18381-4659 SKF 1422 AB (HD 171602)

18h 38m 06.14s -46° 58' 26.6" P.A. 175.00 sep 16.6 mag 9.01,9.49 Sp G5
Coord 2000 18381-4659 Discov num SKF1422 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 18 38 06.14 -46 58 26.6
Date first 1903 Date last 2016 Obs 11
Pa first 177 Pa last 175 P.A. Now (θ) 175°
Sep first 16.1 Sep last 16.615 Sep. Now (ρ) 16.615"
Mag pri 9.01 Mag sec 9.49 delta mag (ΔM) 0.48 Spectral class G5 (yellow)
Pri motion ra +003 Sec motion ra +009
Pri motion dec +008 Sec motion dec -002
This double is not physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show HD 171602 18 38 06 -46 58 27 SKF 1422 AB 2016 11 175 16.6 9.01 9.49 0.48 <===
Show 18 38 06 -46 58 43 I 1375 Ba,Bb 1936 2 312 0.8 9.70 11.40 1.70
Triple system
2 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Name HD 171602 Constellation Telescopium Tycho2 8364-02819-1 Gaia DR2 6705601017546942976
HD 171602
WDS 18381-4659 SKF 1422 AB (HD 171602) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
I__1895 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1895MNRAS..55..312I
I__1895 +Mb MNRAS 55, 312,544, 1895
I__1896 Mb - Innes, R.T.A. 1896JBAA....6..261I
I__1896 J. British Astron. Assoc. 6, 261, 1896
I__1897a Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1897MNRAS..57..533I
I__1897a MNRAS 57, 533, 1897 (data also in I__1897b, 1897AN....143..171I
I__1897a I__1897c) 1897AN....144...89I
I__1897b Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1897AN....143..171I
I__1897b AN 143, 171, 1897
I__1897c Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1897AN....144...89I
I__1897c AN 144, 89, 1897
I__1897d Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1897AN....145...93I
I__1897d AN 145, 93, 1897
I__1897e Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1897MNRAS..57..456I
I__1897e +Mb MNRAS 57, 456, 1897
I__1897f Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1897MNRAS..58...48I
I__1897f MNRAS 58, 48, 1897
I__1897g Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1897AJ.....18...65I
I__1897g AJ 18, 65, 1897
I__1898 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1898AN....146..369I
I__1898 AN 146, 369, 1898
I__1899 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1899QB4.C22v2......
I__1899 Ann. Cape Obs. 2, Pt.2, 1899 (Innes Reference Catalog)
I__1901 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1901MNRAS..61..575.
I__1901 MNRAS 61, 575, 1901 (data also in I__1905) 1905AnCap...2....4I
I__1902a Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1902MNRAS..62..470I
I__1902a MNRAS 62, 470, 1902 (data also in I__1905) 1905AnCap...2....4I
I__1902b Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1902MNRAS..63...76I
I__1902b MNRAS 63, 76, 1902 (some data also in I__1905) 1905AnCap...2....4I
I__1903 - Innes, R.T.A. 1903MNRAS..64..130I
I__1903 MNRAS 64, 130, 1903 (data also in I__1905) 1905AnCap...2....4I
I__1903b Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1903Obs....26..285I
I__1903b Obs 26, 285, 1903 (some data also in I__1905) 1905AnCap...2....4I
I__1905 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1905AnCap...2....4I
I__1905 Ann. Cape Obs. 2, Pt.4, 1905
I__1907 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1907Obs....30...61I
I__1907 Obs 30, 61, 1907
I__1908 - Innes, R.T.A. 1908Obs....31..289I
I__1908 Obs 31, 289, 1908 (measures also in I__1909)
I__1909 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. .
I__1909 Transvaal Obs. Circ. 1, 1, 1909
I__1910 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. .
I__1910 Transvaal Obs. Circ. 1, 21, 1910
I__1911 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. .
I__1911 Transvaal Obs. Circ. 1, 61, 1911
I__1912 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. .
I__1912 Transvaal Obs. Circ. 1, 111, 1912
I__1913a Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1913CiUO....4...31.
I__1913a Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 4, 31, 1913
I__1913b Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by Simpkins, R.P.) 1913CiUO....4...31.
