WDS 21115+2144 COU 227 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
FMR2012b orb - Rica Romero, F.M. & Zirm, H. 2012IAUDS.176....1R
FMR2012b Inf. Circ. 176, 1, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 COU Couteau, P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21115+2144 COU 227 1991 8 77 0.5 10.05 11.77 K2 O 211128.93+214401.0
21115+2144 COU 227 2007 9 106 0.5 10.05 11.77 K2 O 211128.93+214401.0
21115+2144 COU 227 2010 11 113 0.5 10.05 11.77 K2 O 211128.93+214401.0
21115+2144 COU 227 2012 17 116 0.5 10.05 11.77 K2 O 211128.93+214401.0
21115+2144 COU 227 2014 23 122 0.5 10.05 11.77 K2 O 211128.93+214401.0

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