23463-0816 LDS 6063

23h 46m 25.08s -08° 16' 09.2" P.A. 91.00 sep 162.1 mag 17.70,17.80
Coord 2000 23463-0816 Discov num LDS6063 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 46 25.08 -08 16 09.2
Date first 1960 Date last 2015 Obs 7
Pa first 91 Pa last 91.1 P.A. Now (θ) 91.1°
Sep first 163.0 Sep last 162.091 Sep. Now (ρ) 162.091"
Mag pri 17.70 Mag sec 17.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0.1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +108 Sec motion ra +094
Pri motion dec -042 Sec motion dec -048
rPM=0.131 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Aquarius Gaia DR2 2436273847369182208
WDS 23463-0816 LDS 6063 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23463-0816 LDS6063 1998 2 91 162.3 17.70 17.80 D 234625.08-081609.2
23463-0816 LDS6063 2010 4 91 162.2 17.70 17.80 234625.08-081609.2
23463-0816 LDS6063 2015 5 91 162.1 17.70 17.80 234625.08-081609.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23463-0816 LDS 6063 : MEASURES
No records found.


23463-0816 LDS6063A mag 17.7 23463-0816 LDS6063B sep 160.4 P.A. 91.10 mag 17.8 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23463-0816 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 46m 25.08s -08° 16' 09.2"
WDS 23463-0816 LDS 6063 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23463-0816  LDS6063 distance=0' 23459-0756  GWP3352 distance=22' 23443-0748  KPP3416 distance=43' 23466-0900  TOK 220 distance=44' 23437-0748  NSN 790 distance=49' 23473-0729  GWP3358 distance=50' 23432-0837  FOX 276BC distance=53' 23432-0837  FOX 276AB distance=55' 23433-0848  UC 5010 distance=56' 23443-0903  LEO  32 distance=57' 23425-0820  LDS2994 distance=59' 23470-0921  HJ 3214 distance=70' 23414-0838  A   423 distance=78' 23416-0850  UC 5006 distance=79' 23480-0938  LDS2998 distance=85' 23463-0642  RST4729 distance=95' 23532-0830  LDS3003 distance=101' 23530-0845  SLW1336 distance=102' 23535-0804  SKF 312 distance=106' 23397-0853  SKF 130 distance=106' 23420-0947  SKF1786 distance=113' 23525-0924  OSO 208 distance=113' 23416-0948  SKF 131 distance=117' 23388-0748  GWP3337 distance=117' 23485-0623  OCC  53 distance=118' 23526-0654  CVR1730 distance=124' 23482-1017  HU   96 distance=124' 23513-0636  LDS6066 distance=125' 23484-1018  SKF 134 distance=126' 23427-0622  CVR1722 distance=127' 23518-0637  A  2700 distance=128' 23380-0746  ZIE  20 distance=130' 23392-0658  GWP3340 distance=133' 23525-0639  J  1428 distance=134' 23525-0638  J  1427 distance=134' 23530-0951  LDS3002 distance=137' 23508-0616  RST4734 distance=137' 23457-1038  GWP3351 distance=143' 23373-0719  KPP3415 distance=147' 23498-1038  SLW1332 distance=151' 23545-0949  RST4135 distance=152' 23449-1046  CVR1725 distance=152' 23495-0551  RST4732 distance=153' 23419-0559  LDS5112AB distance=153' 23419-0559  RAO  31Ba,Bb distance=155' 23430-0545  CVR1007 distance=159' 23548-0957  TSN 212 distance=161' 23520-1034  HU   97 distance=161' 23564-0930  STF3046AB distance=165' 23564-0930  STF3046AC distance=165' 23363-0707  BU  721AB distance=166' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23463-0816 LDS6063 91 162.1 0
Show 23459-0756 GWP3352 216 11.4 22
Show 23443-0748 KPP3416 100 1.6 43
Show 23466-0900 TOK 220 67 0.1 44
Show 23437-0748 NSN 790 23 5.6 49
Show 23473-0729 GWP3358 65 41.7 50
Show 23432-0837 FOX 276 BC 252 5.1 53
Show 23432-0837 FOX 276 AB 75 92.6 55
Show 23433-0848 UC 5010 133 63.1 56
Show 23443-0903 LEO 32 22 4.2 57
Show 23425-0820 LDS2994 224 52.6 59
Show 23470-0921 HJ 3214 263 11.8 70
Show 23414-0838 A 423 200 1.6 78
Show 23416-0850 UC 5006 21 61.3 79
Show 23480-0938 LDS2998 160 12.6 85
Show 23463-0642 RST4729 113 4.2 95
Show 23532-0830 LDS3003 33 35.3 101
Show 23530-0845 SLW1336 258 64.8 102
Show 23535-0804 SKF 312 214 23.7 106
Show 23397-0853 SKF 130 199 1.8 106
Show 23420-0947 SKF1786 260 1.9 113
Show 23525-0924 OSO 208 278 3.9 113
Show 23416-0948 SKF 131 246 2.5 117
Show 23388-0748 GWP3337 4 39.4 117
Show 23485-0623 OCC 53 -1 0.1 118
Show 23526-0654 CVR1730 192 3.5 124
Show 23482-1017 HU 96 125 1.1 124
Show 23513-0636 LDS6066 270 219.4 125
Show 23484-1018 SKF 134 260 2.6 126
Show 23427-0622 CVR1722 209 3.8 127
Show 23518-0637 A 2700 341 0.1 128
Show 23380-0746 ZIE 20 79 2.0 130
Show 23392-0658 GWP3340 131 34.4 133
Show 23525-0639 J 1428 223 8.9 134
Show 23525-0638 J 1427 144 6.3 134
Show 23530-0951 LDS3002 11 27.0 137
Show 23508-0616 RST4734 177 0.9 137
Show 23457-1038 GWP3351 171 31.0 143
Show 23373-0719 KPP3415 336 1.9 147
Show 23498-1038 SLW1332 320 20.0 151
Show 23545-0949 RST4135 153 3.7 152
Show 23449-1046 CVR1725 27 3.3 152
Show 23495-0551 RST4732 353 0.8 153
Show 23419-0559 LDS5112 AB 300 109.5 153
Show 23419-0559 RAO 31 Ba,Bb 68 0.5 155
Show 23430-0545 CVR1007 45 12.3 159
Show 23548-0957 TSN 212 262 0.3 161
Show 23520-1034 HU 97 41 1.0 161
Show 23564-0930 STF3046 AB 269 3.9 165
Show 23564-0930 STF3046 AC 206 81.8 165
Show 23363-0707 BU 721 AB 133 0.5 166

WDS 23463-0816 : COMPONENTS
B pa=91.1°
23463-0816 A
Coord arcsec 2000 234625.08-081609.2 Mag 17.7 PmRA 108.00 PmDE -42.0
23463-0816 B
Coord arcsec 2000 234635.88-081612.3 Mag 17.8 PmRA 94.00 PmDE -48.0
Calc delta mag 0.1 Calc coord yes