I__1913b Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 4, 31, 1913
I__1914 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1914CiUO...14...97.
I__1914 Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 14, 97, 1914
I__1915a Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1915CiUO...24..185.
I__1915a Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 24, 185, 1915
I__1915b Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by Cox, G.W.) 1915CiUO...24..185.
I__1915b Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 24, 185, 1915
I__1915c Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by Johnson, E.L.) 1915CiUO...24..185.
I__1915c Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 24, 185, 1915
I__1915d Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by Simpkins, R.P.) 1915CiUO...24..185.
I__1915d Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 24, 185, 1915
I__1915e - Innes, R.T.A. 1915Obs....38..221I
I__1915e Obs 38, 221, 1915 (measures also in I__1916) 1916CiUO...33..249I
I__1915f - Innes, R.T.A. 1915Obs....38..333I
I__1915f Obs 38, 333, 1915 (measures also in I__1915) 1915CiUO...24..185I
I__1916a Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1916CiUO...33..249I
I__1916a Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 33, 249, 1916
I__1916b Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by Simpkins, R.P.) 1916CiUO...33..249I
I__1916b Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 33, 249, 1916
I__1916c Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by van der Spuy, K.) 1916CiUO...33..249I
I__1916c Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 33, 249, 1916
I__1917a Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1917CiUO...37..285I
I__1917a Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 37, 285, 1917
I__1917b Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by Johnson, E.L.) 1917CiUO...37..285I
I__1917b Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 37, 285, 1917
I__1917c Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by van der Spuy, K.) 1917CiUO...37..285I
I__1917c Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 37, 285, 1917
I__1917d Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by Worssell, W.M.) 1917CiUO...37..285I
I__1917d Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 37, 285, 1917
I__1918 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1918CiUO...41..339I
I__1918 Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 41, 339, 1918
I__1927a Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1927sdsc.book.....I
I__1927a +Po Southern Double Star Cat. 1927
I__1927b Ma - Innes, R.T.A. & van den Bos, W.H. 1927sdsc.book.....I
I__1927b Southern Double Star Cat. 1927
I__1932A Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1932QB821.A43......
I__1932A cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
I__1948a Ma - Innes, R.T.A. 1948CiUO..106..193I
I__1948a +Po Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 106, 193, 1948
I__1948b Ma - Innes, R.T.A. (measure by Simpkins, R.P.) 1948CiUO..106..193I
I__1948b Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 106, 193, 1948
I__9999 Ma - Innes, R.T.A. ...................
I__9999 +Mb Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
Skf2000 Ma - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2000 Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 8, 2000 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2002 C - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2002 private communication, 2002
Skf2002 (measure based on 2MASS data, may not be properly precessed)
Skf2003 - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2003 private communication, 2003 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2004 - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2004 private communication, 2004 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2004 (coordinates and identifications for Stock & Wroblewski pairs)
Skf2005 C - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2005 private communication, 2005 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2006 - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2006 private communication, 2006 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2006b Pa - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2006b private communication, 2006 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2006b (data mining of Stephenson, C.B., AJ 91, 144, 1986) 1986AJ.....91..144S
Skf2006c Po - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2006c private communication, 2006 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2006c (data mining of Joy & Abt, ApJS 28, 1, 1974) 1974ApJS...28....1J
Skf2007 - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2007 private communication, 2007 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2009 E2 - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2009 private communication, 2009 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2010 C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2010 +E+ private communication, 2010 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2010 +Pa
Skf2011 C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2011 +E+ private communication, 2011 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2011 +H+
Skf2011 +M+
Skf2011 +P+
Skf2011 +T
Skf2011b Pa j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2011b +E+ Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 19, 2011 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012 A j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012 +C private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012 +E+
Skf2012 +H+
Skf2012 +P+
Skf2012 +T+
Skf2012b C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012b private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012b (measure calculated from component coords in Alcock et al., ApJ 562, 337, 2001) 2001ApJ...562..337A
