19584+6032 CBL 524

19h 58m 24.50s +60° 31' 54.1" P.A. 246.00 sep 51.6 mag 13.70,19.00 Sp M1+M5
Coord 2000 19584+6032 Discov num CBL 524 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 58 24.50 +60 31 54.1
Date first 1994 Date last 2016 Obs 10
Pa first 246 Pa last 246.1 P.A. Now (θ) 246.1°
Sep first 51.6 Sep last 51.576 Sep. Now (ρ) 51.576"
Mag pri 13.70 Mag sec 19.00 delta mag (ΔM) 5.3 Spectral class M1+M5 (red/red)
Pri motion ra +000 Sec motion ra -001
Pri motion dec +096 Sec motion dec +095
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.015 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Draco Gaia DR2 2237399136238068480
WDS 19584+6032 CBL 524 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CBL Caballero, R.
24 CBL (updated coordinates and proper motions for 57 LDS pairs, from 2MASS, UCAC3,
24 CBL NOMAD. New measures from 2MASS)
32 CBL Caballero, R., Genet, R., Armstrong, J.D., McGaughey, S., Krach, C.,
32 CBL Leatualli, A., Rohzinski, A., Rohzinski, C., Rohzinski, E., Rohzinski, N.,
32 CBL Wandell, M., Martinez, J. & Smith, T.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19584+6032 CBL 524 1994 1 246 51.6 13.70 19.00 V 195824.50+603154.1
19584+6032 CBL 524 2010 3 246 51.5 13.70 19.00 M1+M5 V 195824.50+603154.1
19584+6032 CBL 524 2015 4 246 51.6 13.70 19.00 M1+M5 V 195824.50+603154.1
19584+6032 CBL 524 2016 10 246 51.6 13.70 19.00 M1+M5 V 195824.50+603154.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19584+6032 CBL 524 : MEASURES
No records found.


