22513+2438 TDT 3751

22h 51m 16.35s +24° 38' 16.1" P.A. 104.00 sep 0.5 mag 10.59,10.71
Coord 2000 22513+2438 Discov num TDT3751 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 22 51 16.35 +24 38 16.1
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 104 Pa last 104 P.A. Now (θ) 104°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.48 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.48"
Mag pri 10.59 Mag sec 10.71 delta mag (ΔM) 0.12 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +003 Sec motion ra +003
Pri motion dec -002 Sec motion dec -002
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pegasus Tycho2 2225-01388-1 Gaia DR2 1876502826878308480
WDS 22513+2438 TDT 3751 : NOTES
No records found.

coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22513+2438 TDT3751 1991 1 104 0.5 10.59 10.71 225116.35+243816.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 22513+2438 TDT 3751 : MEASURES
No records found.


22513+2438 TDT3751A mag 10.59 22513+2438 TDT3751B sep 0.4 P.A. 105.30 mag 10.71 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 22513+2438 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 22h 51m 16.35s +24° 38' 16.1"
WDS 22513+2438 TDT 3751 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

22513+2438  TDT3751 distance=0' 22503+2432  BU  846 distance=15' 22514+2421  POU5755 distance=18' 22496+2421  COU 437 distance=29' 22531+2422  POU5757 distance=31' 22495+2502  POU5753 distance=34' 22508+2404  TDT3747 distance=35' 22482+2434  POU5751 distance=42' 22481+2444  UC 4817 distance=44' 22483+2410  POU5752 distance=49' 22507+2345  POU5754 distance=55' 22549+2415  GRV 620 distance=56' 22473+2507  J  1357 distance=61' 22527+2336  POU5756 distance=66' 22472+2359  POU5748 distance=68' 22491+2539  GRV 609 distance=69' 22473+2521  POU5749 distance=70' 22535+2335  LDS5014 distance=70' 22556+2402  POU5760 distance=71' 22464+2336  POU5747 distance=71' 22537+2330  TDT3770 distance=76' 22554+2348  POU5759 distance=77' 22567+2458  POU5762 distance=77' 22557+2352  POU5761 distance=77' 22570+2441  COU 542Aa,Ab distance=79' 22570+2441  POU5764AB distance=79' 22473+2340  KPP2448 distance=80' 22458+2508  POU5746 distance=80' 22551+2331  POU5758 distance=86' 22450+2430  POU5745 distance=87' 22537+2558  HDS3254 distance=87' 22556+2545  LDS5019 distance=89' 22569+2352  POU5763 distance=91' 22444+2431  POU5743 distance=95' 22570+2344  TDT3810 distance=96' 22516+2302  PTF  18 distance=97' 22580+2506  POU5766 distance=97' 22441+2444  POU5742 distance=98' 22583+2507  TDT3819 distance=100' 22454+2336  LDS4994 distance=102' 22438+2450  POU5740 distance=103' 22445+2525  POU5744 distance=104' 22579+2345  POU5765 distance=105' 22514+2623  HO  482AB distance=106' 22514+2623  ARN  22AB,D distance=106' 22514+2623  HO  482AB,C distance=106' 22436+2441  POU5737 distance=106' 22578+2339  HDS3265 distance=107' 22440+2358  POU5741 distance=108' 22437+2411  POU5738 distance=108' 22564+2316  PTF  20 distance=109' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 22513+2438 TDT3751 104 0.5 0
Show 22503+2432 BU 846 87 1.9 15
Show 22514+2421 POU5755 308 5.3 18
Show 22496+2421 COU 437 278 1.7 29
Show 22531+2422 POU5757 205 8.0 31
Show 22495+2502 POU5753 33 8.7 34
Show 22508+2404 TDT3747 268 0.6 35
Show 22482+2434 POU5751 196 11.9 42
Show 22481+2444 UC 4817 39 41.4 44
Show 22483+2410 POU5752 139 12.7 49
Show 22507+2345 POU5754 347 17.6 55
Show 22549+2415 GRV 620 225 72.9 56
Show 22473+2507 J 1357 252 5.0 61
Show 22527+2336 POU5756 283 6.7 66
Show 22472+2359 POU5748 219 10.0 68
Show 22491+2539 GRV 609 303 64.6 69
Show 22473+2521 POU5749 179 12.9 70
Show 22535+2335 LDS5014 191 16.6 70
Show 22556+2402 POU5760 160 14.1 71
Show 22464+2336 POU5747 338 13.9 71
Show 22537+2330 TDT3770 297 0.8 76
Show 22554+2348 POU5759 228 4.5 77
Show 22567+2458 POU5762 72 10.9 77
Show 22557+2352 POU5761 71 8.8 77
Show 22570+2441 COU 542 Aa,Ab 121 0.1 79
Show 22570+2441 POU5764 AB 13 13.2 79
Show 22473+2340 KPP2448 148 21.5 80
Show 22458+2508 POU5746 142 9.7 80
Show 22551+2331 POU5758 233 19.5 86
Show 22450+2430 POU5745 323 8.1 87
Show 22537+2558 HDS3254 313 0.2 87
Show 22556+2545 LDS5019 199 12.9 89
Show 22569+2352 POU5763 249 7.5 91
Show 22444+2431 POU5743 125 11.3 95
Show 22570+2344 TDT3810 253 0.6 96
Show 22516+2302 PTF 18 35 1.9 97
Show 22580+2506 POU5766 223 3.5 97
Show 22441+2444 POU5742 262 10.8 98
Show 22583+2507 TDT3819 166 0.9 100
Show 22454+2336 LDS4994 138 18.5 102
Show 22438+2450 POU5740 179 14.5 103
Show 22445+2525 POU5744 112 7.9 104
Show 22579+2345 POU5765 105 19.3 105
Show 22514+2623 HO 482 AB 13 0.6 106
Show 22514+2623 ARN 22 AB,D 114 204.4 106
Show 22514+2623 HO 482 AB,C 197 50.0 106
Show 22436+2441 POU5737 297 14.0 106
Show 22578+2339 HDS3265 254 1.0 107
Show 22440+2358 POU5741 46 9.6 108
Show 22437+2411 POU5738 279 6.8 108
Show 22564+2316 PTF 20 336 0.9 109

WDS 22513+2438 : COMPONENTS
B pa=105.3°
22513+2438 A
Coord arcsec 2000 225116.35+243816.1 Mag 10.59 PmRA 3.00 PmDE -2.0
Tycho2 2225-01388-1
Tycho2 2225-01388-1 Pflag RAmdeg 342.81816158 DEmdeg 24.63777672
PmRA 2.6 PmDE -2.4 E RAmdeg 17 E DEmdeg 26
E pmRA 1.6 E pmDE 1.6 EpRAm 1989.06 EpDEm 1987.16
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.2 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 0.2
Q pmDE 1.0 BTmag 11.626 E BTmag 0.072 VTmag 9.988
E VTmag 0.030 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 342.81815556 DEdeg 24.63778583 EpRA 1990 1.81
EpDE 1990 1.58 E RAdeg 19.4 E DEdeg 28.7 Posflg
Corr -0.1
22513+2438 B
Coord arcsec 2000 225116.38+243816.0 Mag 10.71 PmRA 3.00 PmDE -2.0
Calc delta mag 0.12 Calc coord yes