Skf2012c Ci - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012c private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012c (measure calculated from component coords in FLX2006) 2006ApJ...639..816E
Skf2012d Pa j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012d private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012d (measure calculated from component coords in Fresneau et al., A&A 469, 1221, 2007) 2007A&A...469.1221F
Skf2012e C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012e private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012e (measure calculated from component coords in Slesnick et al. 2002) 2002ApJ...576..880S
Skf2012f C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012f +H private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012f (measure calculated from component coords in Romano et al., A&A 488, 1221, 2008) 2008A&A...488.1221R
Skf2012g C - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012g private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012g (measure calculated from component coords in Trullols et al. 1997) 1997A&A...324..549T
Skf2012h C - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012h private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012h (measure calculated from component coords in Herbig, ApJ 497, 736, 1998) 1998ApJ...497..736H
Skf2012i H - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012i private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012i (measure calculated from component coords in Najita et al. 2000) 2000ApJ...541..977N
Skf2012j C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012j private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012j (measure calculated from component coords in Luhman et al. 2003) 2003ApJ...593.1093L
Skf2012k C - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012k private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012k (measure calculated from component coords in Cohen et al. 2004) 2004AJ....127.1602C
Skf2012l C - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012l private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012l (measure calculated from component coords in Littlefair et al, MNRAS 358,341,2005) 2005MNRAS.358..341L
Skf2012m H - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012m private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012m (measure calculated from component coords in Lada et al., AJ 131, 1574, 2006) 2006ApJ...131.1574L
Skf2012n C - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012n private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012n (measure calculated from component coords in Mayne et al. 2007) 2007MNRAS.375.1220M
Skf2012o E - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012o +E2 private communication, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012o (measure calculated from component coords in Poleski et al. 2011) 2011AcA....61..199P
Skf2012q C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2012q +E+ Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 20, 2012 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2012q +H+
Skf2012q +Mr
Skf2012q +P+
Skf2012q +T
Skf2013 A j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2013 +C private communication, 2013 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2013 +E+
Skf2013 +H+
Skf2013 +Ma
Skf2013 +P+
Skf2013 +T
Skf2013b C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2013b +E+ Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 21, 2013 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2013b +H+
Skf2013b +P+
Skf2013b +T+
Skf2013c E - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2013c +Pa private communication, 2013 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2013c (measure calculated from component coords in Galadi-Enriquez et al. 1998) 1998A&AS..131..239G
Skf2014 C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2014 +E+ private communication, 2014 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2014 +H+
Skf2014 +P+
Skf2014b C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2014b +E+ Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 22, 2014 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2014b +H+
Skf2014b +M+
Skf2014b +P+
Skf2014b +T
Skf2014c E - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2014c +Pa Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 22, 2014 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2014c (measure calculated from component coords in Galadi-Enriquez et al. 1998) 1998A&AS..131..239G
Skf2014d Pa w Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2014d Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 22, 2014 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2014d (measure calculated from component coords in Fresneau et al., A&A 469, 1221, 2007) 2007A&A...469.1221F
Skf2015 C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2015 +E+ private communication, 2015 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2015 +H+
Skf2015 +P+
Skf2015 +T
Skf2015b C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2015b +E+ Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 23, 40, 2015 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2015b +Hw
Skf2015b +P+
Skf2015c C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2015c +E+ Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 23, 49, 2015 (may not be properly precessed)
Skf2015c +H+
Skf2015c +P+
Skf2015c +T
Skf2015d C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2015d +E+ private communication, 2015 (list 38; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2015d +H+
Skf2015d +P+
Skf2015d +T
Skf2015e C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2015e +E+ private communication, 2015 (list 39; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2015e +H+
Skf2015e +P+
Skf2015e +T
Skf2016a C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2016a +E+ private communication, 2016 (list 40; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2016a +H+
Skf2016a +P+
Skf2016a +T
Skf2016b Pa j Skiff, B.A. (measure in Csr2016) ...................
