WDS 19317+3348 GYL 17 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Gyl1958 Pa j Goyal, A.N. 1958AJ.....63..147G
Gyl1958 AJ 63, 147, 1958
Gyl1962 Pa j Goyal, A.N. 1962MNRAS.123..413G
Gyl1962 MNRAS 123, 413, 1962
Gyl1964 Pa j Goyal, A.N. 1964MNRAS.127..215G
Gyl1964 MNRAS 127, 215, 1964
Gyl1966 Pa j Goyal, A.N. 1966MNRAS.133...15G
Gyl1966 MNRAS 133, 15, 1966
Gyl1968 Pa j Goyal, A.N. 1968AJ.....73..366G
Gyl1968 AJ 73, 366, 1968
Gyl1970 Pa j Goyal, A.N. 1970MNRAS.150..235G
Gyl1970 MNRAS 150, 235, 1970
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19317+3348 GYL 17 2006 9 230 22.9 8.52 11.00 A5 D 193144.55+334801.2
19317+3348 GYL 17 2010 11 230 22.4 8.52 11.00 A5 193144.55+334801.2
19317+3348 GYL 17 2015 12 230 22.6 8.52 11.00 A5 193144.55+334801.2

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