23476-6031 COO 261 (HD 223186)

23h 47m 33.42s -60° 31' 08.9" P.A. 101.00 sep 5.2 mag 8.97,9.24 Sp K1/2III
Coord 2000 23476-6031 Discov num COO 261 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 47 33.42 -60 31 08.9
Date first 1900 Date last 2021 Obs 21
Pa first 101 Pa last 101.3 P.A. Now (θ) 101.3°
Sep first 5.9 Sep last 5.17 Sep. Now (ρ) 5.17"
Mag pri 8.97 Mag sec 9.24 delta mag (ΔM) 0.27 Spectral class K1/2III (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra +017 Sec motion ra +018
Pri motion dec +002 Sec motion dec +002
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.055 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Name HD 223186 Constellation Tucana Tycho2 9127-00655-1 Gaia DR2 6488336867058300800
HD 223186
WDS 23476-6031 COO 261 (HD 223186) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
COO 261 RMK 28. Rectilinear solution by Letchford et al. (2018). LRR2018a
refcode metd author reference
LRR2018a lin - Letchford, R.R., White, G.L. & Ernest, A.D. 2018JDSO...14..208L
LRR2018a JDSO 14, 208, 2018 .
idgroup discov author
1 COO Cordoba Obs.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23476-6031 COO 261 1999 15 100 5.7 8.97 9.24 K1/2III D 234733.42-603108.9
23476-6031 COO 261 2015 18 100 5.7 8.97 9.24 K1/2III 234733.42-603108.9
23476-6031 COO 261 2016 20 100 5.7 8.97 9.24 K1/2III V 234733.42-603108.9
23476-6031 COO 261 2021 21 101 5.2 8.97 9.24 K1/2III V 234733.42-603108.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23476-6031 COO 261 (HD 223186) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 23476-6031 (HD 223186) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

23476-6031 COO 261A mag 8.97 Sp K1/2III 23476-6031 COO 261B sep 2.7 P.A. 112.10 mag 9.24 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23476-6031 (HD 223186) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 47m 33.42s -60° 31' 08.9"
WDS 23476-6031 COO 261 (HD 223186) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23476-6031  COO 261 distance=0' 23492-6046  I   697 distance=19' 23469-5956  B   616 distance=36' 23503-6107  HJ 5425AB distance=41' 23503-6107  BAU  77AC distance=41' 23472-5948  B   617 distance=44' 23434-6106  KPP4326 distance=47' 23518-5946  UC 5039 distance=56' 23430-5941  B   612 distance=61' 23426-5939  TDT4155 distance=65' 23522-6126  CBL 601 distance=65' 23421-5939  TDT4154 distance=67' 23394-5949  LDS 822 distance=74' 23518-5922  KPP 537 distance=76' 23442-5911  UC 5015 distance=85' 23543-6140  TDT4262 distance=85' 23379-5947  B   605 distance=85' 23589-6105  HJ 5436 distance=86' 23486-6200  TDT4207 distance=90' 23375-6130  TDT4130 distance=95' 23355-5948  TDT4113 distance=101' 23355-5948  KPP3082AC distance=101' 23394-6159  RST3330 distance=106' 23339-6139  RST3326 distance=121' 23339-6141  NZO 108 distance=122' 23554-5845  HJ 5432 distance=122' 23402-6224  CTI 639 distance=126' 23546-5838  RST5176 distance=126' 23366-6219  RST1171 distance=134' 23456-5817  B  1020 distance=136' 23397-5829  UC 5000 distance=136' 23403-5827  TDT4144 distance=137' 23338-5856  UC 4986 distance=141' 23358-5832  RST5174 distance=150' 23401-6252  B   609 distance=151' 23445-5801  TDT4170 distance=152' 23561-6252  B   626 distance=154' 23365-6245  HDS3359 distance=156' 23380-5811  UC 4998 distance=158' 23558-5805  UC 5049 distance=160' 23573-6257  DRS  70 distance=162' 23380-5806  TDT4133 distance=163' 23545-6312  WIS 396 distance=168' 23405-6313  RST1173 distance=170' 23460-5734  TDS1220 distance=178' 23316-6255  NSN 456 distance=184' 23570-6328  HDS3398 distance=189' 23309-5807  I   145AB distance=193' 23309-5807  SHY 833AC distance=193' 23400-5718  B  1019 distance=202' 23353-5730  I    25 distance=205' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23476-6031 COO 261 101 5.2 0
Show 23492-6046 I 697 124 8.2 19
Show 23469-5956 B 616 56 6.3 36
Show 23503-6107 HJ 5425 AB 277 13.6 41
Show 23503-6107 BAU 77 AC 59 58.6 41
Show 23472-5948 B 617 304 0.5 44
Show 23434-6106 KPP4326 36 3.2 47
Show 23518-5946 UC 5039 135 25.0 56
Show 23430-5941 B 612 144 2.4 61
Show 23426-5939 TDT4155 164 0.7 65
Show 23522-6126 CBL 601 58 127.8 65
Show 23421-5939 TDT4154 197 0.5 67
Show 23394-5949 LDS 822 124 83.9 74
Show 23518-5922 KPP 537 290 3.9 76
Show 23442-5911 UC 5015 211 16.0 85
Show 23543-6140 TDT4262 335 0.9 85
Show 23379-5947 B 605 281 3.3 85
Show 23589-6105 HJ 5436 250 34.3 86
Show 23486-6200 TDT4207 257 2.8 90
Show 23375-6130 TDT4130 176 0.6 95
Show 23355-5948 TDT4113 223 0.7 101
Show 23355-5948 KPP3082 AC 74 16.2 101
Show 23394-6159 RST3330 138 3.1 106
Show 23339-6139 RST3326 150 1.3 121
Show 23339-6141 NZO 108 207 3.6 122
Show 23554-5845 HJ 5432 19 15.9 122
Show 23402-6224 CTI 639 84 1.1 126
Show 23546-5838 RST5176 142 2.9 126
Show 23366-6219 RST1171 353 3.6 134
Show 23456-5817 B 1020 213 0.3 136
Show 23397-5829 UC 5000 39 33.2 136
Show 23403-5827 TDT4144 278 0.7 137
Show 23338-5856 UC 4986 266 17.4 141
Show 23358-5832 RST5174 5 2.5 150
Show 23401-6252 B 609 279 1.9 151
Show 23445-5801 TDT4170 340 2.3 152
Show 23561-6252 B 626 257 7.8 154
Show 23365-6245 HDS3359 120 0.3 156
Show 23380-5811 UC 4998 210 33.7 158
Show 23558-5805 UC 5049 112 18.8 160
Show 23573-6257 DRS 70 329 0.4 162
Show 23380-5806 TDT4133 293 0.7 163
Show 23545-6312 WIS 396 218 43.2 168
Show 23405-6313 RST1173 186 2.0 170
Show 23460-5734 TDS1220 208 1.6 178
Show 23316-6255 NSN 456 341 7.5 184
Show 23570-6328 HDS3398 169 0.8 189
Show 23309-5807 I 145 AB 122 1.3 193
Show 23309-5807 SHY 833 AC 23 999.9 193
Show 23400-5718 B 1019 204 0.4 202
Show 23353-5730 I 25 20 0.7 205