Skf2016b +P Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 24, 40, 2016
Skf2016b +E2
Skf2016b +Ht
Skf2016b +Eu
Skf2016b +C
Skf2016b +Hw
Skf2016b +Er
Skf2016c P+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2016c +C Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 24, 43, 2016
Skf2016c +E+
Skf2016c +H+
Skf2016c +P+
Skf2016c +T+
Skf2016d C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2016d +E+ private communication, 2016 (list 41; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2016d +H+
Skf2016d +P+
Skf2016d +T
Skf2016e C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2016e +E+ private communication, 2016 (14 June email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2016f C - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2016f +E+ private communication, 2016 (list 42; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2016f +H+
Skf2016f +P+
Skf2016f +T
Skf2016g C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2016g +E+ private communication, 2016 (list 43; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2016g +H+
Skf2016g +P+
Skf2016g +T
Skf2016h Hg - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2016h private communication, 2016 (1 December email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2016i Hg - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2016i private communication, 2016 (20 December email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2016j Hg - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2016j private communication, 2016 (24 December email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017a C+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017a +H private communication, 2017 (13 January email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017b Hg - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017b private communication, 2017 (14 January email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017c C+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017c +E+ private communication, 2017 (30 January email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017c +H+
Skf2017c +P
Skf2017d Hg - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017d private communication, 2017 (26 Febuary email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017e C+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017e +P private communication, 2017 (9 March email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017f E+ - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017f +H private communication, 2017 (24 May email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017g P+ u Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017g +C+ Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 25, 62, 2017
Skf2017g +E+
Skf2017g +H+
Skf2017g +T
Skf2017h Hg - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017h private communication, 2017 (24 June email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017i H+ w Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017i +P+ private communication, 2017 (11 July email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017i +E+
Skf2017i +C
Skf2017j H+ w Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017j +P+ private communication, 2017 (15 July emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017j +E
Skf2017k C+ - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017k +E+ private communication, 2017 (17 July emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017k +H
Skf2017l C+ - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017l +E+ private communication, 2017 (18 July emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017l +H
Skf2017m P+ w Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017m +E+ private communication, 2017 (20 July emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017m +H+
Skf2017m +C
Skf2017n E+ - Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017n +H private communication, 2017 (25 July emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017o E+ w Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017o +P+ private communication, 2017 (20 August emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017o +C
Skf2017p E+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017p +P+ private communication, 2017 (2 October emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017p +C+
Skf2017p +H
Skf2017q E+ w Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2017q +P+ private communication, 2017 (3 October emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2017q +H
