19413+1418 BPM 1321

19h 41m 19.34s +14° 17' 34.9" P.A. 150.00 sep 100.4 mag 13.54,13.49
Coord 2000 19413+1418 Discov num BPM1321 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 41 19.34 +14 17 34.9
Date first 1974 Date last 2015 Obs 7
Pa first 150 Pa last 150 P.A. Now (θ) 150°
Sep first 100.3 Sep last 100.389 Sep. Now (ρ) 100.389"
Mag pri 13.54 Mag sec 13.49 delta mag (ΔM) 0.05 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +006 Sec motion ra +029
Pri motion dec +001 Sec motion dec -042
Notes N V (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Aquila Gaia DR2 4317256290827481984
WDS 19413+1418 BPM 1321 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BPM1321 [PM2000] 1917892 + [PM2000] 1918626. Gvr2010
refcode metd author reference
Gvr2010 Pa - Gavras, P. Sinachopoulos, D., Le Campion, J.F., & Cucourant, C. 2010A&A...521A 4G
Gvr2010 +T A&A 521, A4, 2010
Gvr2010 (Note: mean measures from AC2000.2, CdC2000, USNO-A2.0, Yellow Sky, and M2000
Gvr2010 catalogs, spanning years ~1900-2000)
idgroup discov author
1 BPM Bordeaux PM2000 catalogue (main catalog: separation < 2')
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19413+1418 BPM1321 1998 2 150 100.4 13.66 13.88 NV 194119.34+141734.9
19413+1418 BPM1321 2001 3 150 100.3 13.66 13.88 NV 194119.34+141734.9
19413+1418 BPM1321 2010 4 150 100.0 13.54 13.49 NV 194119.34+141734.9
19413+1418 BPM1321 2015 7 150 100.4 13.54 13.49 NV 194119.34+141734.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19413+1418 BPM 1321 : MEASURES
No records found.