19584+6032 CBL 524A mag 13.7 Sp M1 19584+6032 CBL 524B sep 31.2 P.A. 228.00 mag 19 Sp M5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19584+6032 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 58m 24.50s +60° 31' 54.1"
WDS 19584+6032 CBL 524 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19584+6032  CBL 524 distance=1' 19577+6040  LDS2785AB distance=10' 19577+6040  SKF2083AC distance=10' 19599+6056  LDS2786AB distance=27' 19599+6056  LDS2786Aa,Ab distance=27' 19555+6049  ES 1798 distance=27' 20020+6015  TOI1342 distance=32' 19560+6100  TDT1860 distance=33' 19578+6105  TDT1879 distance=34' 19567+5959  ES 1755 distance=36' 20001+6110  KPP4180 distance=41' 19526+6037  STI 933 distance=41' 19534+6052  VAT   4 distance=42' 19595+5944  ES  201AB distance=49' 19595+5944  ES  201AC distance=49' 19566+6122  ES 1851 distance=52' 19574+6124  HJ 2922 distance=54' 19536+5943  STTA194 distance=62' 19596+5927  STF2623 distance=66' 20066+5959  STI 944 distance=70' 19551+5927  MLR 230 distance=70' 20006+5922  LDS2787AB distance=72' 20006+5922  JNN 124BC distance=73' 20085+6024  CBL 525 distance=75' 20046+5931  OPI  20 distance=77' 19477+6034  STI 921 distance=80' 20082+6109  MLR 502 distance=80' 20031+5921  ES 1757 distance=80' 19481+6059  STI 924 distance=81' 19562+6154  TDT1861 distance=84' 19566+5910  GIC 161 distance=84' 20085+6113  TDT2015 distance=85' 20012+5909  MLB  82 distance=86' 20057+5925  HJ 2934AB distance=87' 19476+6109  ES  130 distance=87' 20057+5925  HJ 2934CA distance=87' 19479+6113  HJ 2905 distance=88' 19534+6154  HJ 2915 distance=91' 19477+6123  STI 922 distance=94' 19516+5913  HJ 2910 distance=95' 19475+6125  ES 1849 distance=96' 20073+6143  ES 1852AB distance=97' 20073+6143  WAL 128AC distance=97' 20019+6207  TDT1923 distance=99' 20111+6007  STI 951 distance=100' 20112+6002  LDS2790 distance=100' 19458+5957  LDS2780AB distance=101' 19458+5957  UC 4020AC distance=101' 19525+5902  STI2470 distance=101' 19483+5925  LAF  61AB distance=102' 19483+5925  LAF  61AC distance=102' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19584+6032 CBL 524 246 51.6 1
Show 19577+6040 LDS2785 AB 279 52.0 10
Show 19577+6040 SKF2083 AC 306 10.7 10
Show 19599+6056 LDS2786 AB 325 9.0 27
Show 19599+6056 LDS2786 Aa,Ab 280 4.0 27
Show 19555+6049 ES 1798 327 5.6 27
Show 20020+6015 TOI1342 163 0.4 32
Show 19560+6100 TDT1860 331 1.3 33
Show 19578+6105 TDT1879 263 2.0 34
Show 19567+5959 ES 1755 176 5.7 36
Show 20001+6110 KPP4180 47 1.9 41
Show 19526+6037 STI 933 214 5.9 41
Show 19534+6052 VAT 4 296 6.5 42
Show 19595+5944 ES 201 AB 143 4.1 49
Show 19595+5944 ES 201 AC 94 29.3 49
Show 19566+6122 ES 1851 156 6.3 52
Show 19574+6124 HJ 2922 347 11.2 54
Show 19536+5943 STTA194 354 67.8 62
Show 19596+5927 STF2623 100 1.5 66
Show 20066+5959 STI 944 256 8.3 70
Show 19551+5927 MLR 230 232 1.4 70
Show 20006+5922 LDS2787 AB 162 18.5 72
Show 20006+5922 JNN 124 BC 275 0.3 73
Show 20085+6024 CBL 525 355 74.1 75
Show 20046+5931 OPI 20 124 7.8 77
Show 19477+6034 STI 921 298 15.5 80
Show 20082+6109 MLR 502 39 0.2 80
Show 20031+5921 ES 1757 209 1.8 80
Show 19481+6059 STI 924 160 10.0 81
Show 19562+6154 TDT1861 351 2.1 84
Show 19566+5910 GIC 161 254 73.1 84
Show 20085+6113 TDT2015 258 1.1 85
Show 20012+5909 MLB 82 14 6.3 86
Show 20057+5925 HJ 2934 AB 310 9.7 87
Show 19476+6109 ES 130 58 2.8 87
Show 20057+5925 HJ 2934 CA 263 36.6 87
Show 19479+6113 HJ 2905 179 6.8 88
Show 19534+6154 HJ 2915 259 11.8 91
Show 19477+6123 STI 922 235 15.2 94
Show 19516+5913 HJ 2910 260 13.1 95
Show 19475+6125 ES 1849 157 3.9 96
Show 20073+6143 ES 1852 AB 156 6.4 97
Show 20073+6143 WAL 128 AC 22 19.0 97
Show 20019+6207 TDT1923 141 2.5 99
Show 20111+6007 STI 951 40 10.8 100
Show 20112+6002 LDS2790 284 20.6 100
Show 19458+5957 LDS2780 AB 153 10.2 101
Show 19458+5957 UC 4020 AC 106 35.7 101
Show 19525+5902 STI2470 125 7.4 101
Show 19483+5925 LAF 61 AB 326 5.5 102
Show 19483+5925 LAF 61 AC 277 7.9 102

WDS 19584+6032 : COMPONENTS
B pa=228.0°
19584+6032 A
Coord arcsec 2000 195824.50+603154.1 Mag 13.7 Spectral class M1 (red) PmRA 0.00
PmDE 96.0
19584+6032 B
Coord arcsec 2000 195821.36+603133.2 Mag 19 Spectral class M5 (red) PmRA -1.00
PmDE 95.0 Calc delta mag 5.3 Calc coord yes