Skf2018a E j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018a private communication, 2018 (18 January emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018b E+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018b +C private communication, 2018 (10 February emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018c E+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018c +C private communication, 2018 (16 February emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018d E+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018d +C private communication, 2018 (6 March emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018e E+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018e +not private communication, 2018 (15 March emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018f not j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018f private communication, 2018 (9 March emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018g Hg j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018g private communication, 2018 (20 March emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018h H j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018h +E private communication, 2018 (6 April emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018i H j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018i +P private communication, 2018 (19 October emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018j H j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018j +P private communication, 2018 (24 November emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2018k H j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018k +P private communication, 2018 (19 December emails; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2019a H j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2019a private communication, 2019 (16 July email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2019b H j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2019b private communication, 2019 (6 August email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2019c j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2019c private communication, 2019 (16 August email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2019d H j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2019d private communication, 2019 (11 September email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2019e H+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2019e +E private communication, 2019 (30 July email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2019f C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2019f +E+ private communication, 2019 (list 44; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2019f +H+
Skf2019f +P+
Skf2019f +T
Skf2019g Z j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2019g private communication, 2019 (8 October email)
Skf2020a C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2020a +E+ private communication, 2020 (9 March email; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2020a +H+
Skf2020a +P
Skf2020b C j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2020b +E+ private communication, 2020 (list 45; may not be properly precessed)
Skf2020b +H+
Skf2020b +P+
Skf2020b +T
Skf2020c Hg j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2020c private communication, 2020 (5 August email)
Skf2020d Hg+ j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2020d +Ek private communication, 2020 (23 August email)
Skf2020e Hg j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2020e private communication, 2020 (31 August email)
Skf2020f E Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2020f private communication, 2020 (22 November email)
Skf2021a Hg Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2021a private communication, 2021 (13 March email)
Skf2021b H+ Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2021b +E+ private communication, 2021 (15 November email)
Skf2021c Hg Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2021c private communication, 2021 (16 December email)
Skf2022a E Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2022a private communication, 2022 (12 September email)
Skf2022b Hg Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2022b private communication, 2022 (28 September email)
Skf2022c E Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2022c private communication, 2022 (17 October email)
Skf2022d E Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2022d private communication, 2022 (12 December email)
Skf2022e Hg Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2022e private communication, 2022 (19 December email)
Skf2023a Hg Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2023a private communication, 2023 (28 February email)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18381-4659 SKF1422 AB 2010 5 175 16.6 9.00 9.50 G5 183806.14-465826.6
18381-4659 SKF1422 AB 2015 9 175 16.6 9.01 9.49 G5 183806.14-465826.6
18381-4659 SKF1422 AB 2016 11 175 16.6 9.01 9.49 G5 183806.14-465826.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 18381-4659 SKF 1422 AB (HD 171602) : MEASURES
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WDS 18381-4659 (HD 171602) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

18381-4659 SKF1422A mag 9.01 Sp G5 18381-4659 I  1375B sep 16.5 P.A. 175.00 mag 9.7 Sp G5 18381-4659 I  1375Bb sep 15.9 P.A. 176.20 mag 11.4 virtual eyepiece
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Components only
WDS 18381-4659 (HD 171602) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 18h 38m 06.14s -46° 58' 26.6"
WDS 18381-4659 SKF 1422 AB (HD 171602) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

