WDS 20584+1050 BUP 220 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ENG 78 A is 18 Del = Musica, B is BD+10@4426. BD measures from Burnham, Bu_1913
WFC, Sturdy, and 2MASS were earlier WFC1998
erroneously labelled as being of the Stu1994
BC pair TMA2003
CHARA Array Limb-darkened diameter 1.111 +/- 0.028 mas. CIA2009a
R = 9.00 +/- 0.31 \rsun, L = 47.6 +/- 1.8 \lsun,
Teff = 5054 +/- 81 K.
MUG 16 AE: Spectral type of comoving E comp estimated M4-5, mass 0.19 Msun. Mug2014
refcode metd author reference
Bu_1913 Ma j Burnham, S.W. 1913QB811.B8.......
Bu_1913 +Pa Carnegie Inst. Wash. #168, 1913
Bu_1913 +T
CIA2009a not j Baines, E.K., McAlister, H.A., ten Brummelaar, T.A., Sturmann, J., Sturmann, L., 2009ApJ...701..154B
CIA2009a Turner, N.H. & Ridgway, S.T. .
CIA2009a ApJ 701, 154, 2009 .
Mug2014 A j Mugrauer, M., Ginski, C., & Seeliger, M. 2014MNRAS.439.1063M
Mug2014 +Ci MNRAS 439, 1063, 2014
Mug2014 +E+
Stu1994 Mb - Sturdy, K. ...................
Stu1994 Webb Soc., Double Star Circ. 6, 1994
TMA2003 E2 j 2MASS Catalog .
TMA2003 2MASS Point Src Cat., 2003 all-sky release (http://pegasus.phast.umass.edu/)
TMA2003 (Note: 2MASS photometry also added by cataloguer to 2MASS astrometry published
TMA2003 under other references.)
TMA2003 Thurgood Marshall High School
WFC1998 Pa j Urban, S.E., Corbin, T.E., Wycoff, G.L., Martin, J.C., Jackson, E.S., 1998AJ....115.1212U
WFC1998 Zacharias, M.I., & Hall, D.M.
WFC1998 AJ 115, 1212, 1998 (Astrographic Cat. 2000)
idgroup discov author
1 BUP Burnham proper motion stars (see Burnham, Carnegie Inst. Wash. #168, 1913)
1 ENG changed from EN to ENG and that for Engelhardt from ENG to ENH. This has led to
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20584+1050 BUP 220 AC 2000 3 337 129.4 5.61 11.00 G6III: D 205825.93+105021.4
20584+1050 BUP 220 AC 2015 5 338 129.3 5.61 12.77 G6III: N 205825.93+105021.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.