21130-1133 RST 4077 AC

21h 13m 02.51s -11° 33' 05.8" P.A. 223.00 sep 2.0 mag 9.70,12.90 Sp G0
Coord 2000 21130-1133 Discov num RST4077 Comp AC Coord arcsec 2000 21 13 02.51 -11 33 05.8
Date first 1938 Date last 2021 Obs 8
Pa first 232 Pa last 223.2 P.A. Now (θ) 223.2°
Sep first 1.6 Sep last 1.965 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.965"
Mag pri 9.70 Mag sec 12.90 delta mag (ΔM) 3.2 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra +073 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +028 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show HD 201926 164222 21 13 03 -11 33 06 VOU 24 AB 2021 13 173 0.2 9.70 10.20 0.50 Y
Show 164222 21 13 03 -11 33 06 RST 4077 AC 2021 8 223 2.0 9.70 12.90 3.20 <===
Triple system
3 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Aquarius SAO 164222 Tycho2 5780-00244-1 Gaia DR2 6895050100822940416
HD 201926 DM BD-12 5935
WDS 21130-1133 RST 4077 AC : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Rst1933 T - Rossiter, R.A. 1933MmRAS..65...27R
Rst1933 MemRAS 65, 27, 1933
Rst1937 Ma - Rossiter, R.A. 1937MmRAS..65...51R
Rst1937 MemRAS 65, 51, 1937
Rst1943 Ma - Rossiter, R.A. 1943POMic...8..133R
Rst1943 Pub. Univ. Michigan Obs. 8, 133, 1943
Rst1944 - Rossiter, R.A. 1944POMic...9....1R
Rst1944 Pub. Univ. Michigan Obs. 9, 1, 1944
Rst1947 Ma - Rossiter, R.A. 1947POMic...9....7R
Rst1947 Pub. Univ. Michigan Obs. 9, 7, 1947
Rst1955 Ma j Rossiter, R.A. 1955POMic..11....1R
Rst1955 +P+ Pub. Univ. Michigan Obs. 11, 1, 1955
Rst1964 Ma - Rossiter, R.A. 1964POMic...9...73R
Rst1964 Pub. Univ. Michigan Obs. 9, 73, 1964
Vou1908 orb - Voute, J.G. 1908MNRAS..68..563V
Vou1908 MNRAS 68, 563, 1908
Vou1911 Ma - Voute, J.G. 1911AN....190....1V
Vou1911 AN 190, 1, 1911 (also published in Vou1922)
Vou1915 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1915CiUO...27..205V
Vou1915 Union Obs. Johannesburg Circ. 27, 205, 1915
Vou1918 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1918MNRAS..75..432V
Vou1918 +Pa MNRAS 75, 432, 1918
Vou1918 (most micrometrical measures are also in Vou1925a, all photographic measures are
Vou1918 also in Vou1925b)
Vou1918b Ma - Voute, J.G. 1918MNRAS..78..683V
Vou1918b +Pa MNRAS 78, 683, 1918 (measures are also in Vou1925a)
Vou1919 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1919AnLei..10B...1V
Vou1919 Ann. Leiden Obs. 10, Pt.2, 1919
Vou1922 Ma - Voute, J.G. 1922AnLei..102...1V
Vou1922 Ann. Leiden Obs. 10, Pt.2, 1922
Vou1924 orb - Voute, J.G. 1924BAN.....2..181V
Vou1924 BAN 2, 181, 1924
Vou1925a Ma j Voute, J.G. 1925AnBos...1....3V
Vou1925a Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 1, Pt.3, 1925 (most measures are also in Vou1918)
Vou1925b Pa - Voute, J.G. 1925AnBos...1....3V
Vou1925b +Po Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 1, Appendix, 1925 (all measures are also in Vou1918)
Vou1926 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1926AnBos...1....3V
Vou1926 +Po Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 1, Pt.2, 1926
Vou1927A Ma - Voute, J.G. 1927sdsc.book......
Vou1927A cited in SDS (Southern Double Star Catalog), 1927
Vou1932 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1932AnBos...6....3V
Vou1932 Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 6, Pt.1, A1, 1932
Vou1946 orb - Voute, J.G. .
Vou1946 Riverview Coll. Obs. Pub. 2, 43, 1946
Vou1947a Ma j Voute, J.G., Terkule, Strand, K., van den Bos, W., Wallenquist, A., van Dissel, 1947AnBos...6....3V
Vou1947a +Po Janssen, & Witlox
Vou1947a Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 6, Pt.3, C1, 1947
Vou1947b Ma j Voute, J.G. 1947AnBos...6....1V
Vou1947b Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 6, Pt.4, D1, 1947
Vou1951 Ma - Voute, J.G. 1951RA......2..319V
Vou1951 Vatican Obs. Richerche Astron. 2, 319, 1951
Vou1955 Ma j Voute, J.G. 1955JO.....38..109V
Vou1955 +Po J. Obs. 38, 109, 1955 (a few errata noted in Vou1956)
Vou1956 Ma - Voute, J.G. 1956JO.....39..116V
Vou1956 J. Obs. 39, 116, 1956
Vou9999 Ma j Voute, J.G. ...................
Vou9999 +Po Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21130-1133 RST4077 AC 1962 3 232 1.9 9.70 12.90 G0 211302.51-113305.8
21130-1133 RST4077 AC 2017 4 224 2.0 9.70 12.90 G0 211302.51-113305.8
21130-1133 RST4077 AC 2018 5 224 2.0 9.70 12.90 G0 211302.51-113305.8
21130-1133 RST4077 AC 2019 6 223 2.0 9.70 12.90 G0 211302.51-113305.8
21130-1133 RST4077 AC 2021 8 223 2.0 9.70 12.90 G0 211302.51-113305.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 21130-1133 RST 4077 AC : MEASURES
No records found.


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