18381-4659  SKF1422AB distance=0' 18381-4659  I  1375Ba,Bb distance=1' 18375-4659  LDS 648 distance=7' 18374-4704  HJ 5049 distance=10' 18392-4657  I  1376 distance=12' 18397-4704  CPO 596 distance=18' 18366-4630  UC 3626 distance=32' 18348-4658  UC 3616 distance=34' 18375-4736  UC 3627 distance=38' 18340-4708  UC 3612 distance=43' 18416-4737  UC 3638 distance=53' 18329-4658  UC 3606 distance=54' 18339-4732  UC 3610 distance=55' 18437-4705  RST 999 distance=58' 18349-4746  UC 3617 distance=58' 18410-4750  KPP4115 distance=60' 18351-4606  RST 992 distance=61' 18426-4740  HJ 5054 distance=62' 18444-4657  HU 1528 distance=65' 18382-4804  BRT1070 distance=66' 18374-4551  DON 912 distance=68' 18349-4801  HJ 5047 distance=71' 18424-4603  RST 998 distance=71' 18360-4807  UC 3623 distance=72' 18452-4709  TDT1035 distance=73' 18436-4746  UC 3656 distance=74' 18339-4759  UC 3611 distance=74' 18395-4545  HU 1527 distance=75' 18320-4618  RSS 484 distance=75' 18449-4630  SKF1150 distance=76' 18437-4611  B  1369 distance=76' 18447-4736  I  1029 distance=77' 18354-4816  BRT1066 distance=83' 18417-4815  UC 3639 distance=85' 18345-4542  I  1371 distance=85' 18296-4643  I  1367 distance=89' 18291-4713  CPO 585 distance=94' 18326-4814  UC 3605 distance=94' 18340-4825  BRT1063 distance=96' 18462-4747  UC 3666 distance=96' 18309-4801  HJ 5045 distance=96' 18310-4802  ARY  75AB distance=97' 18310-4802  ARY  75AC distance=97' 18294-4619  CPO  80 distance=98' 18474-4727  UC 3670 distance=99' 18396-4520  UC 3632 distance=100' 18354-4522  UC 3621 distance=101' 18479-4717  BRT1079 distance=102' 18318-4819  KPP 578 distance=103' 18294-4752  TDT 907 distance=104' 18336-4833  CPO 590 distance=105' grafico limitrofi
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Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 18381-4659 SKF1422 AB 175 16.6
Show 18381-4659 I 1375 Ba,Bb 312 0.8 1
Show 18375-4659 LDS 648 270 11.1 7
Show 18374-4704 HJ 5049 246 19.3 10
Show 18392-4657 I 1376 3 1.7 12
Show 18397-4704 CPO 596 181 11.8 18
Show 18366-4630 UC 3626 87 31.5 32
Show 18348-4658 UC 3616 95 63.6 34
Show 18375-4736 UC 3627 151 52.7 38
Show 18340-4708 UC 3612 155 151.5 43
Show 18416-4737 UC 3638 32 50.2 53
Show 18329-4658 UC 3606 66 20.1 54
Show 18339-4732 UC 3610 157 41.8 55
Show 18437-4705 RST 999 257 3.6 58
Show 18349-4746 UC 3617 138 36.6 58
Show 18410-4750 KPP4115 1 1.8 60
Show 18351-4606 RST 992 118 0.3 61
Show 18426-4740 HJ 5054 326 16.2 62
Show 18444-4657 HU 1528 243 3.4 65
Show 18382-4804 BRT1070 157 5.2 66
Show 18374-4551 DON 912 284 0.4 68
Show 18349-4801 HJ 5047 171 45.2 71
Show 18424-4603 RST 998 332 1.1 71
Show 18360-4807 UC 3623 84 38.0 72
Show 18452-4709 TDT1035 209 0.4 73
Show 18436-4746 UC 3656 254 141.6 74
Show 18339-4759 UC 3611 283 20.9 74
Show 18395-4545 HU 1527 313 5.0 75
Show 18320-4618 RSS 484 173 19.2 75
Show 18449-4630 SKF1150 83 28.0 76
Show 18437-4611 B 1369 71 4.2 76
Show 18447-4736 I 1029 95 2.3 77
Show 18354-4816 BRT1066 1 4.3 83
Show 18417-4815 UC 3639 96 32.1 85
Show 18345-4542 I 1371 353 2.0 85
Show 18296-4643 I 1367 174 0.4 89
Show 18291-4713 CPO 585 342 5.8 94
Show 18326-4814 UC 3605 178 8.2 94
Show 18340-4825 BRT1063 116 4.8 96
Show 18462-4747 UC 3666 287 53.7 96
Show 18309-4801 HJ 5045 20 7.9 96
Show 18310-4802 ARY 75 AB 170 12.5 97
Show 18310-4802 ARY 75 AC 47 17.7 97
Show 18294-4619 CPO 80 38 1.7 98
Show 18474-4727 UC 3670 86 21.2 99
Show 18396-4520 UC 3632 138 46.6 100
Show 18354-4522 UC 3621 63 50.4 101
Show 18479-4717 BRT1079 154 5.3 102
Show 18318-4819 KPP 578 260 5.4 103
Show 18294-4752 TDT 907 247 1.5 104
Show 18336-4833 CPO 590 287 5.9 105

WDS 18381-4659 : COMPONENTS
  A B
B pa=175.0°
Bb pa=176.2°
18381-4659 A
Name HD 171602 Coord arcsec 2000 183806.14-465826.6 Mag 9.01 Spectral class G5 (yellow)
PmRA 3.00 PmDE 8.0 Tycho2 8364-02819-1 HD 171602
Tycho2 8364-02819-1 Pflag RAmdeg 279.52558371 DEmdeg -46.97404375
PmRA 4.0 PmDE 4.3 E RAmdeg 13 E DEmdeg 17
E pmRA 1.9 E pmDE 1.9 EpRAm 1991.31 EpDEm 1990.75
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.4 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 10.106 E BTmag 0.033 VTmag 9.010
E VTmag 0.020 Prox 166 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 279.52557056 DEdeg -46.97405361 EpRA 1990 1.82
EpDE 1990 1.72 E RAdeg 12.6 E DEdeg 16.6 Posflg
Corr 0.1
18381-4659 B
Coord arcsec 2000 183806.28-465843.0 Coord calc 183806.24-465843.2 Mag 9.7 Mag composta 9.49
Spectral class G5 (yellow) PmRA 9.00 PmDE -2.0 Tycho2 8364-02818-1
HD 171603 Calc delta mag 0.69
Tycho2 8364-02818-1 Pflag RAmdeg 279.52619797 DEmdeg -46.97863165
PmRA 6.0 PmDE 0.6 E RAmdeg 18 E DEmdeg 25
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.6 EpRAm 1990.49 EpDEm 1988.99
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 0.6
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 10.606 E BTmag 0.048 VTmag 9.492
E VTmag 0.027 Prox 166 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 279.52617778 DEdeg -46.97863306 EpRA 1990 1.82
EpDE 1990 1.73 E RAdeg 18.3 E DEdeg 24.7 Posflg P
Corr 0.0
18381-4659 Bb
Coord arcsec 2000 183806.24-465842.5 Mag 11.4 Calc delta mag 2.39 Calc coord yes