21408+0110 SLW 1248

21h 40m 47.38s +01° 09' 30.8" P.A. 36.00 sep 18.3 mag 17.45,19.18 Sp M0.7+M2.5
Coord 2000 21408+0110 Discov num SLW1248 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 21 40 47.38 +01 09 30.8
Date first 2000 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 35 Pa last 35.8 P.A. Now (θ) 35.8°
Sep first 18.1 Sep last 18.329 Sep. Now (ρ) 18.329"
Mag pri 17.45 Mag sec 19.18 delta mag (ΔM) 1.73 Spectral class M0.7+M2.5 (red/red)
Pri motion ra -002 Sec motion ra +002
Pri motion dec -059 Sec motion dec -057
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.076 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Aquarius Gaia DR2 2693513079543241472
WDS 21408+0110 SLW 1248 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SLW Sloan Digital Sky Survey SLoWPoKES Catalog
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21408+0110 SLW1248 2001 1 36 18.3 17.45 19.18 M0.7 M2.5 V R 214047.38+010930.8
21408+0110 SLW1248 2010 3 36 18.4 17.45 19.18 M0.7+M2.5 V R 214047.38+010930.8
21408+0110 SLW1248 2014 5 36 18.3 17.45 19.18 M0.7+M2.5 V R 214047.38+010930.8
21408+0110 SLW1248 2015 6 36 18.3 17.45 19.18 M0.7+M2.5 V R 214047.38+010930.8
21408+0110 SLW1248 2016 7 36 18.3 17.45 19.18 M0.7+M2.5 V R 214047.38+010930.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 21408+0110 SLW 1248 : MEASURES
No records found.


21408+0110 SLW1248A mag 17.45 Sp M0.7 21408+0110 SLW1248B sep 18.3 P.A. 35.80 mag 19.18 Sp M2.5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 21408+0110 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 21h 40m 47.38s +01° 09' 30.8"
WDS 21408+0110 SLW 1248 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