19413+1418 BPM1321A mag 13.54 19413+1418 BPM1321B sep 99.6 P.A. 150.80 mag 13.49 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19413+1418 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 41m 19.34s +14° 17' 34.9"
WDS 19413+1418 BPM 1321 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19413+1418  BPM1321 distance=1' 19419+1420  BPM1336 distance=10' 19418+1409  BPMA138AB distance=11' 19418+1409  BPMA139AC distance=11' 19420+1409  BPM1340 distance=13' 19418+1409  BPMA140BC distance=14' 19421+1408  BPM1344AB distance=15' 19416+1433  BPM1328AB distance=16' 19416+1433  BPM1329AC distance=16' 19424+1413  BPM1357 distance=17' 19421+1408  BPM1345BC distance=17' 19413+1435  BPM1319 distance=18' 19411+1359  BPM1313 distance=19' 19404+1404  BPM1288 distance=19' 19401+1424  BPM1271 distance=19' 19402+1400  BPM1275 distance=24' 19406+1355  BPM1290AB distance=25' 19409+1442  BPM1308 distance=26' 19406+1355  BPM1291BC distance=27' 19406+1355  BPM1292BD distance=27' 19407+1352  BPM1298 distance=27' 19406+1355  BPM1293CD distance=27' 19416+1351  A  1657 distance=28' 19406+1355  BPM1294DE distance=28' 19411+1349  KUI  93 distance=29' 19432+1402  BPMA147 distance=32' 19431+1435  BPM1377 distance=32' 19412+1345  BPM1315 distance=33' 19421+1347  BPM1343 distance=33' 19426+1350  BPM1364 distance=34' 19423+1346  BPM1353 distance=35' 19434+1359  BPMA149 distance=35' 19438+1428  J  1859 distance=37' 19438+1426  BPM1405 distance=37' 19422+1454  J  2994 distance=38' 19435+1439  BPMA150 distance=38' 19421+1340  BPM1342 distance=39' 19418+1456  BPM1334 distance=40' 19404+1341  BPM1284 distance=40' 19440+1422  BPM1410 distance=40' 19392+1443  KPP3346 distance=40' 19403+1340  BPM1277 distance=41' 19440+1406  BPMA154 distance=41' 19412+1337  J  1136 distance=41' 19386+1428  BPM1236 distance=41' 19441+1431  J  1860 distance=41' 19403+1338  J  2275 distance=42' 19428+1454  TDT1664 distance=43' 19438+1440  BPM1401AB distance=43' 19392+1349  BPM1251 distance=43' 19443+1421  BPMA157 distance=43' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19413+1418 BPM1321 150 100.4 1
Show 19419+1420 BPM1336 114 64.2 10
Show 19418+1409 BPMA138 AB 168 153.6 11
Show 19418+1409 BPMA139 AC 327 145.8 11
Show 19420+1409 BPM1340 281 60.4 13
Show 19418+1409 BPMA140 BC 338 294.4 14
Show 19421+1408 BPM1344 AB 169 112.7 15
Show 19416+1433 BPM1328 AB 247 108.2 16
Show 19416+1433 BPM1329 AC 54 109.8 16
Show 19424+1413 BPM1357 72 109.1 17
Show 19421+1408 BPM1345 BC 150 64.6 17
Show 19413+1435 BPM1319 125 107.5 18
Show 19411+1359 BPM1313 116 114.6 19
Show 19404+1404 BPM1288 266 77.6 19
Show 19401+1424 BPM1271 50 118.2 19
Show 19402+1400 BPM1275 234 103.3 24
Show 19406+1355 BPM1290 AB 183 85.9 25
Show 19409+1442 BPM1308 79 112.5 26
Show 19406+1355 BPM1291 BC 138 69.2 27
Show 19406+1355 BPM1292 BD 203 70.9 27
Show 19407+1352 BPM1298 175 110.1 27
Show 19406+1355 BPM1293 CD 259 75.6 27
Show 19416+1351 A 1657 53 5.2 28
Show 19406+1355 BPM1294 DE 281 82.3 28
Show 19411+1349 KUI 93 317 0.1 29
Show 19432+1402 BPMA147 130 281.9 32
Show 19431+1435 BPM1377 211 56.8 32
Show 19412+1345 BPM1315 341 71.9 33
Show 19421+1347 BPM1343 240 33.6 33
Show 19426+1350 BPM1364 35 74.5 34
Show 19423+1346 BPM1353 337 37.9 35
Show 19434+1359 BPMA149 290 180.3 35
Show 19438+1428 J 1859 19 7.2 37
Show 19438+1426 BPM1405 0 116.5 37
Show 19422+1454 J 2994 90 6.1 38
Show 19435+1439 BPMA150 191 198.5 38
Show 19421+1340 BPM1342 101 92.2 39
Show 19418+1456 BPM1334 89 116.0 40
Show 19404+1341 BPM1284 49 45.1 40
Show 19440+1422 BPM1410 66 106.2 40
Show 19392+1443 KPP3346 180 2.3 40
Show 19403+1340 BPM1277 333 22.8 41
Show 19440+1406 BPMA154 95 295.0 41
Show 19412+1337 J 1136 102 3.7 41
Show 19386+1428 BPM1236 89 90.1 41
Show 19441+1431 J 1860 8 7.4 41
Show 19403+1338 J 2275 134 5.6 42
Show 19428+1454 TDT1664 202 0.5 43
Show 19438+1440 BPM1401 AB 9 106.8 43
Show 19392+1349 BPM1251 128 44.5 43
Show 19443+1421 BPMA157 86 180.8 43

WDS 19413+1418 : COMPONENTS
B pa=150.8°
19413+1418 A
Coord arcsec 2000 194119.34+141734.9 Mag 13.54 PmRA 6.00 PmDE 1.0
19413+1418 B
Coord arcsec 2000 194122.69+141608.0 Mag 13.49 PmRA 29.00 PmDE -42.0
Calc delta mag 0.05 Calc coord yes