WDS 19372+2920 HJ 1423 AB (HD 185268) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 1423 The Wilson Aa,Ab, AE, AF, and AG components of 19448+2916 were
previously assigned to this system, but this was a position error on
Wilson's part, leading to the the pairs not being confirmed for many WRH1950a
years. The wider components of Wilson were moved, but retained their
historical component identifiers. The closer Aa,Ab pair had been
independently discovered by Ismailov, so retained its ISM 4Aa,Ab
designation. The problem was noted by Cliff Ashcraft and the correct
system found by James Daley.
FYM 97 A star at ~80deg, 1' from the primary has been inadvertently measured
under the assumption it was Wilson's AG pair, so has been given the FyM2013c
designation FYM 97AG.
refcode metd author reference
FyM2013c C j Fay, M. .
FyM2013c Il Bollettino Delle Stelle Doppie 6, 40, 2013
WRH1950a J j Wilson, R.H. 1950AJ.....55..153W
WRH1950a +Ma AJ 55, 153, 1950
WRH1950a (U and T coded observations per van den Bos, J Obs 34, 85, 1951) 1951JO.....34...85V
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
50 SLE Soulie, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19372+2920 HJ 1423 AB 2006 7 127 20.5 6.45 11.00 B5V D 193709.61+292001.3
19372+2920 HJ 1423 AB 2012 10 127 20.5 6.45 11.00 B5V D 193709.61+292001.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.