23043+1054 SKF 246

23h 04m 16.75s +10° 53' 49.0" P.A. 117.00 sep 2.0 mag 11.90,16.00 Sp K7
Coord 2000 23043+1054 Discov num SKF 246 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 04 16.75 +10 53 49.0
Date first 2000 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 120 Pa last 116.9 P.A. Now (θ) 116.9°
Sep first 2.0 Sep last 2.009 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.009"
Mag pri 11.90 Mag sec 16.00 delta mag (ΔM) 4.1 Spectral class K7 (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra +550 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +063 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pegasus
WDS 23043+1054 SKF 246 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SKF Skiff, B.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23043+1054 SKF 246 2000 1 120 2.0 11.90 16.00 K6 230416.75+105349.0
23043+1054 SKF 246 2015 2 117 2.0 11.90 16.00 K7 230416.75+105349.0
23043+1054 SKF 246 2016 3 117 2.0 11.90 16.00 K7 230416.75+105349.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23043+1054 SKF 246 : MEASURES
No records found.


23043+1054 SKF 246A mag 11.9 Sp K7 23043+1054 SKF 246B sep 2.0 P.A. 117.30 mag 16 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23043+1054 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 04m 16.75s +10° 53' 49.0"
WDS 23043+1054 SKF 246 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23043+1054  SKF 246 distance=0' 23053+1056  GRV 633 distance=16' 23065+1039  GRV 634 distance=37' 23033+1129  ROE 132AB distance=39' 23033+1129  GII  71Aa,Ab distance=39' 23021+1026  J   294AB distance=43' 23021+1026  J   294AC distance=43' 23014+1047  SKF1872 distance=43' 23059+1006  GWP3232 distance=54' 23088+1058  A  1238CD distance=66' 23006+1017  CVR 273 distance=67' 23088+1058  A  1238AB distance=67' 23088+1058  A  1238AB,CD distance=67' 23067+1152  GWP3234 distance=69' 23015+1202  BPM2473 distance=80' 23096+1043  HJ  304 distance=80' 23049+1216  DBR 324 distance=83' 23010+1202  A  1237 distance=84' 22586+1122  BPM2469 distance=89' 22592+1144  STT 483 distance=90' 23007+1206  BRT1362 distance=90' 22587+1013  KPP1284 distance=92' 23091+0955  HEI 605AB distance=92' 23052+1226  GWP3230 distance=94' 23098+1150  GWP3245 distance=99' 23103+1008  CVR 975 distance=100' 23103+1152  CVR 976 distance=107' 22593+1212  OSO 186 distance=107' 23064+1235  HDS3291Aa,Ab distance=108' 23064+1235  GIC 188AB distance=108' 23058+0909  LDS5045AB distance=108' 23078+1229  GRV 637 distance=109' 22586+1203  STTA241 distance=109' 23100+1208  KPP2346 distance=112' 22574+0958  LDS5025 distance=116' 23113+1144  ROE 133 distance=116' 23107+0947  HDS3302 distance=116' 23069+1246  BRT1364 distance=119' 23078+1240  BU 1025AB distance=119' 23078+1240  BU 1025AC distance=119' 23081+0909  LDS5048 distance=119' 23023+1251  NSN  10 distance=121' 22586+0921  BU 1521CD distance=123' 23109+0940  GRV 646 distance=123' 22569+1151  STF2958 distance=124' 22586+0921  STT 536AB distance=125' 22586+0921  BU 1521AB,D distance=125' 22586+0921  STT 536AB,C distance=125' 23125+1008  GWP3253 distance=130' 23131+1040  FRK  13 distance=132' 22599+1251  GWP3219 distance=134' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23043+1054 SKF 246 117 2.0 0
Show 23053+1056 GRV 633 250 13.3 16
Show 23065+1039 GRV 634 99 41.6 37
Show 23033+1129 ROE 132 AB 73 1.1 39
Show 23033+1129 GII 71 Aa,Ab 33 0.1 39
Show 23021+1026 J 294 AB 137 3.9 43
Show 23021+1026 J 294 AC 117 28.6 43
Show 23014+1047 SKF1872 243 5.6 43
Show 23059+1006 GWP3232 71 15.8 54
Show 23088+1058 A 1238 CD 121 1.3 66
Show 23006+1017 CVR 273 129 22.7 67
Show 23088+1058 A 1238 AB 70 0.2 67
Show 23088+1058 A 1238 AB,CD 292 75.2 67
Show 23067+1152 GWP3234 192 6.9 69
Show 23015+1202 BPM2473 259 101.9 80
Show 23096+1043 HJ 304 181 25.6 80
Show 23049+1216 DBR 324 199 3.7 83
Show 23010+1202 A 1237 158 3.3 84
Show 22586+1122 BPM2469 95 24.1 89
Show 22592+1144 STT 483 31 0.4 90
Show 23007+1206 BRT1362 144 4.7 90
Show 22587+1013 KPP1284 341 9.8 92
Show 23091+0955 HEI 605 AB 68 2.6 92
Show 23052+1226 GWP3230 221 27.9 94
Show 23098+1150 GWP3245 317 10.3 99
Show 23103+1008 CVR 975 118 25.5 100
Show 23103+1152 CVR 976 5 22.9 107
Show 22593+1212 OSO 186 91 22.7 107
Show 23064+1235 HDS3291 Aa,Ab 336 0.5 108
Show 23064+1235 GIC 188 AB 36 37.2 108
Show 23058+0909 LDS5045 AB 151 175.5 108
Show 23078+1229 GRV 637 149 79.0 109
Show 22586+1203 STTA241 160 84.9 109
Show 23100+1208 KPP2346 330 20.1 112
Show 22574+0958 LDS5025 214 14.3 116
Show 23113+1144 ROE 133 324 2.1 116
Show 23107+0947 HDS3302 338 0.3 116
Show 23069+1246 BRT1364 258 4.8 119
Show 23078+1240 BU 1025 AB 329 0.8 119
Show 23078+1240 BU 1025 AC 84 21.7 119
Show 23081+0909 LDS5048 350 15.8 119
Show 23023+1251 NSN 10 300 5.2 121
Show 22586+0921 BU 1521 CD 218 115.8 123
Show 23109+0940 GRV 646 192 17.8 123
Show 22569+1151 STF2958 15 4.0 124
Show 22586+0921 STT 536 AB 347 0.2 125
Show 22586+0921 BU 1521 AB,D 112 139.3 125
Show 22586+0921 STT 536 AB,C 79 202.4 125
Show 23125+1008 GWP3253 267 76.7 130
Show 23131+1040 FRK 13 4 21.3 132
Show 22599+1251 GWP3219 219 11.2 134

WDS 23043+1054 : COMPONENTS
B pa=117.3°
23043+1054 A
Coord arcsec 2000 230416.75+105349.0 Mag 11.9 Spectral class K7 (yellow-orange) PmRA 550.00
PmDE 63.0
23043+1054 B
Coord arcsec 2000 230416.87+105348.1 Mag 16 Calc delta mag 4.1 Calc coord yes