10252+0855 GWP 1365

10h 25m 09.54s +08° 55' 22.9" P.A. 108.00 sep 47.7 mag 12.45,14.58
Coord 2000 10252+0855 Discov num GWP1365 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 25 09.54 +08 55 22.9
Date first 1991 Date last 2016 Obs 11
Pa first 108 Pa last 107.6 P.A. Now (θ) 107.6°
Sep first 47.5 Sep last 47.709 Sep. Now (ρ) 47.709"
Mag pri 12.45 Mag sec 14.58 delta mag (ΔM) 2.13 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +093 Sec motion ra +100
Pri motion dec -096 Sec motion dec -103
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.069 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Leo Gaia DR2 3875964137872440192
WDS 10252+0855 GWP 1365 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10252+0855 GWP1365 2000 2 108 47.6 11.40 13.70 V R 102509.54+085522.9
10252+0855 GWP1365 2010 4 108 47.7 12.45 14.58 V R 102509.54+085522.9
10252+0855 GWP1365 2015 5 108 47.8 12.45 14.58 V R 102509.54+085522.9
10252+0855 GWP1365 2016 11 108 47.7 12.45 14.58 V R 102509.54+085522.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 10252+0855 GWP 1365 : MEASURES
No records found.


10252+0855 GWP1365A mag 12.45 10252+0855 GWP1365B sep 47.2 P.A. 107.80 mag 14.58 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 10252+0855 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 10h 25m 09.54s +08° 55' 22.9"
WDS 10252+0855 GWP 1365 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

10252+0855  GWP1365 distance=1' 10256+0847  STF1431 distance=11' 10235+0850  KPP2434 distance=25' 10259+0831  LDS 914 distance=27' 10223+0846  KPP1982 distance=43' 10241+0943  GRV 818 distance=50' 10261+0802  A  2569 distance=55' 10276+0946  HJ  832 distance=63' 10291+0922  HEI 496 distance=65' 10224+0948  OCC 756 distance=66' 10290+0822  GWP1384 distance=67' 10229+0954  SKF1729 distance=68' 10218+0805  SLW 465 distance=72' 10203+0919  KPP3227 distance=76' 10242+0738  CVR 563 distance=79' 10207+0942  CVR 560 distance=81' 10207+0943  OSW  50 distance=82' 10205+0813  STE   7 distance=82' 10306+0918  OSW  51 distance=84' 10312+0847  TDS7313 distance=90' 10225+0733  LDS2854 distance=92' 10212+0741  CVR1285 distance=95' 10292+1009  STT 220 distance=95' 10187+0851  GWP1340 distance=96' 10203+0749  GWP1347 distance=98' 10225+0726  OCC9060 distance=98' 10319+0914  SLW 485 distance=102' 10183+0841  YSC  93 distance=103' 10320+0831  YSC  39 distance=105' 10182+0805  A  2765 distance=116' 10328+0918  WRH  19 distance=116' 10195+0734  CVR1281 distance=118' 10179+0807  DAM2260 distance=118' 10208+0715  LDS2853AB distance=120' 10208+0715  LDS2853AC distance=120' 10178+0806  DAM2257 distance=120' 10218+0705  GRV 817 distance=120' 10224+0657  LDS2855 distance=126' 10169+0815  OCC   7 distance=129' 10339+0845  BRT2150 distance=131' 10195+1036  OCC 758AB distance=132' 10195+1036  DAM2313AB,C distance=132' 10182+0731  YSC  92 distance=134' 10250+1110  KPP3815AB distance=135' 10191+0714  GMZ 203AB distance=136' 10191+0714  GMZ 203AC distance=136' 10305+0704  OCC 200 distance=137' 10192+0711  HJ 2527AB distance=138' 10192+0711  GMZ 204AC distance=138' 10269+1110  HJ  161 distance=138' 10170+1007  STF1419 distance=140' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 10252+0855 GWP1365 108 47.7 1
Show 10256+0847 STF1431 76 3.6 11
Show 10235+0850 KPP2434 291 21.3 25
Show 10259+0831 LDS 914 286 45.5 27
Show 10223+0846 KPP1982 285 15.7 43
Show 10241+0943 GRV 818 299 45.1 50
Show 10261+0802 A 2569 305 2.0 55
Show 10276+0946 HJ 832 132 37.8 63
Show 10291+0922 HEI 496 343 1.8 65
Show 10224+0948 OCC 756 -1 0.1 66
Show 10290+0822 GWP1384 356 102.2 67
Show 10229+0954 SKF1729 298 1.3 68
Show 10218+0805 SLW 465 164 143.1 72
Show 10203+0919 KPP3227 18 2.5 76
Show 10242+0738 CVR 563 146 22.4 79
Show 10207+0942 CVR 560 254 8.6 81
Show 10207+0943 OSW 50 179 73.1 82
Show 10205+0813 STE 7 124 20.7 82
Show 10306+0918 OSW 51 313 9.4 84
Show 10312+0847 TDS7313 273 0.5 90
Show 10225+0733 LDS2854 348 54.6 92
Show 10212+0741 CVR1285 59 3.5 95
Show 10292+1009 STT 220 101 0.6 95
Show 10187+0851 GWP1340 137 15.6 96
Show 10203+0749 GWP1347 330 71.2 98
Show 10225+0726 OCC9060 90 4.1 98
Show 10319+0914 SLW 485 63 11.5 102
Show 10183+0841 YSC 93 90 0.3 103
Show 10320+0831 YSC 39 22 0.8 105
Show 10182+0805 A 2765 35 0.4 116
Show 10328+0918 WRH 19 98 0.0 116
Show 10195+0734 CVR1281 209 3.2 118
Show 10179+0807 DAM2260 102 1.2 118
Show 10208+0715 LDS2853 AB 312 24.6 120
Show 10208+0715 LDS2853 AC 355 26.3 120
Show 10178+0806 DAM2257 188 6.3 120
Show 10218+0705 GRV 817 123 43.7 120
Show 10224+0657 LDS2855 18 22.7 126
Show 10169+0815 OCC 7 -1 0.1 129
Show 10339+0845 BRT2150 101 3.3 131
Show 10195+1036 OCC 758 AB -1 0.1 132
Show 10195+1036 DAM2313 AB,C 283 12.9 132
Show 10182+0731 YSC 92 28 0.2 134
Show 10250+1110 KPP3815 AB 223 4.5 135
Show 10191+0714 GMZ 203 AB 219 165.3 136
Show 10191+0714 GMZ 203 AC 276 230.2 136
Show 10305+0704 OCC 200 -1 0.1 137
Show 10192+0711 HJ 2527 AB 251 20.9 138
Show 10192+0711 GMZ 204 AC 345 9.5 138
Show 10269+1110 HJ 161 211 32.9 138
Show 10170+1007 STF1419 225 4.5 140

WDS 10252+0855 : COMPONENTS
B pa=107.8°
10252+0855 A
Coord arcsec 2000 102509.54+085522.9 Mag 12.45 PmRA 93.00 PmDE -96.0
10252+0855 B
Coord arcsec 2000 102512.57+085508.5 Mag 14.58 PmRA 100.00 PmDE -103.0
Calc delta mag 2.13 Calc coord yes