15508+1114 SLW 1143

15h 50m 48.30s +11° 14' 21.3" P.A. 300.00 sep 9.6 mag 15.77,17.21 Sp K7.4+M1.2
Coord 2000 15508+1114 Discov num SLW1143 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 15 50 48.30 +11 14 21.3
Date first 2000 Date last 2016 Obs 10
Pa first 298 Pa last 300.3 P.A. Now (θ) 300.3°
Sep first 9.7 Sep last 9.617 Sep. Now (ρ) 9.617"
Mag pri 15.77 Mag sec 17.21 delta mag (ΔM) 1.44 Spectral class K7.4+M1.2 (yellow-orange/red)
Pri motion ra -021 Sec motion ra -022
Pri motion dec -031 Sec motion dec -034
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.078 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Serpens Gaia DR2 1189542942692703616
WDS 15508+1114 SLW 1143 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SLW Sloan Digital Sky Survey SLoWPoKES Catalog
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15508+1114 SLW1143 2005 1 300 9.6 15.77 17.21 K7.4 M1.2 V R 155048.30+111421.3
15508+1114 SLW1143 2010 3 300 8.9 15.77 17.21 K7.4+M1.2 V R 155048.30+111421.3
15508+1114 SLW1143 2015 4 300 9.6 15.77 17.21 K7.4+M1.2 V R 155048.30+111421.3
15508+1114 SLW1143 2016 10 300 9.6 15.77 17.21 K7.4+M1.2 V R 155048.30+111421.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 15508+1114 SLW 1143 : MEASURES
No records found.


15508+1114 SLW1143A mag 15.77 Sp K7.4 15508+1114 SLW1143B sep 9.5 P.A. 300.80 mag 17.21 Sp M1.2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 15508+1114 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 15h 50m 48.30s +11° 14' 21.3"
WDS 15508+1114 SLW 1143 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

15508+1114  SLW1143 distance=0' 15501+1134  BPM 640 distance=23' 15521+1052  BAG   7 distance=30' 15494+1034  CVR 800 distance=45' 15498+1008  CVR 801 distance=69' 15469+1035  UC 3063 distance=70' 15472+1211  GWP2552 distance=79' 15567+1109  SLW1151 distance=88' 15488+1243  LSC  61 distance=94' 15564+1204  BPM 644 distance=97' 15555+1006  STF1986 distance=98' 15568+1229  STF1988 distance=115' 15430+1101  LDS4586AB distance=116' 15430+1101  NSN 669B,Ab distance=116' 15547+0927  KPP 356 distance=122' 15532+1312  STT 583 distance=123' 15420+1118  BPM 636 distance=130' 15589+1012  GWP2570 distance=135' 15428+1008  GRV 911 distance=135' 16001+1112  SLW1155 distance=137' 15451+0923  CBL 496 distance=140' 16003+1140  A  1639AB distance=142' 16003+1140  STF1992AB,C distance=142' 16008+1139  GII  42 distance=149' 15523+0842  A  1129 distance=155' 15449+0905  FMR 227 distance=157' 16010+1029  SLW1156 distance=158' 15550+1340  NSN 673 distance=158' 15402+1203  STT 300 distance=164' 16014+1021  J   445 distance=166' 15463+1346  AHD   9 distance=166' 15514+1359  TDS9663 distance=166' 16016+1024  FOX 193 distance=168' 15420+1302  SKF 278 distance=169' 15483+1400  A  1637 distance=171' 15395+1154  KPP2167 distance=171' 15593+1316  GWP2571 distance=174' 16020+1218  GWP2579 distance=176' 15425+0904  SLW1125 distance=179' 15565+1353  LEP  75 distance=180' 15586+1336  GWP2569 distance=182' 15458+1402  A  1636 distance=184' 15432+1340  BU  619AB distance=184' 15432+1340  BU  619BC distance=184' 15518+0811  UC 3073 distance=185' 16001+1317  GRV 919DC distance=185' 15409+1308  SLW1123 distance=185' 15421+0859  UC 3044 distance=187' 15543+1416  SKF 258 distance=189' 16037+1126  STF2003 distance=190' 15522+0804  HJ 2793 distance=192' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 15508+1114 SLW1143 300 9.6 0
Show 15501+1134 BPM 640 359 76.5 23
Show 15521+1052 BAG 7 57 0.1 30
Show 15494+1034 CVR 800 217 13.1 45
Show 15498+1008 CVR 801 220 7.3 69
Show 15469+1035 UC 3063 301 8.3 70
Show 15472+1211 GWP2552 191 111.2 79
Show 15567+1109 SLW1151 196 160.7 88
Show 15488+1243 LSC 61 96 0.5 94
Show 15564+1204 BPM 644 136 106.4 97
Show 15555+1006 STF1986 93 14.7 98
Show 15568+1229 STF1988 249 1.7 115
Show 15430+1101 LDS4586 AB 352 42.1 116
Show 15430+1101 NSN 669 B,Ab 172 35.3 116
Show 15547+0927 KPP 356 245 3.6 122
Show 15532+1312 STT 583 81 81.3 123
Show 15420+1118 BPM 636 188 107.6 130
Show 15589+1012 GWP2570 237 18.7 135
Show 15428+1008 GRV 911 144 8.2 135
Show 16001+1112 SLW1155 267 37.8 137
Show 15451+0923 CBL 496 138 53.7 140
Show 16003+1140 A 1639 AB 90 0.3 142
Show 16003+1140 STF1992 AB,C 326 6.9 142
Show 16008+1139 GII 42 216 1.7 149
Show 15523+0842 A 1129 119 4.0 155
Show 15449+0905 FMR 227 25 3.8 157
Show 16010+1029 SLW1156 39 11.3 158
Show 15550+1340 NSN 673 302 1.4 158
Show 15402+1203 STT 300 260 14.6 164
Show 16014+1021 J 445 292 3.4 166
Show 15463+1346 AHD 9 54 33.2 166
Show 15514+1359 TDS9663 88 0.6 166
Show 16016+1024 FOX 193 18 10.9 168
Show 15420+1302 SKF 278 290 4.8 169
Show 15483+1400 A 1637 258 2.7 171
Show 15395+1154 KPP2167 0 17.8 171
Show 15593+1316 GWP2571 66 95.6 174
Show 16020+1218 GWP2579 144 31.4 176
Show 15425+0904 SLW1125 302 130.7 179
Show 15565+1353 LEP 75 42 40.7 180
Show 15586+1336 GWP2569 173 17.5 182
Show 15458+1402 A 1636 134 2.4 184
Show 15432+1340 BU 619 AB 357 0.7 184
Show 15432+1340 BU 619 BC 47 0.3 184
Show 15518+0811 UC 3073 345 8.7 185
Show 16001+1317 GRV 919 DC 355 45.2 185
Show 15409+1308 SLW1123 359 127.7 185
Show 15421+0859 UC 3044 225 3.9 187
Show 15543+1416 SKF 258 281 8.0 189
Show 16037+1126 STF2003 171 14.1 190
Show 15522+0804 HJ 2793 125 10.6 192

WDS 15508+1114 : COMPONENTS
B pa=300.8°
15508+1114 A
Coord arcsec 2000 155048.30+111421.3 Mag 15.77 Spectral class K7.4 (yellow-orange) PmRA -21.00
PmDE -31.0
15508+1114 B
Coord arcsec 2000 155047.75+111426.2 Mag 17.21 Spectral class M1.2 (red) PmRA -22.00
PmDE -34.0 Calc delta mag 1.44 Calc coord yes