5373 110 2.9 155
Show 12445-0119 SKF 38 AB 337 9.5 159
Show 12445-0119 ZUC 11 BC 252 3.2 159
Show 12509-0428 LDS6270 269 7.9 160
Show 13001+0018 STF1706 179 28.1 161
Show 13039-0322 TDS 687 Aa,Ab 33 0.8 162
Show 13039-0322 UC 2464 AB 83 26.3 162
Show 12440-0230 CVR1462 106 3.3 164
Show 13058-0155 SLW 822 305 151.0 167
Show 13017+0012 LDS4308 344 15.1 169
Show 13041-0336 GWP1899 63 47.9 171
Show 13039-0340 BU 929 188 0.4 171

WDS 12547-0200 : COMPONENTS
B pa=8.4°
12547-0200 A
Coord arcsec 2000 125440.08-015942.5 Mag 18.4 Spectral class K7 (yellow-orange) PmRA -10.00
PmDE -8.0
12547-0200 B
Coord arcsec 2000 125440.11-015939.1 Mag 18.5 Spectral class K7 (yellow-orange) PmRA -9.00
PmDE -9.0 Calc delta mag 0.1 Calc coord yes