23379+1824 DRS 31 Aa,Ab

23h 37m 56.77s +18° 24' 02.2" P.A. 169.00 sep 0.9 mag 5.42,11.35 Sp A1Vn dist. 71.38 pc (232.84 l.y.)
Coord 2000 23379+1824 Discov num DRS  31 Comp Aa,Ab Coord arcsec 2000 23 37 56.77 +18 24 02.2
Date first 2008 Date last 2017 Obs 5
Pa first 173 Pa last 168.7 P.A. Now (θ) 168.7°
Sep first 1.0 Sep last 0.941 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.941"
Mag pri 5.42 Mag sec 11.35 delta mag (ΔM) 5.93 Spectral class A1Vn (white)
Pri motion ra +049 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +017 Sec motion dec
Notes N K (See Notes, K-band or other infrared magnitudes)
Visually invisible, K-band or other infrared star : Summary line gives K-band or other infrared (>1 micron) magnitudes
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 108732 23 37 57 +18 24 02 DRS 31 Aa,Ab 2017 5 169 0.9 5.42 11.35 5.93 <===
Show 75 Peg 108732 23 37 57 +18 24 02 KUI 117 AB 2011 5 245 27.5 5.48 11.60 6.12
Triple system
2 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Var name KS Peg Constellation Pegasus SAO 108732 HIP 116611
Tycho2 1723-02166-1 Gaia DR2 2821368419085908352 HD 222133 HR 8963
GC 32842 BD BD+17 4952 Flamsteed 75 Pegasi Flamsteed name 75 Peg
FK5 3896 Distance 71.38 Distance ly 232.84
WDS 23379+1824 DRS 31 Aa,Ab : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
KUI 117 75 Peg. A is a spectroscopic binary.
refcode metd author reference
DRs2011 A j De Rosa, R.J., Bulger, J., Patience, J., Leland, B., Macintosh, B., Schnieder, A., 2011MNRAS.415..854D
DRs2011 Song, I., Marois, C. et al.
DRs2011 MNRAS 415, 854, 2011 (Note: position angle ambiguous for AEOS data)
DRs2012 A j De Rosa, R.J., Patience, J., Vigan, A., Wilson, P.A., Schnieder, A., 2012MNRAS.422.2765D
DRs2012 McConnell, N.J., Wiktorowicz, S.J., Marois, C., Song, I., Macintosh, B.,
DRs2012 Graham, J.R., Bessell, M.S., Doyon, R., & Lai, O.
DRs2012 MNRAS 422, 2765, 2012
DRs2012 (includes re-reduction of some data originally published in DRs2011) 2011MNRAS.415..854D
DRs2014a A j De Rosa, R.J., Patience, J., Wilson, P. A., Schneider, A., Wiktorowicz, S. J., 2014MNRAS.437.1216D
DRs2014a +E2 Vigan, A., Marois, C., Song, I., Macintosh, B., Graham, J. R., et al.
DRs2014a MNRAS 437, 1216, 2014
DRs2014a (Note: Paper includes data from multiple telescopes/filters. Telescope/filter for
DRs2014a given date estimated when possible from other papers by authors; otherwise
DRs2014a approximate filter information and mean telescope aperture of 5m listed.)
DRs2014b A j De Rosa, R.J., Patience, J., Ward-Duong, K., Vigan, A., Marois, C., Song, I., 2014MNRAS.445.3694D
DRs2014b Macintosh, B., Graham, J.R., Doyon, R., Bessell, M.S., et al.
DRs2014b MNRAS 445, 3694, 2014
DRs2019 A j De Rosa, R.J., Nielsen, E.L., Rameau, J., Duchene, G., Greenbaum, A.Z., Wang, J.J., 2019AJ....158..226D
DRs2019 Ammons, S.M., Bailey, V.P., Barman, T., Bulger, J., Chilcote, J., Cotten, T.,
DRs2019 Doyon, R., Esposito, T.M., Fitzgerald, M.P., Follette, K.B., Gerard, B.L.,
DRs2019 Goodsell, S.J., Graham, J.R., Hibon, P., Horn, J., Hung, L.-W., Ingraham, P.,
DRs2019 Kalas, P., Konopacky, Q., Larkin, J.E., Macintosh, B., Maire, J., Marchis, F.,
DRs2019 Marley, M.S., Marois, C., Metchev, S., Millar-Blanchaer, M.A., Oppenheimer, R.,
DRs2019 Palmer, D., Patience, J., Perrin, M., Poyneer, L., Pueyo, L., Rajan, A., Rantakyro,
DRs2019 F.T., Ren, B., Ruffio, J.-B., Savransky, D., Schneider, A.C., Sivaramakrishnan, A.,
DRs2019 Song, I., Soummer, R., Tallis, M., Thomas, S., Wallace, J.K., Ward-Duong, K.,
DRs2019 Wiktorowicz, S. & Wolff, S.
