22546+2020 BU 847 (HD 216671)

22h 54m 36.61s +20° 19' 59.1" P.A. 36.00 sep 6.8 mag 9.03,10.36 Sp G5 dist. 64.89 pc (211.67 l.y.)
Coord 2000 22546+2020 Discov num BU  847 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 22 54 36.61 +20 19 59.1
Date first 1881 Date last 2020 Obs 38
Pa first 37 Pa last 35.9 P.A. Now (θ) 35.9°
Sep first 6.4 Sep last 6.828 Sep. Now (ρ) 6.828"
Mag pri 9.03 Mag sec 10.36 delta mag (ΔM) 1.33 Spectral class G5 (yellow)
Pri motion ra +015 Sec motion ra +016
Pri motion dec -027 Sec motion dec -025
rPM=0.072 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Name HD 216671 Constellation Pegasus HIP 113133 Tycho2 1706-00595-1
Gaia DR2 2835174814796566016 HD 216671 BD BD+19 5030 Distance 64.89
Distance ly 211.67
WDS 22546+2020 BU 847 (HD 216671) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BU Burnham, S.W. (BU 1 - 81)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22546+2020 BU 847 2007 26 36 7.0 9.03 10.36 G5 D 225436.61+201959.1
22546+2020 BU 847 2010 27 36 6.9 9.03 10.36 G5 D 225436.61+201959.1
22546+2020 BU 847 2016 31 36 6.9 9.03 10.36 G5 225436.61+201959.1
22546+2020 BU 847 2017 36 36 6.9 9.03 10.36 G5 225436.61+201959.1
22546+2020 BU 847 2020 37 36 6.8 9.03 10.36 G5 225436.61+201959.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 22546+2020 BU 847 (HD 216671) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 22546+2020 (HD 216671) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

22546+2020 BU  847A mag 9.03 Sp G5 22546+2020 BU  847B sep 6.7 P.A. 34.20 mag 10.36 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 22546+2020 (HD 216671) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 22h 54m 36.61s +20° 19' 59.1"
WDS 22546+2020 BU 847 (HD 216671) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

22546+2020  BU  847 distance=0' 22545+1943  ITF 209 distance=37' 22534+1940  ITF 129 distance=44' 22530+2059  LDS5011AB distance=46' 22530+2059  LDS5011Aa,Ab distance=46' 22574+1958  COU 334 distance=46' 22575+2046  RBR  21 (Helvetios) distance=48' 22571+1945  LDS5024 distance=49' 22528+1938  ITF 126 distance=50' 22581+2045  HO  484AB distance=56' 22581+2045  HO  484AC distance=56' 22541+1921  GRV 617 distance=60' 22590+2013  LDS5033 distance=62' 22576+1919  HU  397 distance=75' 22513+2120  COU 238Aa,Ab distance=76' 22513+2120  UC 4834AB distance=76' 22497+1945  UC 4825 distance=78' 22563+1902  TDT3799 distance=82' 22499+1920  BRT2509 distance=90' 22511+1901  ITF 132 distance=94' 22505+1905  J   210 distance=95' 22568+1849  CVR 271 distance=96' 22596+1913  CVR 963 distance=98' 22475+2020  TDS1184 distance=100' 22561+2201  TDT3795 distance=104' 22544+2203  DEA  92 distance=104' 22534+1835  CVR 959 distance=107' 22569+2205  TDT3807 distance=110' 22466+2049  GRV 604 distance=116' 22578+1833  GRV 625 distance=116' 22493+2152  BRT2508 distance=118' 22510+2206  KPP2626 distance=118' 23028+1958  UC 4870 distance=118' 22597+2154  RAO 627 distance=118' 22465+1944  COU 333 distance=120' 22574+1827  BPM2468 distance=121' 22539+1820  J   619AB distance=121' 22539+1820  B  2904AC distance=121' 22475+1913  LSC 161 distance=121' 22564+2218  TDT3802 distance=122' 22460+2014  GRV 603 distance=122' 22579+1827  GWP3216 distance=123' 22482+1858  TDT3712 distance=123' 22507+2211  SLW1289 distance=124' 22546+1817  J   620 distance=124' 22519+1822  ITF 206 distance=125' 22525+2220  GRV 615 distance=125' 22515+1824  ITF 131 distance=125' 23004+1846  GRV 627 distance=125' 22519+2219  COU 239 distance=126' 22547+1812  J   621AB distance=129' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 22546+2020 BU 847 36 6.8 0
Show 22545+1943 ITF 209 191 1.7 37
Show 22534+1940 ITF 129 248 4.8 44
Show 22530+2059 LDS5011 AB 93 263.2 46
Show 22530+2059 LDS5011 Aa,Ab 279 1.2 46
Show 22574+1958 COU 334 250 1.2 46
Show Helvetios 22575+2046 RBR 21 245 2.9 48
Show 22571+1945 LDS5024 307 54.5 49
Show 22528+1938 ITF 126 2 6.3 50
Show 22581+2045 HO 484 AB 101 3.7 56
Show 22581+2045 HO 484 AC 212 38.8 56
Show 22541+1921 GRV 617 51 65.4 60
Show 22590+2013 LDS5033 236 21.2 62
Show 22576+1919 HU 397 263 1.2 75
Show 22513+2120 COU 238 Aa,Ab 161 0.8 76
Show 22513+2120 UC 4834 AB 90 72.0 76
Show 22497+1945 UC 4825 61 37.7 78
Show 22563+1902 TDT3799 129 1.1 82
Show 22499+1920 BRT2509 209 4.5 90
Show 22511+1901 ITF 132 77 5.1 94
Show 22505+1905 J 210 324 5.3 95
Show 22568+1849 CVR 271 167 110.7 96
Show 22596+1913 CVR 963 91 9.1 98
Show 22475+2020 TDS1184 352 0.8 100
Show 22561+2201 TDT3795 264 0.5 104
Show 22544+2203 DEA 92 174 9.7 104
Show 22534+1835 CVR 959 208 12.5 107
Show 22569+2205 TDT3807 90 0.4 110
Show 22466+2049 GRV 604 251 22.4 116
Show 22578+1833 GRV 625 81 16.8 116
Show 22493+2152 BRT2508 256 3.1 118
Show 22510+2206 KPP2626 150 24.2 118
Show 23028+1958 UC 4870 38 9.5 118
Show 22597+2154 RAO 627 36 2.1 118
Show 22465+1944 COU 333 17 0.7 120
Show 22574+1827 BPM2468 184 112.0 121
Show 22539+1820 J 619 AB 223 2.3 121
Show 22539+1820 B 2904 AC 81 36.5 121
Show 22475+1913 LSC 161 65 0.2 121
Show 22564+2218 TDT3802 131 0.4 122
Show 22460+2014 GRV 603 288 12.5 122
Show 22579+1827 GWP3216 309 7.5 123
Show 22482+1858 TDT3712 166 1.9 123
Show 22507+2211 SLW1289 264 106.1 124
Show 22546+1817 J 620 79 2.3 124
Show 22519+1822 ITF 206 79 24.7 125
Show 22525+2220 GRV 615 190 29.3 125
Show 22515+1824 ITF 131 247 5.1 125
Show 23004+1846 GRV 627 219 77.6 125
Show 22519+2219 COU 239 297 2.1 126
Show 22547+1812 J 621 AB 145 2.3 129