21408+0110  SLW1248 distance=0' 21406+0116  CHE 306 distance=8' 21412+0117  BAL1235 distance=11' 21412+0118  TOB 318 distance=11' 21404+0126  BAL1234 distance=18' 21406+0051  SLW1247 distance=19' 21421+0104  CHE 309 distance=20' 21421+0059  CHE 310 distance=24' 21408+0141  BAL1592 distance=32' 21409-0035  J  1408 distance=36' 21404+0034  SMA 151 distance=36' 21422+0040  CHE 311 distance=37' 21417-0036  J  1409 distance=37' 21418+0145  HJ 3049 distance=38' 21424+0037  SMA 152BC distance=41' 21424+0037  SMA 152AC distance=41' 21424+0037  BAL1236AB distance=41' 21427-0039  WAA9002 distance=42' 21435+0052  WAA9003 distance=45' 21406-0023  CVR 914 distance=47' 21417-0024  UC 4532 distance=48' 21424+0027  STF2817AB distance=50' 21424+0027  AOT 107AC distance=50' 21393+0154  BAL1591 distance=50' 21424+0027  AOT 107BC distance=50' 21426+0027  WAA9001 distance=51' 21406-0018  AOT 106 distance=52' 21428+0028  CHE 313 distance=52' 21442+0102  LDS6359 distance=53' 21423+0021  CHE 312 distance=54' 21376+0137  JNN 291 distance=55' 21437+0030  CHE 315 distance=56' 21372+0054  ARU  22 distance=57' 21416+0013  CHE 308 distance=59' 21376+0035  ARU   4 distance=59' 21383-0020  STF2811 distance=62' 21426-0013  UC 4535 distance=63' 21371+0033  LAW  28Aa,Ab distance=67' 21371+0033  LAW  28AB distance=67' 21376-0023  STF2809AB distance=67' 21376-0023  FYM9001AC distance=67' 21404+0003  AOT 105 distance=68' 21396+0215  BUP 229 distance=68' 21439+0159  A  2097 distance=69' 21395-0003  BU 1212AB distance=70' 21395-0003  BU 1212AB,C distance=70' 21415+0000  CHE 307 distance=70' 21390-0002  CBL 532 distance=74' 21365+0031  J   163 distance=76' 21369+0158  UC 4508 distance=76' 21452-0030  TOK 348 distance=77' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 21408+0110 SLW1248 36 18.3 0
Show 21406+0116 CHE 306 183 25.0 8
Show 21412+0117 BAL1235 319 8.9 11
Show 21412+0118 TOB 318 104 29.0 11
Show 21404+0126 BAL1234 43 20.1 18
Show 21406+0051 SLW1247 225 162.8 19
Show 21421+0104 CHE 309 336 27.3 20
Show 21421+0059 CHE 310 30 20.9 24
Show 21408+0141 BAL1592 66 5.4 32
Show 21409-0035 J 1408 356 6.6 36
Show 21404+0034 SMA 151 124 4.5 36
Show 21422+0040 CHE 311 229 22.3 37
Show 21417-0036 J 1409 327 3.8 37
Show 21418+0145 HJ 3049 27 35.6 38
Show 21424+0037 SMA 152 BC 112 30.8 41
Show 21424+0037 SMA 152 AC 102 17.4 41
Show 21424+0037 BAL1236 AB 312 15.6 41
Show 21427-0039 WAA9002 80 1.2 42
Show 21435+0052 WAA9003 9 0.9 45
Show 21406-0023 CVR 914 12 29.8 47
Show 21417-0024 UC 4532 160 17.3 48
Show 21424+0027 STF2817 AB 155 26.1 50
Show 21424+0027 AOT 107 AC 157 35.7 50
Show 21393+0154 BAL1591 128 18.1 50
Show 21424+0027 AOT 107 BC 174 6.4 50
Show 21426+0027 WAA9001 27 1.7 51
Show 21406-0018 AOT 106 83 16.6 52
Show 21428+0028 CHE 313 180 7.1 52
Show 21442+0102 LDS6359 144 7.2 53
Show 21423+0021 CHE 312 282 24.0 54
Show 21376+0137 JNN 291 345 0.4 55
Show 21437+0030 CHE 315 334 9.6 56
Show 21372+0054 ARU 22 195 0.6 57
Show 21416+0013 CHE 308 186 10.8 59
Show 21376+0035 ARU 4 235 0.3 59
Show 21383-0020 STF2811 273 31.1 62
Show 21426-0013 UC 4535 143 19.5 63
Show 21371+0033 LAW 28 Aa,Ab 122 0.2 67
Show 21371+0033 LAW 28 AB 322 18.8 67
Show 21376-0023 STF2809 AB 163 31.1 67
Show 21376-0023 FYM9001 AC 18 37.8 67
Show 21404+0003 AOT 105 159 18.7 68
Show 21396+0215 BUP 229 43 139.5 68
Show 21439+0159 A 2097 358 0.2 69
Show 21395-0003 BU 1212 AB 156 0.1 70
Show 21395-0003 BU 1212 AB,C 178 36.2 70
Show 21415+0000 CHE 307 80 21.7 70
Show 21390-0002 CBL 532 263 80.6 74
Show 21365+0031 J 163 307 4.6 76
Show 21369+0158 UC 4508 29 27.5 76
Show 21452-0030 TOK 348 57 146.2 77

WDS 21408+0110 : COMPONENTS
B pa=35.8°
21408+0110 A
Coord arcsec 2000 214047.38+010930.8 Mag 17.45 Spectral class M0.7 (red) PmRA -2.00
PmDE -59.0
21408+0110 B
Coord arcsec 2000 214048.09+010945.7 Mag 19.18 Spectral class M2.5 (red) PmRA 2.00
PmDE -57.0 Calc delta mag 1.73 Calc coord yes