DRs2019 AJ 158, 226, 2019
DRs2019 MNRAS 445, 3694, 2014
Kui1929 Pa - Kuiper, G.P., Schilt, van den Bos, W., and van Gent 1929BAN.....5...49K
Kui1929 +Po BAN 5, 49, 1929
Kui1930 orb - Kuiper, G.P. 1930BAN.....5..231K
Kui1930 BAN 5, 231, 1930
Kui1933 Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1933BAN.....7..129K
Kui1933 BAN 7, 129, 1933
Kui1934a Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1934PASP...46..188K
Kui1934a PASP 46, 188, 1934
Kui1934b Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1934PASP...46..285K
Kui1934b PASP 46, 285, 1934
Kui1934c Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1934PASP...46..286K
Kui1934c PASP 46, 286, 1934
Kui1934d Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1934PASP...46..359K
Kui1934d PASP 46, 359, 1934
Kui1934e Ma j Kuiper, G.P. 1934PASP...46..360K
Kui1934e PASP 46, 360, 1934
Kui1934f Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1934PASP...46..361K
Kui1934f PASP 46, 361, 1934
Kui1935a Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1935PASP...47..230K
Kui1935a PASP 47, 230, 1935
Kui1935b Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1935PASP...47..267K
Kui1935b PASP 47, 267, 1935
Kui1935c Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1935PASP...47..279K
Kui1935c PASP 47, 279, 1935
Kui1935d Z - Kuiper, G.P. 1935PASP...47...15K
Kui1935d PASP 47, 15, 1935
Kui1935d (no dates given for measures; default date = decade of publication added.)
Kui1935e - Kuiper, G.P. 1935PASP...47..121K
Kui1935e PASP 47, 121, 1935
Kui1936a Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1936ApJ....84..359K
Kui1936a ApJ 84, 359, 1936
Kui1936b Ma j Kuiper, G.P. 1936PASP...48...19K
Kui1936b PASP 48, 19, 1936
Kui1936c Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1936PASP...48..221K
Kui1936c PASP 48, 221, 1936
Kui1936d Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1936ApJ....84..478K
Kui1936d ApJ 84, 478, 1936
Kui1937a Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1937ApJ....85..255K
Kui1937a ApJ 85, 255, 1937
Kui1937b orb - Kuiper, G.P. 1937ApJ....86..166K
Kui1937b ApJ 86, 166, 1937
Kui1937c Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1937PASP...49..340K
Kui1937c PASP 49, 340, 1937
Kui1938 Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1938HarAC.450....0K
Kui1938 Harvard Announcement Card #450, 1938
Kui1939 Po - Kuiper, G.P. 1939ApJ....89..548K
Kui1939 ApJ 89, 548, 1939
Kui1940 Po - Kuiper, G.P. 1940ApJ....91..269K
Kui1940 ApJ 91, 269, 1940
Kui1942 Pa - Kuiper, G.P. 1942ApJ....96..315K
Kui1942 ApJ 96, 315, 1942
Kui1943 Mb - Kuiper, G.P. 1943ApJ....97..275K
Kui1943 ApJ 97, 275, 1943
Kui1948 Mb - Kuiper, G.P. 1948ApJ...108..542K
Kui1948 ApJ 108, 542, 1948
Kui1950 Xg - Kuiper, G.P. 1950JO.....33....1K
Kui1950 J. Obs. 33, 1, 1950
Kui1950 (Visual estimates from objective gratings used with several refractors, as cited
Kui1950 by P. Baize. No dates given for measures; default = decade of publication added.)
Kui1961a Ma - Kuiper, G.P. 1961JO.....35...36K
Kui1961a J. Obs. 35, 36, 1961
Kui1961b Ma j Kuiper, G.P. 1961ApJS....6....1K
Kui1961b ApJS 6, 1, 1961
Kui9999 - Kuiper, G.P. ...................
Kui9999 Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23379+1824 DRS 31 Aa,Ab 2010 2 172 0.9 5.42 11.35 A1Vn N DK 233756.77+182402.2
23379+1824 DRS 31 Aa,Ab 2017 5 169 0.9 5.42 11.35 A1Vn N K 233756.77+182402.2

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WDS 23379+1824 DRS 31 Aa,Ab : MEASURES
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