WDS 22546+2020 : COMPONENTS
B pa=34.2°
22546+2020 A
Name HD 216671 Coord arcsec 2000 225436.61+201959.1 Mag 9.03 Spectral class G5 (yellow)
PmRA 15.00 PmDE -27.0 HIP 113133 Tycho2 1706-00595-1
HD 216671 BD BD+19 5030
Tycho2 1706-00595-1 Pflag RAmdeg 343.65253163 DEmdeg 20.33309009
PmRA 16.6 PmDE -27.8 E RAmdeg 7 E DEmdeg 10
E pmRA 1.2 E pmDE 1.1 EpRAm 1991.36 EpDEm 1990.68
Num 8 Q RAmdeg 0.9 Q DEmdeg 1.3 Q pmRA 0.8
Q pmDE 1.3 BTmag 9.708 E BTmag 0.020 VTmag 9.028
E VTmag 0.015 Prox 67 TYC T HIP 113133
CCDM RAdeg 343.65249139 DEdeg 20.33315417 EpRA 1990 1.80
EpDE 1990 1.66 E RAdeg 6.8 E DEdeg 10.4 Posflg
Corr 0.0
Catalog H HIP 113133 Proxy T RAhms 22 54 36.60
DEdms +20 19 59.4 Vmag 8.78 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 343.652 DEdeg 20.3332 AstroRef Plx 10.96
CCDM 22546+2020 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 1
MultFlag X Source Qual S M HIP
Theta Rho HD 216671 BD BD+19 5030
CD CP Dm number +19 5030 VIred 0.9
SpType G5+... R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 225436.60+201959.4
Hipparcos 2
HIP 113133 Sn 1 So 2 Nc 1
RArad 5.9978674271 DErad 0.3548804911 Plx 15.41 PmRA 21.82
PmDE -29.82 E RArad 4.86 E DErad 2.8 E Plx 5.55
E pmRA 4.92 E pmDE 4.34 Hpmag 8.9074 E Hpmag 0.002
SHp 0.017 VA 0 BV 0.617 E BV 0.019
VI 0.69
Ccdm 22546+2020 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.59 DDEs -1.0
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.0 Sp G5 PmNote *
PmRA 14 PmDE -39 Dm number +19 5030 Cat1 BD
Name2 +20 2588 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD 216671 M HD
ADS BDS A16358 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 22497N1948A
HIC 113133
22546+2020 B
Coord arcsec 2000 225436.88+202004.6 Mag 10.36 PmRA 16.00 PmDE -25.0
Tycho2 1706-01306-1 Calc delta mag 1.33 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 1706-01306-1 Pflag RAmdeg 343.65367911 DEmdeg 20.33460950
PmRA 12.9 PmDE -26.1 E RAmdeg 18 E DEmdeg 31
E pmRA 1.4 E pmDE 1.4 EpRAm 1990.02 EpDEm 1986.31
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 2.0 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 2.0 BTmag 11.233 E BTmag 0.052 VTmag 10.358
E VTmag 0.035 Prox 67 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 343.65364778 DEdeg 20.33466972 EpRA 1990 1.84
EpDE 1990 1.67 E RAdeg 18.3 E DEdeg 31.5 Posflg
Corr 0.1
Ccdm 22546+2020 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num BU 847 DRAs 0.88 DDEs 4.1
R dRAs 10 Year 1881 Theta 036 Rho 6.5
Obs 11 Vmag 9.7 Sp PmNote *
PmRA 17 PmDE -26 Dm number Cat1
Name2 +20 2589 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD M HD
ADS BDS A16358 M ADS BDS N IDS IDS 22497N1948B
HIC 113133