WDS 23476-6031 : COMPONENTS
B pa=112.1°
23476-6031 A
Name HD 223186 Coord arcsec 2000 234733.42-603108.9 Mag 8.97 Spectral class K1/2III (yellow-orange)
PmRA 17.00 PmDE 2.0 Tycho2 9127-00655-1
Tycho2 9127-00655-1 Pflag RAmdeg 356.88925898 DEmdeg -60.51913284
PmRA 15.6 PmDE 4.2 E RAmdeg 13 E DEmdeg 10
E pmRA 1.9 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1990.69 EpDEm 1991.22
Num 7 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.7 Q pmRA 0.6
Q pmDE 0.7 BTmag 10.332 E BTmag 0.028 VTmag 8.967
E VTmag 0.015 Prox 57 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 356.88918444 DEdeg -60.51914250 EpRA 1990 1.56
EpDE 1990 1.75 E RAdeg 12.7 E DEdeg 9.7 Posflg
Corr -0.1
Ccdm 23476-6031 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -2.40 DDEs -8.8
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 8.5 Sp K0 PmNote *
PmRA 38 PmDE 3 Dm number -61 6765 Cat1 CPD
Name2 Cat2 HD 223186 M HD
23476-6031 B
Coord arcsec 2000 234733.76-603109.9 Mag 9.24 PmRA 18.00 PmDE 2.0
Tycho2 9127-00655-2 HD 223186 Calc delta mag 0.27 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 9127-00655-2 Pflag RAmdeg 356.89253604 DEmdeg -60.51941513
PmRA 31.7 PmDE -1.5 E RAmdeg 16 E DEmdeg 11
E pmRA 3.0 E pmDE 3.0 EpRAm 1990.99 EpDEm 1991.53
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 2.4 Q DEmdeg 0.7 Q pmRA 2.4
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 10.431 E BTmag 0.033 VTmag 9.245
E VTmag 0.019 Prox 57 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 356.89238639 DEdeg -60.51941167 EpRA 1990 1.56
EpDE 1990 1.80 E RAdeg 16.4 E DEdeg 11.3 Posflg
Corr -0.1
Ccdm 23476-6031 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num COO 261 DRAs -1.80 DDEs -8.9
R dRAs 10 Year 1900 Theta 100 Rho 5.6
Obs 4 Vmag 9.0 Sp PmNote *
PmRA 25 PmDE 18 Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD